Page 9 of corbandkel Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Czech Republic » Plzen Region » Plzen September 9th 2006

So we made it to the holy grail: Plzen, the home of the Pilsener style of beer and of Pilsner Urquell, arguably the worlds most famous. The town itself is quite small, and centres around a large square dominated by the Cathedral of St Bartholemew. Its quite a small church but its tower is one of the tallest in Bohemia and so we had to climb it. The views were great, and in the not so distant distance we could see the Pilsner Urquell brewery. Spent the next day or so checking out the town: the underground tunnels where private pubs were located and beer chilled, the brewery museum where we learnt everything we didnt need to know about the history of Corbs favourite beverage and in particular Pilsner Urquell, and the worlds third largest synagogue ... read more

Today after farwelling Kirst and Camilla, we caught the train out to Kutna Hora, about 1 hour from Prague. First stop was the Ossary (Bone Church) at Sedlec. After the crypt in Brno we were prepared to be creeped out, but having seen pics on the net and the place being packed with tour groups it kind of felt a bit more circus than sacred. Took the obligatory pics, including one where a skull is getting its eye picked out by a bird and were on our way. The walk into town wasn't especially exciting, the outskirts are a little bit dreary with funny pokie (as in gambling) bars along the roadside. Once we'd hit the main square things started to pretty up and by the end of the day I think I could go as ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague September 5th 2006

Well it's not the only place that we'd like to revisit but it's definitely high on the list, only next time we'll come in Winter when it's a little quieter and covered in Snow. Prague is wonderful! We met Kirsten and Camilla soon after we arrived and shortly set off for some beer. That was night one. Our first day was bright and sunny, and after morning coffee on the square and a brief stop to watch death chime the hour it was off to the Charles Bridge, the icon of the city. Well, it's beautiful. The big gate at the old town end is majestic and towering and the 12 statues which line the sides transport you back in time almost, pity its overrun with package tourists ( in the evening it's much quieter and ... read more

Europe » Czech Republic » South Moravian Region » Brno September 2nd 2006

Well thankfully as we awoke on our final morning in Vienna the clouds cleared and it was all sunshine. So it was a pleasantly short and sunny train ride through the fields into the Czech Republic and our first stop, Brno. We were staying at a tiny little pension on the Western Side of town, in a renovated part of the Augustine Abbey attached to the Cathedral of the Assumption of our Lady. Our room was an "apartment" so we got ourselves a three-roomed affair: a big bedroom, little living room and a bathroom, where the toilet was in its own room (wahey!). It was plush. And little more than the dorm in Vienna had cost us, sweet. Our first stop was the Mendel Musuem. Gregor Mendel was the old monk who liked peas and bees, ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna August 31st 2006

So we have made it to Austria! Git ti say, despite my German being terrible its pretty exciting to be here. Our hostel is AWESOME (Wombats), super clean and the best comfy beds and hot showers and not too bad folks, though theyre all Aussies. We have wandered our way round the Innere Stadt, the Hofburg was pretty huge and very impressive. I would love to be able to have seen it back in the day when they had balls and arrived in the horse drawn carriages we see everywhere. The Kunsthistorichesmuseum was our museum of choice and it did not dissapoint - lots of painting, an awesome scultpure exhibit and a very impressive Egyptian section which got me all excited and made me wish that I was going to Egypt in January like Tash and ... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled August 28th 2006

Today we caught the bus up to Bled, a tourist oriented village on the shores of a pretty little lake of the same name. The landscape is absolutely stunning: lush green forests all around, a lake of clear blue water, a castle-topped cliff rising dramatically above the town and a church on an island in the midst of it all. We spent a couple of hours wandering round the lake, chatting with ducks and soaking in the sub-alpine splendour. We'd picked up a few ingredients back in town and so had ourselves a picnic on the lake edge, watching the locals and their puppies strutting their way along in the sunshine. After lunch we made the steep climb up through the trees to the castle. It was unfortunately a little on the pricey side, but the ... read more

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 27th 2006

So it turns out that Ljubljana is perhaps even prettier than Zagreb. It doesnt quite have the same charm, due to the over abundance of tourists in a smaller area, but it is nevertheless still pretty charming. The castle is a wee hike up the hill but the views are neat. Lucky for us the fog had cleared and we could see the mountains all around as well as all the red rooves of the town below. Corb spat off the side, tsk tsk. The buildings around town are beautiful and there are churches of all different colours and shapes. Even the bridges are exciting, with Dragon Bridge obviously being the best; everyone knows that Dragons Rule! On the weekend there were all sorts of music and live drama type things going on in the central ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Central Croatia » Zagreb August 25th 2006

1. The Architecture: the buildings are ornate, grandiose and beautiful. The parks are green and fountain-filled. The squares are open and the al fresco dining irrestible! 2. The food: The fruit and vegies and fresh, juicy and delicious. The meat and cheese are unmissable. The hot chocolate and beer at Tolkein's are the best. There's lots of pizza. And did I mention cheap? (compared to NZ) 3. The people: Beautiful and oh so friendly. The dogs are also fantastic (especially the big, big, fluffy one). And don't have guns (see the stone arch for details). In Conclusion: Zagreb is wonderful, can't wait til we come back and explore the rest of te country. We 'heart' Croatia!... read more

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade August 22nd 2006

Arriving in Belgrade it was a lovely sunny Tuesday morning, and after our mission to get there we were feeling positive. We got ourselves a room, some cash and had a much needed shower and we were off. The main centre of town is a long, cobbled pedestrian area lined with shops and fountains and with cafes and bars spilling out underneath colourful umbrellas. There are beautiful people everywhere and in the morning it smells of coffee, fresh bread and perfume. At the end of the walk is a huge, tree covered park in the remains of an old fort. From the ramparts you can look across the city and to the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers, its a great view. With the sun shining down and everyone out enjoying the summer its a ... read more

Europe » Bulgaria » Sofia City » Sofia August 21st 2006

So the train was pretty sweet, we had our own little room and everything. The border guards rudely awakened us in the night to sign out of Turkey and into Bulgaria but otherwise it was pretty mellow and we slept alright. The countryside as we drove through was prety cool - lots of wildflowers and burnt out old communist bloc style bunkers and buildings, nuts. We arrived in Sofia around 1pm and unloaded a bunch of our passengers. We were just chilling in the carriage waiting to zoom off again when our friend from the next room, Samir from Serbia, poked his head round the corner and asked if we wanted to cry now or later. Turns out the engine forgot us. Our little carriage, with 6 passengers, was stuck in Sofia. And the next engine ... read more

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