Matthew Schneider


Matthew Schneider

I've had the travel bug since my grandparents took me across country to the east coast when I was twelve yrs old. I've been in 29 of the 31 states in Mexico, 34 of the United States, and three Canadian provinces. This summer I was the nurse for a cannery on Kodiak Island and had a chance to live in the Filipino bunkhouse. I try a nd take advantage of cultural opportunities when they present themselves. Photography is a big part of my life, as taking pictures not only allows ke to capture experiences, but also allows me to feel creative. Am leaving 11/02/11 for Thailand and will be taking a side trip into Cambodia to visit the splendor of Angkor Wat. In addition, it's my intention to enter India and visit the Bodhi Tree~

North America » United States » Washington » Olympia February 6th 2013

Into the Wild~ 02/05/13Day One:This crazy idea to walk across the country is another choice I've made in my life that will certainly bring me more colorful experiences. My destination is New Jersey. Because I've never been there, and, well, why not?Recently I had planned to leave out of th Las Vegas area, as the climate is certainly more salubrious, much less conducive to hiking weather. Alas, either heading southeast or northeast out of Vegas, the towns are very spread apart, requiring me to carry at least twn days worth of food. As I've chosen to forgo the weight and space of a stove, I am relying on a dried food diet. Ergo, the thought of packing that much food at a time seemed unwise. As such, I decided to leave out of Portland, following the ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Sisters August 24th 2012

Day 12 was spent in Sisters, did laundry, recharged ipad, and ate non-dehyradted food! Found place to camp a mile outside of town. Day13 started out on HWY 242, stopped at Coldwater Spring CG, could not find trailhead. Kept walking until saw sign for Scott Pass TH. Took that road and basically hiked 9 miles uphill until I could no more. Am way out in wilderness, maybe more isolated geographically than ever. Hoping road leads me to instersect trail real soon. Day 14 Left camp and continued on fire trail road. Unfortunately the road led me back to HWY 242 to Sisters, so ended up looping back. Beautiful views of the three sisters mountain range. Day 15 a friend in town gave me a lift up to Santiam Pass, where I picked up the trail and ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Sisters August 19th 2012

Day 12 was spent in Sisters, did laundry, recharged ipad, and ate non-dehyradted food! Found place to camp a mile outside of town.Day13 started out on HWY 242, stopped at Coldwater Spring CG, could not find trailhead. Kept walking until saw sign for Scott Pass TH. Took that road and basically hiked 8 miles uphill until I could no more. Am way out in wilderness, maybe more isolated geographically than ever. Hoping road leads me to instersect trail real soon.Day 14 this road I'd been on since noonish yesterday led me back to spent two days and about 20 miles of wasted effort attemptong to locate trailhead. has reminded me of the frustrations often found in travel. one of the many things about travelling i like is the necessity often found to figure oneself out ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Sisters August 17th 2012

Day 8 this morning's reading's theme was 'abandon hope'. The belief behind such an idea is that only by giving up expectations, i.e., hope that we're, it, they're, will be better eventually can we not only become comfortable with the idea of groundlessness, but begin the begin of seeing and accepting where we're at at this moment.A mile into today's hike I heard a huge crashing, tumbling through the branches type of sound and saw a black blur cross the trail and scamper up the hill to my right. That's right, a black bear. About 40 yards in front of me. I thght, "cool, a bear", look how fearless I am!" a few moments later I realized that if said bear was stopped, growling and acting threateningly, I can be sure that "cool a bear!" would ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Mount Hood August 12th 2012

Day 6 August 11, Timberline, ORArrived at PCT at Government Camp late afternoon. Hiked until I had just enough light to set up camp. Mt Hood is remarkably lovely,and very different from Mt Rainier. Hardly any snow, so mtn looks naked in its geologic-ness.The trail is very sandy, like what you would want on the beach. Pretty lupine flowers lined the trail, a pair of deer bounded off 25 yards away. The sun setting cloaks the Mt Hood National Forest in soft, pastelly hues of sunset.Pleaides showers! The celestial madness at 6,400 feet is phenomenal. Six shooting stars before I lost count! Day 7Left camp before 8. Just crossed HWY 26, so 10 miles so far today. Am in Mt Hood National Forest. Must be equestrian day, have seen ten horses so far. Gorgeous weather.... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Olympia August 9th 2012

Pacific Crest Trail Day 1The hike began from Cascade Locks, Or, on the Columbia river. Got a later than anticipated start after 1pm and entered the wild. The creeping horror of the weight of my backpack became evident wthin the first two miles. The trail, in the forest, began with a gradual incline with the occasional descent, followed by a greater ascent. Called it a day at about five miles when I came upon a camping spot. Watched the wun set over the Columbia. Just the wind in the tree and me.Day 2 Began @7:30. The forest was filled with Western Hemlock, fir, and the occasional Western Red Cedar. Much of the first couple of miles the trail was bordered on both sides by fern and underscrub. Weather was perfect, sunny high 60's at 3,500 ft. ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Olympia July 29th 2012

As I am leaving from Cascade Locks this Thursday, this will serve as my final pre-trip entry. Have been 'training' the last two weeks, and have logged 40 miles the last four days. Turns out I've dropped six pounds in the interim, which is nice, and definitely a harbringer of things to come. Among the various errands and logistical planning, I've used a data book I have on Kindle to plot daily mileage and plans; so far I have the first 80 days mapped out: PCT ITINERARY Day 1 Cascade Locks to Walthum Lake/Eagle Creek (15.2miles)Day 2 Walthum Lake to 'Creek' (15.4)Day 3 'Creek' to Zigzag river (15.2)Day 4 Zigzag river to Timberline lodge (RESUPPLY) Day 5 Timberline lodge to Crater Creek (17.5)Day 6 Crater Creek to Warm Springs river (13.3)Day 7 Warm Springs River to ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Olympia July 25th 2012

Well, I spoke to the mountain, I listened to the sea, they both told me the mountain was the best that you can be~ Perry Farrell I feel like if this blog is going to be anything more than updates on the hike and (forthcoming pics), it should indubitably reflect the inner journey that has commenced. As such, I must admit to some (healthy) nervousness. This anxiety is more about the mundane aspects of the upcoming journey than perhaps more obvious ones, such as the proximity of bear and cougar, or drowning while crossing a snow-melted river. Rather, it's more about manifesting the intangibles such as perseverance, patience, grit and stamina. I feel like it's a realistic fear, as I don't have pollyanna-like thughts about this trip the scenery and groundedness of such proximity to the ... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Olympia July 20th 2012

The Spanish word 'sendereando', for hiking, is compact and pretty (sendero is path), but the wisest phrase for this activity is the Latin solvitur ambulando ("it is solved by walking), attributed to Saint Augustine. Walking to ease the,ind is also an objective of the pilgrim. There is a spiritual dimension too: the walk itself is part of a process of purification. Walking is the age-old form of travel, the most fundamental, perhaps the most revealing. Paul Theroux... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Olympia July 19th 2012

Hello everyone, I've been wanting to add a new entry to this pre-trip blog, but have been patiently (as o menos) waiting for that muse to make her random and oh so unpredictable appearance. As I am wont to feel and believe, the only thing permanent is change; as such, there are a couple salient details to update you on. My experience with hiking is limited to a number of dayhikes, and the tallest 'mountain' I've summited is Mt Eleanor at approx 6,000ft. As such, both with requisite humility born of multiple errors and a realistic perspective, I've been adjusting my trip to fit what I'm hoping is a doable itinerary. With my previous global travels, I've taken much joy in pre-trip planning. Having always loved maps, it's fun to look, plot, imagine and wonder what ... read more

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