Page 5 of beetboxer Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi June 8th 2010

GOLLY! We have arrived safely and soundly in the cosmopolitan but (partially) crumbling capital of India. It was a 50 hour sweaty train ride crossing much of the country, and even taking a route that went from where we were on the west coast, to the east coast and then up towards the north, closer to the west. Brian and I did not get to ride in the same berth as we had waitlisted tickets. I sat across from a girl younger than me pursuing her masters degree in genetics travelling to Delhi for school with her family. Brian was with a group of young men training up for a few day vacation in the capital. Both parties were happy to skootch over so we could hang out. The Commonwealth games are happening here in a ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 28th 2010

Our month at ENS Kalari is finished tonight. The last thing we have to do is perform all what we learned in our month here to our Gurukkal and then we will (should) receive our certificates of achievement. There is not much new to report really. We have a 36 hour train ride starting tomorrow, and are looking forward to eating something that isn't the same curry from the same local restaurant for the last month. Today we said thanks and goodbye to all of our instructors and classmates and made videos of our training routine to take home so we can practice in the future. More importantly we have pictures of us training and of lots of weapons. That's what everyone really wants anyways, the posts we put up with lots of pictures get way ... read more
us with santosh and ramesh
sword fight!
sword fight 2

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 24th 2010

Greetings from the sweltering south! We have only 4 more days of training here in quaint Nettoor before we hit the road again and once more we will able to sleep in past 5:30a.m. !!! As a nice treat we were invited to a traditional Keralan lunch for a housewarming party. The party was thrown by our Guru's cousin and there were hundreds of guests. It was an open house but we decided not to tour through as we were feeling a little shy being the only foreigners and being stared at by everybody. The meal was the most traditional and delicious we have had in Kerala. It was served on an open banana leaf and dozens of servers were hurrying back and forth with several kinds of vegetarian delights scooping them out onto everyone's leaves ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 21st 2010

... well almost monsoon. The locals are still calling it a pre-monsoon. It is raining most days and some nights which is an awesome break from the heat. Sleeping is much less problematic and many nights we don't even need our fan to keep us cool. The down side is that our cloths that we hang out to dry never truly dry and things are in general damp but i will take damp over sweltering. The rains come in hard and fast and do not last too long but are frequent and the fact that this isn't considered monsoon to the locals is sort of hard to believe. By the time monsoon will be in full swing, mid-june in this area, we will far away in the mountains of Kashmir and Ladakh. The himalayan range creates ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 14th 2010

Our day to day is pretty rigid an uneventful here in Nettoor. There is the intensive training but most days are rather dull. This is a sleepy village and the only cool place is this internet cafe which daily and nightly attracts throngs of bored locals teens, desparate for something stimulating tp happen. This time is giving us a chance to reflect on much; our trip thus far, loved ones back home, what we want for our direct and distant futures, and different ways we could possibly avoid the oppressive heat. One aspect of our experience that doesn't get conveyed back home is the cast of funny characters we meet in passing for short to medium periods of time and colour the backdrop of our days. I decided to write about a few of them for ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 8th 2010

One of the main things Jenna and i planned for our trip was to spend one month at a school in Kerala training in Kalarippayat. We didn't know much about the art or the people who teach it just what we saw on a television show and read on the internet. We heard positive feedback from many sources on ENS Kalari in Kochi so now we are here. Kalari is believed the predecessor to all eastern martial arts and was spread by buddhist monks from southern india to all areas of asia. After 1000 years of it being in different regions the art evolved with its new home; i.e. kung fu in china, silat in malaysia, etc. We are training under the watchful of a Kalari guru who has accepted us (and our course fees) as ... read more
front view of the kalari
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Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi May 3rd 2010

After the heat in Karnataka and still having some extra time we decided to head to the Nilgiri Mountains range in Tamil Nadu to soak up some chilly nights. Unfortuneatly, I started getting sick in Mysore and promptly became very sick in Ooty, having eaten all the same things as Brian and him being fine. I was on pretty strong antibiotics shortyly before we came here and my symptoms seemed to mirror intestinal infections that follow a little while after those antibiotics. Food poisoning generally doesn't start with two days of fevers and achiness. We visited a doctor who prescribed me more antibiotics, probiotics, some weird digestive pills called 'Happi - D' and was generally very friendly. It was very professional and unprofessional all at the same time. I got better in a few days and ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Mysore April 19th 2010

The funny part about planning a route through unfamiliar territory is that you really don't understand it at all. Jenna and I plan our travel route about a 2 weeks to a week in advance and have a reliable travel guide but sometimes we find that we makes plans to go between cities and areas where there isn't established transit. On a map we eyed out a pleasent coastal route to 2 of the major spots we wanted to visit, Ooty, and Ernakulam. When we went to book train and bus tickets we realized that there was no way to go the route we envisioned. Even though there are train tracks and highways on a map there just wasn't a way to connect the dots. We ended up having to turn inland... WAY inland to the ... read more
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Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi April 15th 2010

This is out of order from our posts but i am fitting it in anyway. Between our last stint in Goa and our chill out time in Gokarna we traveled by train inland to the central plains of Karnataka to visit Hampi; the ancient, deserted, giant-boulder ridden capital of many empires long past. From what everyone had told us, the theme of Hampi is desolation. There is a several square km area that is walled in on all sides and filled with temples, government facilities and elephant stables. The remains of the ruins range from mostly restored to crumbling wrecks but are all unique and worth a look. We were excited for the opportunity bask in some history after being beach bums for a while. What we didn't realize is that there were 2 festivals simultaneously ... read more
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Asia » India » Karnataka » Gokarna April 7th 2010

Gokarna is a very holy town. More temples and sacred spots than convenience stores and cows. The area here is a large peninsula with a narrow causeway to the mainland. It is a pilgrimage site for hindus all year round with hundreds and thousands visiting each day, depending on how auspicious the occasion. Just southwest of the small town is a walking trail that leads to a forested playground of beaches separated by large cliffs jutting out to the ocean. The trail is 10km long and scales cliffs up and down passing all the beaches along the way. You really have to try to get here. You CAN take a taxi to nearby one beach but the others are only accessible by hiking with all your gear. This area is somewhat world renound but not for ... read more
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Photo 5

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