Westernred's Guestbook

26th April 2010

Dawn Service
Hi Chloe, how wonderful it must have been to be able to celebrate ANZAC Day with fellow aussies, in true Aussie style. It is indeed lucky that you had read your guide book... and good that the guys conceded you were right and gave directions to where you wanted to go.... they could have just left you were you where without directions. I wish I had been there to witness you in full flight telling them they were liars!!! We all went to the Dawn Service in Corrigin. It was lovely .... short but dignified and then at the end there was a lovely touch.... school kids served Anzac biscuits to everyone. I am glad you met up with past 'friends', it must be nice to see a familiar face. I think these things are meant to be. Am glad you are spending a few extra days in Hanoi.... it's lovely that you can do so, that you are not so 'organised' that you can make such spontaneous decisions. Why are you thinking of going to China instead of Laos at this point? Wherever you go, enjoy and be safe! All my love, Mum.
From Blog: ANZAC Day
26th April 2010

happy resting
Hey Chloe, so nice to hear of your beaut accomodation. Some real character building moments happening for you. So glad to see you bing assertive and that it paid off in the form of great accomdation. Small world over there bumping into friends. Enjoying hearing of your travels. have a great few days in Hanoi. Look forward to hearing of your travels. We went to the dawn service at Dawesville for ANZAC day. Beautiful. The student councillors laid a wreath and Steve read a nice passage. The sunrise was through a smoke haze as CALM had been doing controlled burns and the winds had not moved it. So the sun was bright orange till it lifted out of the smoke . Symbolic and moving.Happy travels. Esther
From Blog: ANZAC Day
22nd April 2010

Hi Chloe, it is lovely to have contact again with you. What a shame it was a bit disappointing in K..... never mind, most of your adventures have been wonderful experiences. I guess one or two not so good help you appreciate the others. The photos are excellent. I love the one with the child and father under the umbrella.... so poetic. Love you my darling! Mum
From Blog: Kratie
22nd April 2010

Hi to Esther
Hi Esther, I was so happy to read your comments. It's lovely of you to check out my blog. It always makes my day when I know someone is actually reading what I write. How were your holidays? Did you go away or just relax at home? I just picked up my Vietnamese visa today and so I will be off to Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday morning. I am excited about continuing with my adventure. Thanks again for your comments. It really is wonderful to hear from home. Tell everyone at school I say hello. Much love, Chloe
From Blog: Kratie
22nd April 2010

check out the power lines
Hi Chloe, we are a little spoilt for dolphin spotting in Oz. I was amazed at the power lines over the top of the markets. It looks organised chaos. Hope you are having a great trip and you are in our prayers. Hugs from Es
From Blog: Kratie
20th April 2010

Great to hear of your travels
Hello Chloe, We missed you first day back term 2. Steve shared your lovely card with us all and I was excited to hear you have a blog going.Sounds like you are having a great time. Bus rides sound interesting. What great moments. Will check in again soon. Luv and hugs Esther
16th April 2010

got your postcard!!!!
Hi Chloe, glad that things are continuing to go well for you. You seem to be meeting up with some nice people to travel with , which must be nicer than going it completely alone! Tony and I have just returned today from 5 nights at Lucieville. It was really nice being in our chalet with the rain coming down, sitting by the fire reading etc. ...so relaxing. back to work on Monday for a long 11 week term!! I always enjoy reading your comments. Thanks for the postcard. Love, Marian
16th April 2010

Where have all your blogs gone?
Hi What has happended to your earlier blogs and comments? They seem to have disappeared into cyber space. Anyway just a quick note, I concur with Brenda, who are Steffen, Emma, Diana and Mike? You chat about them like old friends, but I can't remember you talking about them before. I'm sorry but I need more info, detailed resume's, how long are they in asia, ie any possible travel buddies for me? Ha ha I know its all about me! Ok so off to see Vegemite this weekend, I am actually really excited I miss that furry pooch! much luv lisa xx
13th April 2010

All over the place!
Hi Chloe,it was wonderful to get your recent blogs. You have been all over Cambodia it seems to your very interested readers! I so love hearing what you are doing. Siem Reap sounds delightful. One day, I would like to visit it. I hope you are keeping notes on names of good guest houses etc. The photography course sounds great (apart from the initial theory) and I look forward to seeing your next lot of photos! Dad bought himself a 'karmic' birthday present yesterday.... it came out of the blue just after a wheat cheque had been deposited in the bamk account. Have you guessed what it is??? Yes, a tractor!!!! Yes, another one! He has started dry seeding, so I hope the rain follows soon. I am off to Mandurah for the day (by train) to spend time with Sue Mc Gurk. Looking forward to it. Who are Steffen, Emma, Diana and Mike by the way? Love you heaps my koala lou!! Mum
13th April 2010

Where are the photos? Can you post some on your blogg?
From Blog: Photo Time
12th April 2010

Chloe I'm pleased you are now a camera buff so you can teach me when you get hoMe. Sounds like you should avoid bus trips at all costs. 6 hrs is too long to be on a bus!!! Did I read that you have sold your car to go to Africa ? I'm not sure about Africa Chloe we will have to sit down and have a serious chat ok. In the meantime keep writing and enjoying yourself love. Carol
From Blog: Photo Time
12th April 2010

Ok so you took another bus trip !!!sounds like you are falling in love with Cambodia Chloe.. Enjoy all it has to offer and enjoy your experiences. I love reading your travel blog and you are going to be so pleased you did this as it will be a permanent reminder of your days away. Enjoy the sunshine it's raining in Perth!! Love lots Carolxxx
8th April 2010

Missed You at EASTER!!!
Hi Chloe, just a quick message to say you were missed at the Farm at Easter....we did have a toast to absent familyfriends and we probably ate your share of Easter eggs too!!!! Mia and Brenda related to the rest of us the conversations they had with you on the phone...so good you could call. Hope you had an OK Easter. Look forward to more news from you soon. Bye for now, Marian
From Blog: Sihanoukville
6th April 2010

Camera of the heart!
Hello my darling. Your phrase 'camera of the heart' brought tears to my eyes. You are wonderful to savour every experience. Not that you need changing, but I am glad you are pushing your boundaries without too much stress. Last night I watched 'Australian Story' and it was about a young woman from Sydney (about 24) who is running an orphanage in Battambang. She went to volunteer at one stage when it was in other premises and ended up taking the kids from it because the 'director' was abusing them. Now she cares for them and can't see herself ever returning to Australia because she doesn't want to 'abandon' them. She is an amazing person. I hope you don't become that committed to Cambodia or Asia, but I am proud of what you are doing. I am glad you are having the occasional treat, like your 'Easter - one - day - late - breakfast'. Amazing tho that this is a treat, when we take all food so much for granted in Australia. I am off to visit grandma today and then tomorrow to Peppermint Beach with the girls from college. It's lovely to be on holidays! I love you Chloe. Keep well and happy, my darling. Love, mum.
5th April 2010

sorry I asn't there to play with you. I got the photos, the boys are so cute. I wonder how long they will last. Has Veg's toy got a name yet? Since it's green it might need to be Milo or something as i can't think of anyother green breakfast products. I got an email from Lisa telling me about the hold up. She seems to be telling the story very bravely. It must have been a nightmare. Poor Lisa legs. I survived the 10 hours on the bus- but only just. The 6 hours from PP to Battambang was cramped and incomfy. I was the only white person on both buses which was cool. it kind of made me feel like I was doing something others don't attempt- although I'm sure that isn't really the case. I'm just about ready for some lunch. i wonder if you're having lunch at the farm today or if you have already left. Remember what I said about work. I love you lots and lots. Be a good dog. xxx
From Blog: KoRu
4th April 2010

photos emailed
Hi sissy bum. I missed you today. All the boys are doing boythings and there's no one to play with me. I gave Veg and Trailer their easter presents today, a new soft toy dog each. i have taken some photos and will attempt to email these to you now. love you stay safe, mia. P.S. call lisa at your nearest convienance, you want to hear what sh'e going to tell you xxx
From Blog: KoRu
4th April 2010

Easter at Stronsay
Hi my darling, We have had a pretty relaxed Easter. Most of us went to 8am mass and then had a cooked breakfast... yes farm eggs (and potato bread cooked by Pat and Mia!). After lunch, dad, grandad, Pat, Joy, Marian and I went to Corrigin to play bowls. Joy and I chatted while the others played! Just a bit of fun. We had drinks at the club and Jarrad and Daniel joined us for that. Paul had returned to Perth and Mia was having a beauty sleep.... hey isn't that usually your role? We phoned Lisa this morning but I won't say why... I'll let her tell you about the drama in her life yesterday that we heard about!! We have all eaten too much and done a fair bit of drinking too! Tonight is a b-b-q dinner. Maybe you will be able to find some chocolate eggs in P P when you return there? Meanwhile, I hope Battanbang is fun and that the long bus ride was not too gruelling. I love you and we miss you Chloe! All my love, Mum.
From Blog: KoRu
3rd April 2010

Hi Sissy. We are at the farm as you know and little Vegemite is thoroughly enjoying himself. Dad made him run all the way across Dickson's paddock to the rock, but that hasn't stopped him from hanging out at the shed all afternoon. While we were in the shed he came up to me for a big cuddle, so I think he is missing you. He's been behaving while I'm around but apparently last night he spent some quality time with a number of tyres.... I forgot to tell you in my email that I had a dream the other night, so I thought I'd reciprocate; I dreamed I was in a remote part of the world, travelling as you are from place to place. I booked a ticket on a plane and then wasted a few hours until it was time to check in. But then when I got to the airport I was too late and had missed my flight. This dream made me think of you and how I hope your travel plans are going smoothly. Speak to you more soon, I love you xxx
From Blog: Sihanoukville
3rd April 2010

Happy Easter
Wishing you a happy Easter Chloe. I had a chuckle when reading about Murray Templeton and you sharing the back seat. He's a good guy and loves a good laugh. As well as at golf, I see him when walking the beach each morning as he loves to fish. I hope you get a sunbake and swim on Bamboo Island. Love, Joan xxxx
From Blog: Sihanoukville
2nd April 2010

Ha ha I told you!
So the old sandals didnt make the cut hey? Who would have thought you would need better, more sturdy shoes for such trekking activity???? lol well at least they survived and you didnt have a blow out half way up the mountain! lol. It good friday today and im jealous of the gang up at the farm, if I didnt have to work the next two days I think I would have invited myself up there! Anyway loving hearing of your adventures and I am comforted by how easy it seems to make travelling buddies, I was starting to freak out that I would have no friends. keep havin fun xx lisa
31st March 2010

Blues n Roots
Hey Chlo Well im sorry to say you missed an awesome day! JBT were fantastic!!! Their new stuff is fab, i bought the album, it came out on Monday and it is wicked. you'll have to try and buy it on itunes. i think daniel is right about the new venue (i read his comment) it was a good but there were way too many people. We didnt even try to get to the front for JBT and crowded house it was just insane. Lisa Mitchell was crap and ANgus and Julia Stone were squashed into the big top stage and they should have been on the main stage because the crowd was totally over flowing! I cant believe Lisa Mitchell was on the main stage and Angus and Julia got shafted! but anyway they were awesome. oh and how cool, we got lanyards! ha ha we pretended we were vip's... he he. Sorry to make you jealous but i have to say i am very jealous of your travels! you will have to give me the hot tips on where to go in Cambodia when i get there. ok keep having fun, im gonna visit vegemite in the next couple of weeks so ill let you know how he is. xx lisa legs
31st March 2010

Happy Easter
Hi Chloe. Wishing you a Happy Easter for this coming Sunday (4th). Have loved reading your blogs -- and hearing of your adventures. Various people in the parish down here have enquired as to how you are going, including Peter Hazebroek last Sunday. You rated a very positive comment from Fr Leon a couple of week's ago! Stay safe and happy .. enjoy your tripping around. LOL, Joan and Tom
31st March 2010

Happy Birthday, Easter ... Holidays
Hi Chloe! Siobhan Siegert here, aka Siobhan Baster. I just wanted to say a big, albeit belated, Happy Birthday and a Happy Easter for this weekend! Sounds like you've had an amazing adventure so far and I'm so jealous! Thank you so much for the card you sent us, I was chuffed to receive a postcard from you!!! Talk soon Siobhan
31st March 2010

perth goings on
hey chloe, how are you? it does sound like your having a great time. im getting quite excited about heading to stronsay for the easter long weekend. seems like all the usuals will be in attendance, though i havent really heard anything about uncle pat and his mob... we are not sure whether paul will be able to come, he isnt sure what time he will be getting off, typical army, i suppose we are all used to it by now. jarrad, mia myself and others are going out for dinner tonight to stringybark steakhouse/tavern tonight. love those steaks. blues and roots was awesome. the new venue had its pros and cons. entry and exit was very quick and easy, but there were lots of people there, very crowded. and not having the big old pine trees towering over you like on the foreshore means the event lost some of its atmosphere. the crowd was a lot more diverse this year, from young children to ancient oldies. this was due to the broad range of acts at the event, not really stretching the boundaries of the genre 'blues and roots' so much as completely stepping outside them. i saw: andrew winton newton faulkner dan sultan matisyahu john butler crowded house lisa mitchell angus and julia stone edward sharpe and the magnetis zeroes david hole crowded house were a disapointment, they only played 4 of their older well known songs and played a lot of their new album, which hasnt even been played on radio yet, so no one knew it and many people just stood around talking waiting for a song they knew to be played. john butler was amazing, the new bassist and drummer were excelent, as good as the old ones, easily. they played half old stuff and half new stuff, which has been getting strong airplay on radio stations so most people were able to sing along to that also. overall a great festival next on the schedule is groovin the moo in bunbury in may
From Blog: Moving On
29th March 2010

Hi Brenda and Chloe just saw this option Chloe and wanted your Mum to know that I was very excited by the fortune tellers prediction as well! Come home soon Mr Right is out there waiting for you! xxxx

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