Page 14 of Travelling Fraggles Travel Blog Posts

Asia » East Timor » Balibo June 17th 2012

Getting out of Maliana was fine as our guesthouse was at the top of the hill so we headed downhill and arrived in Balibo not long after. Victor jumped out the car and asked what seemed to be Pakistani military staff where the Balibo 5 house was. Turns out the guy he spoke to was Major (the officer commanding) and the guy with him, the captain of the Pakistani deployment based just outside Maliana and they were having a day off sighseeing so invited us to morning tea. No sooner had we jumped at the chance and said yes then a full set of tables and chairs arrived in the backgroud. Pakistani hospitality is all that it is made up to be! We became a bit of a tourist attraction with lots of photos being requested ... read more
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Asia » East Timor » Maliana June 16th 2012

Having had a rough night because of blaring music until 6:30am we got up and had our breakfast in the convent library. The usual fayre of bread, jam and eggs and very weak tea was served. The walls were lined with English language books and a table facing a flat screen TV, DVD player and stereo. They are certainly well equipped with technology. We packed up our bags and headed out to the road to catch a bus. Sure enough it wasn’t long before one came along. We again got the back seat so windows we could see out of and a reasonable amount of ventilation. With a few puking locals and a rooster we made it back to Dili in 2 ½ hours dropping various bits of firewood and rice on the outskirts of town. ... read more
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Asia » East Timor » Manatuto June 15th 2012

After a good breakfast of banana bread and tea at the guesthouse we headed back to our beach house to pack up and prepare for the wait for a mikrolet back up the hill. We were told they run on the hour first thing in the morning and we were expecting to wait until 9am but no sooner had we packed up one arrived and we headed back up the hill to Baucau bus terminal to get a bus back west to a place called Manatuto. Before our mikrolet had even arrived at the terminal the touts had jumped on asking if we were going to Dili. We negotiated our way onto the bus that looked most likely to leave first and got some good seats with legroom on the back seat, with the window open ... read more
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Asia » East Timor » Baucau June 14th 2012

Thursday is the big market day in Baucau so of course we headed straight there. The market was pretty chaotic, with heaps if buses and mikrolets blocking the road with the roofs loaded right up. Mainly it was veg, flour and grains and kitchen stuff, with shops in tin shacks lining the adjoining streets. Emma bumped into the local crazy man (he really was, Victor showed his photo to a local later that day and that is what he told us). The crazy man asked Emma is she was a girl. It took a while to work out what he was saying, the gesture he was making was an upside down ok, and he had Emma checking her fly and looking at her belly button before she realised that he was asking her if she had ... read more
Osolata Sunset
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Asia » East Timor » Baucau June 13th 2012

Today we got up early (ish) to take a bus to Bacau. Dili was pretty quiet at this time compared to the rush hour the day before so we were able to cross the road with our backpacks on without getting ourselves killed. A short walk later and we hit the back of the line of buses for Baucau and were hussled by touts. We got onto the next available bus which only had a couple of seats left so we figured it would depart soon. 30 minutes later we left, bus drivers rev their engines like they are about to go in an attempt to drum up more business when they guys who have paid to hang out the doors jumped on we thought we were sure to go but 10 minutes later we finally ... read more
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Asia » East Timor » Dili June 12th 2012

We decided over dinner that the 3 of us would spend the day exploring Dili. After breakfast we headed out to the Christ statue at the far east of greater Dili. You can see it from the waterfront anywhere in Dili. To get there we hopped in a mikrolet, a micro sized minibus with a bench seat on either side. East Timorese are not big people and you never see a fat one and even they are cramped in, our heads are pretty much on the roof so hunching over is mandatory. The mikrolets usual do a set route at a slow pace picking people up and dropping them off anywhere on route, but it was quiet at that time of morning and for the price we paid we figured that we probably actually chartered the ... read more
Early morning street scene

Asia » East Timor » Dili June 12th 2012

Visas. One of the fundamentals of travel, had been carefully worked out and timings carefully scheduled. We even thought of whether we'd need them for transit countries, or so we thought... Then we got to Wellington airport and nearly didn't go anywhere. We were flying via Sydney to Darwin where we were overnighting before hopping over to Dili, the capital of East Timor. Its only Oz and we're NZ citizens now so have got the mindset that we an go an live and work there whenever we want. Which of course we can, but not when we're travellingon on our British passports. we both panicked momentarily at the mention of visas at the check in. Umm how can we get on we tentatively asked, oh just walk over to the ticketing desk and they can do ... read more

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas September 12th 2008

We're here, we made it - overland from Buenos Aires to Caracas in 4 months, more or less on or following the world's largest mountain range. When we've been sat waiting for hours at bus terminals we devised a way to amuse ourselves and here are the results... We have: * Visited 8 countries * Been to the world's driest dessert * Been to the world's largest and highest salt flats * Visited one of the seven wonders of the world * Crossed the equator (stood on it, hopped over it, straddled it) * Been from zero meters above sea level to 5,012m above * Endured temperatures ranging from -15C to +32C * Been 9 weeks without a single drop of rain * Not been sick on a single bus (although its got close a few ... read more

South America » Venezuela » Capital » Caracas September 11th 2008

We said goodbye to the Andes via a 2 hour true winding mountain road through spectacular scenery - huge steep mountains dropping down into a deep gorge. With every metre we descended the temperature rose until eventually we were in hot, dry Barinas. We did the rounds of bus companies for the last time, looking for ones that go overnight to Caracas and secured our tickets for our last South American bus. With over 12 hours to kill we found somewhere to dump off our big rucksacks and caught a local bus into the town centre where we spent the rest of the working day in banks trying (unsuccessfully) to get some money before we ran out completely. We returned to the bus terminal pretty frustrated, particularly after trying to buy some food on Visa, when ... read more

South America » Venezuela » Andean September 10th 2008

Think Venezuela and you don't normally think of the Andes, but the last 400km of the Andes does indeed reside here. We're not talking little mountains either, these puppies are up to 5,000m high. From Maracaibo we took what should have been an 8 hour night bus to Merida. It was by far and away our crappiest night bus and had precisely zero leg room and the journey took 3 hours longer than it should because the bus kept breaking down. The biggest town in the Venezuelan Andes, Merida is used to seeing tourists and so was very welcoming. We soon found a 'cheap' (by Venezuelan standards, not by ours) hotel after confirming that yes the LP options had massively inflated their prices and headed off to explore the town and get some money. We wandered ... read more
San Rafael
San Rafael
At the lake

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