Page 11 of Travelling Fraggles Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 9th 2012

On our way into Leh we'd passed through a couple of villages with white hilltop monasteries and lots of white stupas. We decided to head back to the furthest of these. Thicksey is home to one of Ladakh's biggest monasteries which tops a large rocky hill with layers upon layers of Tibetan style buildings that pretty much form a village. The main gompa of course sits at the very top. Before leaving town we saw another mask dance at Leh's central gompa then caught a local bus to Thiksey, they are like small buses that run every 30 minutes and they have bugger all leg room. It took us a bit of finding at the bus station, but unlike Delhi people locals do give you help and correct information and after a bit of asking around ... read more
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Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh September 3rd 2012

Sitting high in the Indian Himalayas Ladakh is a piece of Tibet outside of Tibet. Leh is at it's heart. After almost 14 hours the four of us staggered out of the jeep at Leh jeep stand, tired, with bodies battered and heads aching. In Keylong the night before we had met an older guy at the place we had dinner who comes every year to Leh (well tries to - in 2010 massive landslides meant that Ladakh remained cut off) and has travelled all of Ladakh. Finnish by birth he has led an interesting life and calls three countries 'home'. We had of course asked if he had any recommendations for places to stay. He told us that he stays in the same guesthouse every year a little away from the town centre in a ... read more
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Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Keylong September 1st 2012

'Gruelling', 'strenuous' and 'tough' are all words we've seen to describe the road from Manali to Leh, usually combined with the phrase 'only want to do it once'. It is also time consuming and with time being precious and these warnings ringing in our ears we had pre-booked tickets to fly back from Leh to Delhi. The road is only open from June to September, for the rest of the year Ladakh is cut off by snow on the high passes. A few months before the trip we had watched a programme 'The World's Most Dangerous Roads' where they took 3 ice road truckers, stuck them in Indian lorries with a local 'co-pilot' and sent them off over the Indian Himalayas to make deliveries. Only after seeing it, shortly before the trip did we find out ... read more
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Asia » India » Himachal Pradesh » Manali August 29th 2012

We hadn't intended to take a night bus, but Delhi to Manali is 15 hours so they all go overnight. We consoled ourselves with the thought that this will probably be our last night bus. At 4:30pm we checked out of the hotel and were walked down the road to the bus ticket office. Other tourists arrived led by someone from their hotel. When there were about 8 of us we were led by 2 guys from the bus office in some kind of backpacker walking bus, down the Main Bazaar, across the road underneath the metro station and down onto a wide, quiet backstreet. There we all set up camp on the pavement to wait for the bus. Surprisingly it wasn't very late and more surprisingly it was a proper semi-sleeper sleek black luxury coach. ... read more
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Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi August 27th 2012

Flight number 12 to Beijing ran a little late. We landed in smog. If you are transferring in Beijing you can get a visa stamp for 24 hours. Having 6:30hrs to kill with no likelihood of visiting China anytime soon (we don't agree with the Chinese occupation of Tibet so don't want to give them our tourist dollars) we decided we may as well stick our heads outside and get some 'fresh' air. It killed some time anyway as we got directed to one immigration queue, got to the front only to be sent to another, to do the same again before being put through the diplomatic channel. 'You want to go outside?' 'uh-huh' we replied. So we got to taste Beijing smog for ourselves. We also got a better choice of coffee shops and places ... read more
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Asia » Mongolia » Ulaanbaatar August 24th 2012

We had 2 full days in UB to recover from the jeep trip and get ready for the next country. We put the laundry in, got the blog almost up to date, posted the Mongolia guidebook home and found a really nice cafe that did really good food. It seemed to be where the office workers went after work. It meant our evenings were sorted and that we got a couple of nice dinners. We visited the National Museum one day, which was good but somewhat overpriced, and the Gandan Monastery the next. The monastery was pretty cool. In the big iconic temple they have a massive 26.5m standing buddha statue, a 2 high row of prayer wheels round the path for circumambulation of the statue and glass cases of small buddhas filling the outer walls ... read more
Sukhbaatar Square
Sukhbaatar Square
Gandan Monastery

Asia » Mongolia August 22nd 2012

Day 13 Snow! It was a very cold night, Emma got Marie up at 2:30am to relight the stove. When we got back up at 6:30ish we were shocked to open the door and find wetish light snow falling, more surprisingly although the ground was wet it was sticking. We stepped out and looked across to the big hill we climbed the day before, it was white. Our decision to take the ger and not tent it was well and truly validated. We loaded the jeep up in record time, Biklar even put the heating on. The road had been poop before and it was even pooper now after all the rain the day before. It was muddy and the puddles were huge, Biklar even gave up trying to avoid them which was a first. For ... read more
Snow behind our ger
Ogii Lake - family's gers
Family's main ger - Ogii Lake

Asia » Mongolia August 18th 2012

Day 9 We used the internet and went to a couple of supermarkets before leaving Arvaikheer. Never knowing what kind of places we will be going to we stocked up while we had decent shops. We didn't leave until midday and stopped an hour down the road for lunch. After that we stopped briefly in a small town to stretch our legs, it was scorching so we were happy to get going again. Somewhere around this point we swopped camels for yaks. We also saw our first trees. After some very rough roads we entered the National Park and after hours more of very rough road we reached our destination, Orkhon Khurkhree. We had come to see a waterfall, the guidebook says it's one of the best sights in Mongolia our only thoughts were that it ... read more
Terkh White Lake from a hill
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Asia » Mongolia » Gobi Desert August 14th 2012

Day 4 We packed up and refilled the water container from the well in the settlement that was ringed by a tyre with a bucket made from a recycled tyre on the end of a rope with a ladle made of wood. As luck would have it a local man went to the well at the same time as us and showed us what the deal was. Water supplies in the desert are often communal, locals rock up with thier 20L containers on all manner of transport, motorbikes, trolleys, horses etc. Toilets in towns and settlements are often communal too, people can't have them in their homes/gers and there is no such thing as town plumbing. Men of course don't use them unless they have to. The young guy turned up in his jeep (the one ... read more
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Asia » Mongolia » Gobi Desert August 9th 2012

Day 1 Fully loaded we were glad the weather was good and it wasn't a far walk to the guesthouse where we were meeting our jeep and driver. We'd called in the day before and asked if we could extend the trip to 15 days as 14 would give us 4 days back in UB before our flight which is just too long, there isnt enough to see there and its not an exciting place to just hang out. It was no problem and we asked about the possibility of maybe making it 16 days, agin no problem we just had to tell the driver as he'd have a scheduled break after so wouldn't be heading straight out with someone else. Rush hour in UB is a daunting driving experience. We went past 2 accidents and ... read more
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