The Real Flying Dutchman's Guestbook

6th July 2010

How's Fiji?
Lieve Geert, according to your plans you should be in Fiji now. The finish line is alomst there, lieverd. How is the work with the building of the church getting on? Are there many people helping? I hope it's another great experience but we will be hearing everything when you return. Lots of luck with constructing, and have a save flight home on the 16th! It 'll be great to be seeing mum/dad/Lloyd and Anna again. Love, the Visser's
From Blog: Fiji
10th June 2010

Hoi Geert, Wat weer geweldige verhalen. Ik kan me ook voorstellen dat ze juist jou vragen om te helpen een kerk te bouwen, wij zijn ook trots op je wat je het afgelopen jaar hebt gedaan, echt super. Geniet nog een aantal weken van je gap-year en een goede reis terug. tut theo en betty
From Blog: Fiji
7th June 2010

hi Geert, sounds great. just hope all the flights will be in time for when you fly back home. take care. speak to you soon, love mum
From Blog: Fiji
7th June 2010

Good luck!
Hi Geert, Sounds great, man!! It is a wonderfull oppertunity! I am very jeaulous at you, since I am sitting at the office all day with rainy weather outside. I hope you enjoy every minute of your last weeks of traveling!! Groeten Christian
From Blog: Fiji
6th June 2010

Hallo Geert, We are very proud of you that you have changed your plan to help other people to build a church. Your mother will tell it to every body in and outside the church in Market Drayton. Have a good time during the last 40 days and our next contact will be by telephone in Market Drayton. Groeten van Oma en Opa
From Blog: Fiji
6th June 2010

Good luck in Fiji!
Hallo lieverd, Hartstikke mooi dat je je plannen hiervoor wijzigt! We wish you all the best with the building of the church. I can't tell you how proud we are of you, but believe me we are. You will be returning with a treasure of experiences that will last al life time long! Take care when you're on the job. Have a save journey and you get lots of kisses from Lieske, Rutger (probably that's a hug), Floris, Fedde and Jolanda xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: Fiji
6th June 2010

Hi Geert. How did you come to get involved in building a church in Fiju? Not that there is anything wrong with that because our church does that and I would love to take one of those opportunities one day. I know that God has his hand on your life so be prepared for great things. All the best catch up later. Oh by the way my wife Rhonda had second stoke yesterday morning. It looks like she has lost what speech she had. I am taking that a bit hard at the moment. But Rhonda still has a smile and can laugh as she has always had. So its a matter of staying positive for her sake and I will Regards Alan
From Blog: Fiji
27th May 2010

Lieve Geert, Op het eind van je reis nog een berichtje van je oma. We lezen dat je heel veel vrienden maakt "on the road". Wij begrijpen dat wel because you are a friendly boy. Maar de laatste weken gaan altijd (helaas) zo snel voorbij dus geniet nog maar even van alle avonturen en wij hopen dat je op 17 july weer gezond en wel thuis zult komen en de familie kan genieten van je verhalen. We love you very much and greetings from Oma and Opa.
From Blog: New Zealand
24th May 2010

Heyup, Sounds like you're getting everything out of your year over there, superb !!! can't believe you're going to see the all blacks on home turf, should be awsome, don't think the springboks will be a pushover, so should be a super game. Had our first barby of the year here (28 degrees in the UK can you believe it...) and mum's figured out some new deserts......amazing and defenitely worth coming back for at some point. Keep enjoying the ride and keep us posted kiddo LOL
From Blog: New Zealand
22nd May 2010

Wow, what a life!
Lieve Geert, reading your stories it looks like watching one of those documentarys on National Geographic. You are doing so many interesting things, it's incredible. We're a bit envious, we're looking forward to al those photo's. I think it 'll take days to have a look at all of them. Enjoy yourselve, lots of love from all of us and take care!
From Blog: New Zealand
4th May 2010

Now then..., new stage of the trip and sounds exciting, had a look at the map of the north island to have a look where Gisbourne is. Looks like someone dropped on the typewriter if you look at some of the names of places (good luck with the pronounciation) best get a fair size piece of cardboard if you go hitch hiking to waikupurau.(oh and say Hi to Gandalf and Frodo for me) Keep us posted and let me know if you see the sun coming up first, if it going to be a nice day for me to get the barbee out. Lol. Dad
From Blog: New Zealand
2nd May 2010

who knows
Hi Geert well the only suggestion is make sure you get what you want out of your travels xxxx Barb and Brian
From Blog: New Zealand
2nd May 2010

Re Plans
I will have a talk to Noel and he maybe able to help with some ideas.I will see if he can forward them onto you Regards Alan Thomas
From Blog: New Zealand
26th April 2010

Hoi Geert, Goed te lezen dat je daar een geweldige tijd hebt. We hadden een aantal weken niet op je site gekeken maar zijn nu weer helemaal bij. Uiteraard misten we je op 6 maart en vooral op de familiefoto! en de jongeren onder ons ook met het stappen. Er zijn geluiden dat er volgend jaar een herkansing komt. In Friesland hebben we al een paar weken prachtig weer dus de eerste motorkilometers zijn gemaakt. Nog heel veel plezier daar en we hopen je komende zomer nog te ontmoeten na de 16e juli. dikke tut theo en betty
23rd April 2010

Hi Geert, How's the holiday? Did you buy a kitchen sink? Just a quick note we are busy me studying and been in training for my new job.Love Barb Brian Sqeak and Sootie
17th April 2010

Hallo Geert, Onze vakantie naar de Canarische eilanden tot half april is voorbij maar was niet zo speciaal als jouw activiteiten in Australiƫ. Wij hebben niet gezwommen en diving 28 meter! We hopen dat je trip naar Nieuw Zeeland ook mooi en spannend zal zijn. Veel liefs en de groeten van Oma en Opa
From Blog: Cairns
16th April 2010

please tell me you took some pictures (and not just from the inside of the bus) as it sounds tremendous. sounds almost as good as a friday out in Market Drayton..... keep ejoying and keep blogging LOL Dad
15th April 2010

Hai Geert, Nice to read the up date on your trip. We wish you a good flight on the 1st of May and we are very interested to hear what you'll be seeing on that kiwi experience bus. We can't imagine what a kitchen sink tour is supposed to be, but we expect you'll explain that to us one day. Again lots of love from all of us. We're watching a lot of Discovery Channel so we've got something to talk about when you're visiting us next time, ha ha. Take care and lots of kisses. de Visser's
15th April 2010

Hi Geert Yea well thanks for the update sounds like you are having a good time. Time flies you have done so much since you left. You dont let thegrass grow under your feet do you. Rhonda is going real well at the moment to. Had a lot of rain at the weekend.It was agood rain just what we needed actually. Went to the end of season cotton party last Frida night was good social event also. Until next time Regards Alan Thomas
4th April 2010

Hi Geert
Sounds great, man! You are allmost done with the cotton picking now. And I hope you don't get seasick during your stay on the boat. Enjoy your diving course!! Dikke tut, Adrie en Christian
From Blog: Cairns
1st April 2010

Heyup Kiddo, sounds great, have a super time. LOL dad
From Blog: Cairns
1st April 2010

Greetings to Nemo
Hai Geert, Good to be hearing from you again! So lots of hard work before the fun starts again. We are so envious when we read your preview on the diving. Take care you don't end up like Steve Irwin, please! Lets stick to Nemo, will you! When we read the comments on your blog, we can see you are leaving lots of friends behind, up there in Australia. I think the're very lucky to have you over for such a long time. We would love to see you again. Many hugs and kisses from all of us and take care!! Visser's from Horssen xxxxx
From Blog: Cairns
2nd March 2010

hi there
Hi Geert, Too bad you have to work again?! But its good to hear that you have a great time over there! Good luck with the cotton picking, is it like orderpicking?? ;-), and enjoy as much as possible!! Groetjes, Christian en Adrie
From Blog: Update
27th February 2010

ello Geert
YOU LEFT US! We had as usual drinks on the back verandah yesterday after saying goodbye to you. We do miss you Geert, your great help, laughter and humour especially. COME BACK! Love Barb and Brian your lucky wwoofer hosts.
From Blog: Update
20th February 2010

hoi Geert, erg leuke verhalen en wij worden bijna jaloers op al je avonturen niet op je werk in Emerald. Heel veel plezier nog en na een maand werken, zijn er weer leuke dingen te doen. Dikke tut en groetjes theo en betty PS. Beppe vond je kaart prachtig, we zullen de 6e ook op jou proosten.

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