Page 11 of NZFrance Travel Blog Posts

Geo: -44.6698, 167.928It's true that the wild and wet conditions in the Fiordland National Park are what created this picturesque, secluded and wild part of New Zealand. So having four days of constant rain on the day we started the trek and after 5 weeks of hardly any rain before was a huge mix of bad luck and bad timing.They do say that it is a must to walk the Milford Track in rain and you're missing out if you don't, but we hardly got a break and it dampened the spirits a little bit. Pun intended!The Milford track is regarded as the finest walk in the world, and with limited places of 40 unguided walkers allowed on the track per day, bookings are required. Anna and I made the booking about 7 months prior to ... read more
Anna Crossing
Mossy Surroundings
Clinton Hut

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Otago » Queenstown January 17th 2012

Geo: -45.0311, 168.663It's no secret that New Zealand is the adventure capital of the world, but Queenstown is the adventure city of New Zealand with views to fall back on. It's a place that is active all year round and doesn't disappoint.I have been here quite a few times but this was the first time for Anna and the minute we stepped off the bus and looked out the view from our accommodation, she had fallen in love with it too.This time we weren't able to benefit from the use of my parents car, so we boarded the Naked bus to Queenstown for an all day ride via Lake Tekapo and Lake Pukaki, this time with marginally better views of Mount Cook than last time. We stopped briefly at Lake Wanaka, on a glorious warm day ... read more
Mount Cook
Ice Bar
Queenstown Bay

Oceania » New Zealand January 7th 2012

Geo: -43.7283, 170.1To see the top of New Zealand, also known as Mount Cook, you will most probably drive past Lake Pukaki in the MacKenzie District, a stunning blue glacial lake with an incredible view of Mount Cook asserting it's dominance in the distance. Well that was the theory anyway.It's a bit hit and miss with the weather, you either see the whole mountain or the mountain covered in clouds and this time we got the clouds.We decided on a two night trip to Mount Cook Village and drove from Christchurch in the parents car with a stop off at Lake Tekapo and a walk up the Mount John Observatory Hill. The weather was warm and upon getting to the top of Mount John it got very windy and even pushed a strong man like myself ... read more
Tasman Glacier
Lake Tekapo
Kayaking The Tasman Glacier

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Kaikoura January 7th 2012

Geo: -42.4023, 173.681The problem with New Zealand is that there are too many amazing places and I believe that Kaikoura is high on the list. Being able to use my parents car and them not working worked well for us, so we decided to hit the road for two days and stay one night in Kaikoura. The plan was to visit Hanmer Springs, known for their hot pools, and then continue on to Kaikoura for a nights camping and see what it had to offer the following day.We set off early in the morning with a two hour drive to Hanmer Springs, nestled in a valley in the Southern Alps. It is a nice little town but it was quite busy, seeing as it was just after New Years and holidays for a lot of people ... read more
Conical Hill Walk, Hanmer Springs
View From Conical Hill

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Akaroa January 1st 2012

Geo: -43.806, 172.967Akaroa is a beautiful little town set in the bottom of an ancient volcano, surrounded by hills and views to die for. We decided to come here for New Years and spend a few days walking and checking out the area. We were lucky that my Aunt Chris was on the way there also and that we were able to stay at the house of her friends.We set off after some lunch for the 1.5 hour trip from Christchurch. As we reached the top of the hill we were presented with a nice view looking down towards Akaroa but unfortunately the weather didn't keep it's promise.Akaroa is a very small town that was half settled by the French and English, though the French were first to discover it, they didn't lay claim and instead ... read more
East Coast
Paua Shell Colour

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Geraldine January 1st 2012

Geo: -44.0933, 171.243On the road down to Queenstown from Christchurch is a hidden little gem of farmed rolling green hills backed by the Southern Alps. This area is known as Beautiful Valley, 15 minutes west of Geraldine. Here is where my Dad and extended family lived and still live.We came down for a day trip from Christchurch, a 1.5 hour car ride in to the small town of Geraldine where we visited one of my dad's aunt's and the resting place of my grand parents. We proceeded westwards to my aunt and uncles farm for some lunch and a catch up.Anna and I took a trip up the top of the farms hill which opens up on the other side for some amazing and stunning views that I never get sick of. Seeing the views from ... read more
Walking Through The Long Grass
Beautiful Valley

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch January 1st 2012

Geo: -43.5316, 172.637It was quite a nice contrast to be flying into New Zealand from South East Asia, a considerably less populated country, cleaner and organised. I was excited to be able to see my parents and enjoy a Christmas together especially with Anna and to show Anna around my birth and childhood country.Christchurch hasn't had the best of luck recently with four major earthquakes crippling the city over the space of over a year, and it is sad to see the destruction of some places and heartbreaking to hear the effect on peoples lives.We arrived in to Christchurch with Air Asia from Bangkok via Kuala Lumpar and picked up by my Aunty, Cousins and Grandmother after spending a long time trying to clear customs with seeds bought for Dad.I was especially excited for Anna and ... read more
Anna And Sumner Beach
New And Temporary Shops In Downtown Christchurch
Lyttelton Harbour

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok December 19th 2011

Geo: 13.7308, 100.521The final stretch on this amazing two and a half month trip was to cross the worst border I have ever encountered from Siem Reap to Bangkok. We arrived at the border crammed in a bus and that's where the waiting began. Big queues exiting Cambodia and bigger queues entering Thailand and afterwards being transported to a restaurant where further waiting was required. Total time at the border was around 3 hours before leaving in a mini bus when our numbers were called up to Bangkok. The ride in to Bangkok wasn't the safest in the world, although the roads were in good condition from previous countries and the mini bus was pretty new, it didn't alter the drivers perception on speed and safety. Pulling on to the motorways and intertwining through traffic at ... read more
Anna's Feet Being Swarmed
My Feet

Asia » Cambodia December 17th 2011

Geo: 13.4256, 103.86I don't think there would be too many people who have been to Cambodia that would say they didn't go to visit the world famous Angkor Wat. Spaced over a huge area, the temples were built in the 11th and 12th century by different kings which make all the temples unique in size and design.We arrived in to Siem Reap via Phnom Phen on a 6 hour bus in which we ran in to two Germans who we had known from the slow boat down the Mekong river when we first entered Laos, turns out their trip is exactly the same as ours and they fly out just the day after us.We arrived in to our guesthouse by nightfall and sorted out how we would go about seeing the temples. There are a few ... read more
Angkor Thom Gate Entrance
Tomb Raider Temple

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh December 15th 2011

Geo: 11.5588, 104.917This is going to be a short and sobering blog but something that is important to know.While in Phnom Phen, people will most probably visit the killing fields of Choeung Ek, where horrendous killings happened under Pol Pot in the 1970's. Here lay hundreds people. It is fitting to see that a memorial stupa has been erected and it is important to understand the horrible history behind this horrifying occurrence.The fee included an audio guide which was very informative but leaving me with depressing thoughts.3 million out of 8 died, ranging from all ages and done by their own people.Only up until one year ago where some people implemented in the killings were bought to some justice. Pol Pot only had one year of house arrest before dying after 30 years of avoiding any ... read more
Memorial Stupa
Grave Sign

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