LivingTheDream's Guestbook

30th May 2009

bloody cheek. i suppose i should wash your feet for you too? ps carry your own dragon fruit next time
27th May 2009

Hey you!
It was great to catch up in Kuching. Re the rubbish in Borneo, I noticed it too, particularly on the beach. I thought that maybe people dropped it as they walked but I begun to realise that the rubbish is actually being washed up. It is very disappointing, and something that pains me to see as well, particularly when Borneo is so beautiful. Say hi to Karen for me - you go girl - you eat with the men and dont let Ben push you around! He's a bully in a sweet guy's body! Great to see you guys and hope our paths cross again soon. K x
25th May 2009

wow,love the pictures Ben! wht a perfect picture sunset,and nice beach also. good photographer *wink wink*
22nd May 2009

was in port dickson laz week and i wanted to have some nice drinks over a football mactch and music .. but the only place i was told by the locals was head on to a hotel lobby. i was very supprise to find out there isnt any pub or cafe in the whole of port dickson to cater me and my friends . i suggest Port Dickson should have pubs or cafe’s out side hotels so that the visitor can walk in casuall and relaxed . Hotel outlets are expensive and have to be decent attire ( no slippers or shorts) .. Common laaa .. we come to Port Dickson to enjoy and not to spoil the mood . I hope the nex time I come with my frens to Port Dickson . i ll see a normal street pub or cafe . thanks
12th May 2009

hahahha...Bela say Hi to u creambath with back pain after tht, more...!
10th May 2009

Hi, you made me laugh with your account of u,Endah and an Ex. I havent read your last few blogs so have to ask now who is this Endah and how come you ended up with her. Take good care and have fun .
7th May 2009

there must be a way to save these beautiful apes, the organizations need to buy up the land.....
7th May 2009

peace and quiet
You'll soon be looking back wishing for those days of solitude after a few days sharing with me again... just booking my flight now, see you soon :)
4th May 2009

Vietnamese ARE dishonest people
I have had many similar bad experiences in Vietnam. I'm surprised how tourists keep coming here!
4th May 2009

Hallo aus Marl
Hallo Ben, ich bin gerade bei meinen Eltern in Marl, um Oma, Katze und Haus zu hüten. Wenn ich hier bin, nutze ich immer die Zeit, um im Internet zu surfen. Ich bin wirklich begeistert von Deinen Fotos. Super. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es Dir auch weiterhin gut geht. Ich plane in diesem Jahr auch mal wieder eine Reise Richtung Asien. Allerdings sind da mehr als 4 Wochen nicht drin. Es soll nach Thailand, Vietnam und Kambodscha gehen. Mal sehen, wo es am besten gefällt. Eventuell auch Laos, aber das wissen wir noch nicht genau. Ansonsten geht es mir gut. Habe gerade in der vorletzten Woche Post von Michael Lechelt aus Mainz bekommen. Sie haben Nachwuchs bekommen. die Nachricht hats Du vielleicht auch bekommen. Ich habe ja immer mal wieder sporadischen Kontakt zu den "alten" Railion-Kollegen. Also, ich wünsche Dir alles Gute und bis demnächst. Viele liebe Grüße aus Deuschland. Katrin
28th April 2009

u r absolutely rite,indonesia is very huge!!,1 month is not enough to discover all island in indonesia so take few weeks or more n u will have a great journey on another beautiful island in Indo more than wht u've been experienced in Sumatra.about the airlines it self,dun worry Ben,u can flight save now,the News tht u read sometimes announce too over about the accident tht was happend caused by the non-existent safety standards of the aircraft,but indeed u must avoid some of airlines such as LION Air,W**GS Air,or BATAVIA Air which preety often got accident with their flight even only small accident such as crash landing or back wheel cant open,etc. but anyway the fact is tht flying to some destination in indonesia (java,some of sumatera n Bali) is more cheaper rathen than overland route,but for east indonesia flight could b little bit expensive rather than overland. so,enjoy indonesia and all the unique things inside :)
26th April 2009

Hi, I was curious as to how much the ferry was from Tianjin - Kobe? Also, did you have to make reservations for the ferry and, if so, how long in advance? The reason why I am inquiring, is because I am planning on taking this same route, as well. Thanks! Adam
26th April 2009

Nun bist Du schon fast ein Jahr unterwegs, da schick ich Dir mal ein paar Grüße aus Deutschland und Berlin hinüber as andere Ende der Welt. Hab mich schon gewundert, dass Du so lange nichts mehr eigetragen hast. Deshalb habe ich heute mit besonderem Interesse gelesen, was Du so die letzten Wochen getrieben hast. Tollte Sache. Hört sich echt gut an. Und der asiatische Raum scheint Dir ja echt zu gefallen! Bleibst Du da "hängen"? Manchmal hat es echt den Eindruck. Wünsch Dir noch hyper viel Spaß, schreib weiter so interessante und tolle Sachen und "hat uns auf dem Laufenden". Viele Grüße aus Berlin Oli PS: Die Golf.Koreaner schienen ja wirklich nervig. Hätte mich auch nicht gefallen.
25th April 2009

Thank you
Hi Ben! Thank you for an inspiring report from your hike in the nortern Japanese alps. I plan to go on a short hike somewere in Japan in September but have not decided were to go yet. Dont know how much time I have got for this but I am considering different options. Are there any places/areas you would recomend. I have some experience from hiking in northern Scandinavia, so I am used to the wet and coold. Do you know were to find god maps and/or guide books covering trails, acomodation etc? Kindly Carl Sanglert Sweden
24th April 2009

great photos
I love the fish picture... I'm glad my parents aren't reading the bit about the airlines. I arrived finally in Bali after a delay on my connecting flight, late but safe.
22nd April 2009

Flying Indonesia
Yup... the thought of flying on an indonesian airline makes me feel a little on the queasy side. Interesting fact - my grandfather died when on a commercial airline down in Antartica (type in "mt erubus crash" into wiki - you'll get to read all about it! Not that this should turn you off your change of plans re flying... :)
20th April 2009

Giving Way to Palm Tree Planations
Hi Ben, I traveled Malaysia over the weekend and was astonished by the amount of Palm Tree Plantations. I really do have grave fears to Malaysia as a result. It was heartbreaking... I am sorry to hear that Indonesia is suffering a worse fate...
20th April 2009

Hey Ben, this is a really interesting entry, as I am considering heading this way as soon as I settle in in Singapore. Do you think traveling the area would have been any different had you have been female?
20th April 2009

they are living quite a life there!!! btw, i went back to london and manchester a week ago, and met Fan Yang! exciting catch-up trip!
16th April 2009

Still recovering from the 25 US$ entry fee (they call it visa on arrival, but no one checks anything)....well,i think it hapend also to a local tourist (indonesian) who wants to visit singapore via batam they called it as "fiskal fee" though the fiskal it self is FREE and eliminated for indonesian who have own tax number.-endah-
14th April 2009

Hey congratulations on your anniversary Ben! Hope you're having a good time in Indonesia
9th April 2009

Hey Ben! This is Aaron from the first time you went to Hua Shan. Thanks for listing your "greatest hits," as many China highlights were included. I haven't been to many of them and I'll have to make sure to see them for myself. Wow, I can't believe that you've only spent that much money for this amazing trip. It just shows that if you buckle down and save, and make the commitment to go, trips like this are very possible. Keep writing.
8th April 2009

Hi Ben
Hi Ben! Congratulations - 12 months of amazing travels! I have started to read about your travelling experience only recently, but I enjoy it very much. I like not just your stories, but also your writing style :) Your writing is simple and down to earth (which makes your stories easy to read), and very emotive and beautiful in the same time :) I have heard about you for the first time from your friend Jawad, when he was telling me about you and your decision to travel the world :) So good luck, wish you save journeys and lots of amazing experience during your travels and I am looking forward to more interesting entries at the blog. Lucia
7th April 2009

mmm.. those toilets
ah, near the place over looking the valley, they were pretty special I seem to recall. best off without a torch in the early hours. wasn't it good fun though? and my legs are finally recovering from that bike ride... enjoying your blog, see you soon. x
7th April 2009

Great Post
What an amazing acheivement... to be able to look back at the past 12 months like that. I think many of us agree that you really are "living the dream"!

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