LivingTheDream's Guestbook

26th August 2009

Can French speak English??
I spent 20 years in France with out speaking good french. Most French can speak some words of English and those that can speak fair English hisitate in fear of sounding wrong or afraid to make mistakes. If you had a small dictionary and ask for some help to understand a french word they would jump at the chance to help you. You can make friends fast. I'm sure. I just finished travel with my french friend for two months (( in Central America )) and when you travel with french and hook up with other french you are sure to eat well!! My friends English is fairly limited. But we managed and had a great time. Patricia
25th August 2009

Wonderful travel experience
But why do you expect everyone to know English? Why don't you learn French?
24th August 2009

Great Story
Loved your blog. I've climbed Mt Fuji 3 times now, all during the normal hiking season. Off season definatly sounds like a lot of fun (no crowds).
21st August 2009

help on visa extension
where exactly in guilin did you extend your visa?? please provide the address and steps for extension. thanks..
21st August 2009

Welcome to my Indonesia
I hope Bromo leaves you feel a bit better...haha. Also like I said, if you're heading back to Bali, maybe go to Lombok, the next island across. Much more civilised although it is getting rather touristy, maybe because I've been telling people to go to Lombok and not Bali for AGES hahaha. Spewing that I am not there while you're there, would've LOVED to show you Lampung area in Sumatra where I grew up. Of course if you were travelling with me it would be a bit 'clinical' as I have a strong dislike of public transport in Indonesia, for reasons I am sure you'd appreciate. But in all, I think we are a very friendly, courteous (except when driving), helpful people, and much as there are to improve upon, the beautiful nature of the Indonesian people occassionaly shines through.
20th August 2009

Similar Yogya experience
Interesting read as I type this in a Yogya internet cafe waiting for our 01.18 train to get us part way to Mt Bromo... We too were dismayed to learn the difference in pricing for the locals vs us foreigners. We have the same argument that if these people came to the UK there would be uproar that we were discriminating against them being able to enjoy the attractions, it's very frustrating but we either have to like it or lump it and obviously tend to head towards liking it :o(
20th August 2009

Indonesien und so
Hallo Ben, schön, dass du wieder fit bist! Und schön, dass du dich derzeit in Gegenden herumtreibst, in denen ich auch schon einmal mit dem Rucksack unterwegs war. Ich bin gespannt was du vom Bromo schreibst. Wir haben es damals nicht geschafft zum Sonnenaufgang da zu sein, sondern haben ihn während des Tages erwandert. Schön fand ich deinen Eindruck in Yogya und am Tempel, uns ist es genauso gegange. Das was wir glaube ich am meisten gehört haben war: "special price only for you and only today..." Lass es dir gutgehen Silke
19th August 2009

Gute Besserung
Hallo Ben, wuensche Dir Gute Besserung. Pass auf Dich auf und uebertreibe es nicht. Bleib bzw. werde gesund. Alles Gute aus Thailand, wo ich unterwegs bin. Katrin
18th August 2009

Hello traveller Ben Freud mich. Well, to make it short, my name is Marco. I am from Hong Kong and also like travelling so much in my whole life. Coincidentally, I just saw your experience sharing when surfing "travel blog", and I was very impressed with your passion for travel and its impacts bringing to your life. Congrats, you are really a true global trekker, like Ian Wright. So if you don't mind, I want to add you as a friend to exchange more travel views, especially I plan to revisit to Germany again in the year-end. I'd like to hear more advice from you in Germany. (P.S: I have been learning German for a few years but it is not an easy one) In general, people like to travel tend to be more friendler and open-minded, and that's my point of view. Gute reise! Marco
18th August 2009

Hi Ben, hoffe es geht Dir wieder besser mit Deiner Ohrengeschichte. Jedenfalls weiterhin gute Besserung! Das ist ja klasse, dass Deine Mutter zusammen mit Dir auf Reisen geht fuer eine Weile. Zur Info, Chiu und ich werden vom 1.-7.10. in Taiwan sein. Vielleicht bietet sich ja ein Treffen an. Falls ja, melde Dich einfach. Sei gegruesst Timo
16th August 2009

Hi Ben, I am Nijole from Vilnius, Lithuania. Unexpectedly to me I am on your Travel Blog. and enjoy very much reading and looking at your pix. This year I decided to go to China .I am not an experienced independant traveler as you are. But this time I would like to go to China for 3 month. Many question on how to plan my trip, where to go first and where to stay( I would prefer only homestay) Any hints from you traveler practicionier would be appreciated. Sorry , that you didn't met me in Lithuania. Maybe next time in Vilnius. Cheers, Nijole
12th August 2009

Hi Ben, I'm Kiat from Malaysia and have been a regular visitor to your blog. I enjoy reading your adventure and aspire to be a world traveller like yourself. Keep up the good job and hope your ear condition gets better soon. Cheers. Regards, Kiat
11th August 2009

u missed the story about couple who gave us a ride to kawah putih,how they behave by keeping our change money for entrance fee to kawah putih. ..and how friendly my roomate to u except tht the "old dragon",and u have a teenager fans who wanna took a picture with u,hahaaa....
9th August 2009

Scary experience. Hope you are feeling much better now. Get well soon!
9th August 2009

Read your blog... youve really had an adventure if you can call it that! Just glad you recovering. Hope u have a fab time with your mom.
9th August 2009

Hi Ben, Anja war grad hier und wir haben Dir nen Kommentar in den Blog geschrieben. Hoffen, dass alles gut wird und Du Deinen Trip fortsetzen kannst. Viele Grüße aus Berlin
9th August 2009

Wow, Ben... the scans are extremly impressive, the story is... well, scary indeed. Hope you'll fully recover soon and wish you all the best for your travels! Keep going!
9th August 2009

Oh... Borneo's hospitals love us ! Take care. It's good if your mother comes. (For me, it was not dengue but pyelonephritis - an ascending urinary tract infection)
9th August 2009

Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon.
9th August 2009

Do take care of yourself ... thinking of you
9th August 2009

Ben I hope you will be completely fine soon
9th August 2009

Mr. Ben, alles Jute für die weitere Reise!! Lass dich nicht unterkriegen.
9th August 2009

I hope you are now recovering well. Take care in Jakarta! let me know if/when you are coming to Melbourne!Maybe dose of cold weather will do you good! :)
9th August 2009

I hope you are now recovering well. Take care in Jakarta! let me know if/when you are coming to Melbourne!Maybe dose of cold weather will do you good! :)
3rd August 2009

Drs crudentials
I'm surprised that you didn't mention that your consultant used to be the doctor for the Sultan of Brunei. Its not like you to miss a name dropping opportunity.... I'm just about to have my last Horlick Ping and Roti Cannai. Missing them already.

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