LivingTheDream's Guestbook

8th October 2009

NYC/ must meet U and your mom
If you come to the east coast . U must contact me. I 'd love to meet your mom too. I bet she is about my age or younger? Love your pictures and blog. Patricia
7th October 2009

breath taking
i have seen your pictures before and i think the phillipeans would be the most beautiful place on earth. i just seen your have spent 546 days on the road, and i wanted 2 know how you afford that? do you work on the road? please get back to me im planning my adventure for next summer. thanks
7th October 2009

Indeed, pictures can't do justice to that place
But great pictures you have, nonetheless.
7th October 2009

where was the doctor fish cafe
7th October 2009

Thanks for the info Ben.. we are going to the Philippines on the 29th October and plan to travel to Palawan, it sounds lovely so we'll look forward to it. Is it really 50euros to extend the visa.. we hadn't realised it was that much as we were planning to stay for around 6 weeks but may have to reconsider.. especially considering our flights out are £80 each!! Comes with travelling over xmas we suppose! Anyway have fun in El Nido.. will look forward to the next edition! Take care ps interesting about Evgenia, we have also met people who travel like her and it amazes us.. they still do everything we do though so obviously have something right!
7th October 2009

Tainan to Sun Moon Lake
I read your day 532 entry on your blog and would like to know the combination of train and bus you took from Tainan to Sun Moon Lake? I am planning to go to Taiwan in Nov to see the sights and Tainan to Sun Moon Lake is one section that I would be travelling on. Many thanks!
6th October 2009

Hi Ben
I can tell you have been enjoying the beach and relatively good weather down there in Palawan. I hear it gets better as you go up north. Good for you to leave Manila at the time you did. Enjoy the rest of your 21-day stay in my country (we really ought to do something about that......), bring a coconut to sip the juice and eat the meat while just being lazy down a deserted beach, try the local fish and other seafood there---simply grilled or eaten with salted red egg, eat some sweet pineapples, buy some cashew nuts there, get a massage, and just have fun! Btw, I can tell some rice varieties. And yes, it is well over 30. Also, you arrived in the newer, though smaller airport terminal. Quiet there.
6th October 2009

Read your blog and I'd say that is quite a nice journey you're doing. I wish I have your courage! Keep on traveling!
30th September 2009

Thank You for your Travel Story
Hallo, apa kabar (How do you do) Mr. Beiske? I am Indonesian and I thank you for you to tell the world travel story about Mount (Gunung) Bromo, Lautan Pasir (The Sand Sea), Gunung Batok and everything. Yes, transportation is still our main problem in urban or in rural parts of Indonesia. But there are many hiring car you can hired at the city to visit many great location at Java, Bali, Sumatera, Borneo, Celebes, and Papua, after you arrive at the airport. Indonesian people are usually friendly, maybe you find a tired or unsleep people or a local tourist, :) Thank you, please come again, Visit Indonesia
27th September 2009

Remember a shop in Beijing with the longest queu ever. The reason: yohurt.
23rd September 2009

22nd September 2009

It's looks beautiful, but I never go there, I live in the south of TW. The east of TW always famous with its beautiful scenes. = )
22nd September 2009

your stories
I do not know how you found me to send these wonderfull stories but they are great. Love your photos and how you write about them.Patricia
19th September 2009

Very Nice Place !!
Hi There !! It looks great. Very nice place and good pictures. Thanks for the post
14th September 2009

enquires your blog,looks like your trip is interesting. i'm heading to Kuta for my 1st trip in march 2010. intend to stay in either Harris Resort or Alam Kul Kul. Can you recommend rate ranging from USD50-60 max? TQ very much.
13th September 2009

You finally got there!
Been waiting for your blog. Good to know it's all sunny when you got there. How long will you be in Taiwan? Great photos too, give my regards to your mom!
13th September 2009

Hikingalone in the Japan Alps
Hello Ben, I've been living in Japan for a while, but still haven't been into the alps enough! I have exactly one month left here and thought your route from Kamikochi sounded really great. I would have to hike it alone however as all my friends are working..haha. I have a decent level of fitness but not much experience hiking alone. I often trail run around where I live - Madarao, Shinetsu Trail and hike up a mountain I know quite often, but rarely venture high up mountains I don't know...especially alone. Your route sounds doable, but what preparatoins are needed for a 4-day hike? Also, I have heard Yarigatake is a hard climb and a little dangerous? Or that could just be my boyfriend not wanting me to venture it alone! Thank you in advance, Jo
7th September 2009

Hi there. Just wanted to say that I've just spent quite some time looking through all of your blogs. They are so fascinating and interesting and this trip really seems incredible. I am planning an around the world in the next few years. I ned to finish my last year of college and then save for a bit.
5th September 2009

One step ahead...
Another blog reflecting much of the same views of us on Kuta.. we had a particularly bad experience there which you will no doubt read about when we manage to catch up but we will never return to this overpriced, overhyped island where they will do anything to squeeze every last Rp out of you. Hope you are enjoying whereever you are at now though.. we are off to Sulwesi next after a very flying visit to Lombok and Flores.. the dragons are amazing if you are coming (or are already) this way!
29th August 2009

Hi Ben... I am sitting here in Kuta just having posted a blog from my previous destination - Fiji, when yours on Bali popped up there on the home page... Funny I am heading to all the places you have already been... I also read with interest that you quit your job and sold most of your belongings... :)... I have done the same... I was curious as to your reasons for making such a dramatic change to your life... Happy travels and enjoy Singapore... I am heading there in about 25 days... Nic
29th August 2009

I love that sunset photo!
No crowded beaches for me. Guess i can skip Kuta, per your advice. But that sunset photo is a winner!
28th August 2009

Hello there
Great blog! and been enjoying reading your entries especially around Myanmar and Indonesia. Myself am itching to travel whole lot of Indonesia soon! Many tips gathered from your blog and keep it up...
27th August 2009

Hello Ben, I went through your amazing story and I'm so happy for you that you have been able to do what I can only dream of doing. The journey you have undertaken is nothing less than a profound spiritual experience for me. Travelling makes you nothing but more knowledgeable , enlightened and a much better person. Some day I too would like to embark upon such a trip. As I follow your trail I see that you are very close to India, my country of birth. Do visit this wonderful land full of life enhancing experiences. I have been away from my country for 3 yrs now and miss it everyday. I would wait eagerly for your updates if you do visit India. Remember India has been quite rightly named a sub-continent as she holds all possible climatic contitions and geographical features within her, not forgetting the diverse cultures intertwined in a complex but beautiful medley. I wish you the best and good health thoughout your trip. Bye. Agni
26th August 2009

What about Americans? Are they easy to spot while traveling? Great pictures, by the way!

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