LivingTheDream's Guestbook

15th November 2010

Hey Ben, I just read your last blog entry, and while I continue to be very jealous of you, and think you have been ridiculously spoiled, I still cant imagine how hard this must be for you. Also, I suppose its not the kind of thing, like heartbreak or something, that nearly everyone could sympathize over. I don't think youre going to get a lot of "I know how you feel" in the coming weeks. Anyways, best of luck for your re-introduction to settled society, and I hope finding a new path is painless and exciting. Don't see it as the journey being over though! Just a new challenge. Good luck, -Lilia
15th November 2010

Welcome back und Woe :-)
Hi Ben mein Weltenbummler, lese gerade Deinen letzten Blogeintrag und hab gleich zu dem Telefonhörer gegriffen, um in Neuenrade anzurufen - besetzt :-) Two things to say: 1. Ich kann nicht auf den Schulball kommen -> Doof! 2. Ich komm am kommenen Wochenende heim -> Möglichkeit! Bist Du zufällig da? Wie wäre es dann am Samstag sich zu treffen? Fänd ich super, Grüßle Sven
15th November 2010

Willkommen zurück!
Mein lieber Ben, gerade habe in deinem Blog gelesen, dass du nun wieder zu Hause bist und deine lange Reise beendet hast. Als ich deine letzten Zeilen so gelesen habe, hat mich das selber auch ein bisschen melancholisch gestimmt, obwohl ich mich dann auch wiederum freue, dass du in erreichbarer Entfernung bist und vielleicht sogar die Chance auf ein Treffen besteht!? Selbstverständlich bist du jederzeit nach München eingeladen. Oder aber wir schaffen es, uns in Plettenberg zu sehen - du bist doch Weihnachten da? Fühl dich auf jeden Fall fest gedrückt und genieße jetzt wieder die Zeit im neuen alten Leben. Jetzt gehen neue Abenteuer los... ;o)) Dicken Kuß und bis hoffentlich bald! Lynda
15th November 2010

Welcome Home!
Hey Ben! Welcome back again - and indeed enjoy and cherish home. What to do next? Well, start writing - I am serious about that. Hope to see you soon, Uli
15th November 2010

Hi Ben - endlich zurück lass Dich mal wieder in der Provinz Mainz sehen - ich würde mich sehr freuen!
15th November 2010

Your Final Blog
Hey Ben, I have thoroughly enjoyed following your blog for the past zillion months. Your blog was an inspiration for me before I began my own long-term travels. Currently I've been traveling one year and, I must say, it's the best decision I've ever made. Again it's been a pleasure, and I wish you well in all of your endeavors. Best, Adam Daigle
15th November 2010

End of the road
Congratulations on an amazing journey .Really enjoyed your blogs. You never know they could be trips to the moon before our days are out. Good luck to the future stick tight to those lessons learnt on the road they will come in useful back in the material world......
15th November 2010

Hi there! 31 months travelling?? how did you do it!! I'll read your blog! I'jm Carol. I'm from Spain but I live in india now. I'm thinking in one big trip too. Maybe you can tell me some tips! keep in touch if you want! Carol
15th November 2010

Welcome home!
Hallo Weltenbummler! Also ich bin mir sicher, dass das nicht deine "last things" waren, sondern dass deine Reise irgendwann wieder weiter geht :) Welcome home! Dein Tobias
13th November 2010
My father, sister and mother welcoming me home after 2 1/2 years

great to have family
God bless you and your family
12th November 2010

Your photos
Hey, I have been travelling (but working :( ...) for the last 4 years and am now back in my home country (UK) going stir crazy while I wait for the funds to go and do what you are doing - as in pure travelling. I had to write to you as I lived in Panama city for a year and just took a look at your photos and they are stunning !!! You really captured the place. I want to do a year trip, from Istanbul to Australia, travelling all through Asia. Can't wait. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. They are an inspiration.
11th November 2010

Welcome back to Germany !
As you have fianaly come to the end of your trip does it now really mean that we have to leave our comfortable armchair and our cosy home and to travel finally by ourself again ? Do you think that this is fair ? As far as I had the pleasure to get to know you I am very sure that this is not the end of "LivingThedream" and this is not the end of your journey it is only a break. I hope we once have the chance to meet us face2face maybe in Frankfurt or Berlin. What a pity that you did not continue your trip to Peru! Thank you so much for letting us share your experience! I will miss your Blog. with kind regards walter
11th November 2010

It's been a pleasure.......
........reading your blogs over the past few years. You've certainly helped with my inspiration. Hopefully another trip will just be around the corner!
11th November 2010

Your Travels
Ben, I have enjoyed your travels immensely. You are my hero when it comes to adventure. Hopefully, someday, I'll make the trip. I would like to catch up with you in a year just to see where you are and what you are doing. It just doesn't seem right not to see what is next in your life. I wish you the very best in health, happiness, love, and career, wherever life leads you.
11th November 2010

Ben, it's been a pleasure following your trip for the past year. I can't even imagine traveling for 2 and a half years. I hope to one day see as many places and have as many experiences as you have. All the best in your new life at home. PS Tell "Ann" to eat it.
10th November 2010

Ach menne
Hi Ben, nun bist Du schon wieder zu Hause. Vielen Dank, dass Du immer in den Blog geschrieben hast, es war immer sehr interessant Deine Reise mit zu verfolgen. Leb Dich wieder gut ein in good old Germany. Meld Dich wieder - Anja würde sicher gern einen Tee mit Dich trinken - und ich auch, um spannende uns schöne Geschichten zu hören vorn Dir. Lass es Dir gut gehen. Auf bald. Viele Grüße Oli
10th November 2010

Nice reading
Congrats on the trip, hope you can transition back to "normal" life. Enjoyed reading your blogs!
10th November 2010

Want to hear more
Returning is sad and re-entry provides some challenges but it has a lot of good things also. It takes months for you to absorb all that you have seen and the people you have met. Can't wait to read your future blogs.
10th November 2010

Good Riddance !!!
Finally !!! ... I'm sick of all your criticism on every country you visited. What I would really like to read is what you have to say about your own country.... Ann
10th November 2010

Join the club ;) Things to do when you are home: start planning your next trip! It always works for me
10th November 2010
Oh no! (woman with body-painted bra in Key West)

I bet her husband is a very happy man!!!lol
10th November 2010

Your last blog
I am sorry to say, I have not been following your trip, but happened to open this one, it popped up randomly. I can only say that it may be the end of that trip, but I can assure you the journey continues............. Welcome back

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