Nicole Holley

Little Funambulist

Nicole Holley

It is the childlike mind that finds the kingdom.
Charles Fillmore

“You should never hesitate to trade your cow for a handful of magic beans.” ― Tom RobbinsMagic...That's all I continue to say about Puerto Viejo. For some it breeds deep, wise, philosophical contentment where they have dreamt of, where they find their place in this life and others that feel the same magic surrounding them in clear azul from sky to water. Others stumble upon black magic here and everything seems to go wrong for them. It is a mystical place where if your mind, body, and soul meet the criteria, it will welcome you with open arms and salute you as you arrive on the bus sweaty and exhausted. You will instantly feel air that refreshes your internal being and know that you have arrived somewhere you have been looking for your whole life. If ... read more
Playa Chiquita
Playa Cocles

For some people, it's enough of an adventure to go on vacation to an exotic resort, leaving behind their familiar surroundings, their humidifiers and refrigerators stocked with food. For some that is plenty of risk, but for me, it has never been enough to visit a country and stay at the resort the entire time, barely venturing to the beach for fear of muggers. So here I am going to Costa Rica, all by my little self. To the less tourist-filled area of the Caribbean side of the country. You should see people's faces when I tell them that I'm going, and then that I'm going by myself. "Oh why do you want to do that?" most ask while scrunching their face at me in confusion. My mom has only cried once since I told her...that's ... read more

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