Page 5 of JetSetting Adventures Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 16th 2013

This morning we headed off around 9am after breakfast to conquer the mighty cascade saddle route! To start with it’s a fairly easy upward climb for the first 2hours, in the tree line – and we were starting to wonder what everybody was making a fuss about, it being such a hard climb! As soon as we are above the tree line however it turns into a serious climb – with longer sections of rock to scramble up and very steep sections, so yes, it is harder than the walk yesterday. At 1pm we reach the top and absorb the stunning scenery, at 1840m we are surrounded by mountains covered in snow, and we settle town and eat our lunch of very yummy veg and rice with tuna and extra hot Nandos sauce (SPICEY!) for some ... read more
Cascade Saddle (13)
Cascade Saddle (17)
Cascade Saddle (3)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 15th 2013

I didn’t sleep fantastically in the bunk house, very hot and quite smelly with lots of people in there, and then at 6.30am we were all woken by the hut shaking and a deep grumbling, thunder like noise. This shaking continued for around 30sec (though it felt a lot longer) and we all laid silently, when it had finished someone said, ‘wow, that was an earthquake’ and then we all started talking, and didn’t really go back to sleep after that. It turned out the earthquake was a 4.2 on the Richter scale, with the epicentre located only 2miles underground and 20km North of Milford Sound – luckily no damage was caused! After breakfast and moving my stuff to a now vacated bed by the window in the main room – for the 5* views we ... read more
French Ridge (25)
French Ridge (22)
French Ridge (28)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka March 14th 2013

Super bus journey passing all the mountain scenery in the early morning mist and by 10am I am in Wanaka. Ana is waiting for me at the bus stop with the 4x4 she has been leant, so we dump all my bags into it and then go for a coffee (hot chocolate for me) while we discuss plans. From here we head straight to the DOC office to check out which are the best walks around etc. At the office the advise us that the weather is going to turn, so we only have 48hours of good weather, which is essential if we are going to the mount aspiring region for walks. Luckily still being early, and the walk to mount aspiring hut from the start point only a few hours we had time to pack, ... read more
Mount Aspiring Hut (10)
Mount Aspiring Hut (2)
Mount Aspiring Hut (8)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown March 13th 2013

I sleep SO well in the dorm and have a relaxed morning before heading off to do the Ben Lomand Summit track at 10am. First it’s a bit of a climb up the track behind the gondola, and then it levels out to a fairly easy alpine track climb through the forest, opening up to stunning views of the lake and Queenstown. This takes a few hours and then from Ben Lomaand Saddle it is an hour of hard steep walking to the peak on rough shingly/mud ground. The views from the peak however are amazing – 360 degree views of Queenstown, the lake, the Remarkables and the surrounding mountains. I eat my lunch at the top and chill for half an hour before heading back down. Coming down on the shingle is quite difficult – ... read more
Queenstown - Gardens
Queenstown - Gardens (2)
Queenstown (3)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown March 12th 2013

There are 6 of us waiting for the bus this morning and it is a bit chilly outside – certainly a crisp autumn morning. We arrive at Queenstown by 10am and my hostel is super close to the bus stop which is great. I can’t check in as it is too early, but leave my bags, change and go for a wander round Queenstown. It has an awesome vibe, several people said just to stay one night then move on so I only booked two nights to start with, but I wish I had booked more now as the hostel had no more room. The town has a great atmosphere, really chilled and relaxed and right on the lake with the remarkable mountains as a backdrop it is stunning. The shops around have some amazing clothes ... read more
Queenstown - Frankton Arm (13)
Queenstown - Frankton Arm (15)
Queenstown - Frankton Arm (17)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 11th 2013

Good lay in, but back in the dorm room last night so up and around by 8am. Today I have decided to change hostel – my bus to Queenstown leaves outside a hostel which is the other end of town at 7am tomorrow morning, and as I wasn’t going to stay tonight originally, I hadn’t booked into the YHA, and they only have expensive rooms left, so I have booked tonight at the hostel where the bus comes from for ease in the morning. So I check out of the YHA in the morning but make the most of the YHA facilities, having breakfast and using the internet etc until lunch time. I then trudge all my stuff to the other hostel, not as nice as the YHA but still nice. Chat to some of the ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 10th 2013

So despite Milford Sound being the most famous fiord (as it’s the only one accessible by road for people to visit), Doubtful Sound is supposed to be even more spectacular, and a lot less crowded as only one company runs trips there. So as much as I don’t like taking touristy trips, I have decided that as I am here, I should see doubtful sound, and as it isn’t accessible by road, the only way I can reach it is by an organised day trip. So after an amazing sleep in my private room and double bed I am up early and waiting for the bus at 7am. It is a short coach journey to Manapouri (where I cycled to the other week) to get on the boat. It is then a 40min boat ride across ... read more
Doubtful Sound (3)
Doubtful Sound (5)
Doubtful Sound (7)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 9th 2013

Fiona and Susan want to finish early so they can head off to Queenstown late morning, so it is an early start for us at 6am, and my alarm clock wakes me as I am in such a deep sleep. My bag is packed and ready to go, so again dressing with only a torch is tricky but I am soon downstairs eating my breakfast, with what must be the best breakfast scenery I have ever seen. The hut is above the clouds and the sun is rising with the mountains across the lake (Murcherson mountains) as the back drop – beyond stunning. When the other two are ready we set off, and quite a fast pace to start, I am almost jogging to keep up, ignoring the pain from my feet! We settle into a ... read more
Kelper to finish sunrise (2)
Kelper to finish pana
Kelper to finish FULL CIRCUIT POINT

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 8th 2013

As today was going to be a mega day, Motuora to Luxemore hut - 30.8km, with a considerable amount of steep up sections I wanted an early start so I wouldn’t feel under pressure to walk fast or rush any sections. The lights downstairs came on at 6am (but there are no lights in the dorm room), so I quietly dragged my prepacked bag, sleeping bag and pillow case with the clothes for todays walk, outside onto the stairs as not to wake people when I packed up my sleeping bag etc, and then headeds to the toilets to dress and get ready for the day – all a bit tricky by torchlight, but I survived. I utilised my cooking pan and spork again to eat my breakfast of museli with a small carton of uht ... read more
Kepler Map
Kepler to Luxemore - breakfast
Kelper to Luxemore (2)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 7th 2013

The first day is a fairly and short easy walk so I have time in the morning to do another big sort out of my stuff. I head to the DOC visitors centre in town to pick my hut tickets and set off from town at 11.40am. I am soon at the control gates – the official start of the trek and I am off, walking the Kepler trail. The walk is in the forest (through beech trees) and fairly flat, every now and again you get great views of the river when the trees clear, and you even get to cross a very ‘movey’ suspension bridge across the river at one point. I see a few people walking out (in the opposite direction to me) finishing the treck and after a while two girls walking ... read more
Kepler Start Charlie
Kepler to Moturau tree fall
Kepler to Moturau track

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