Dafne's Guestbook

29th May 2012

"the Canadian embassy has a bar open 1 day/month and they fly in, at great expense to the Canadian taxpayer, Canadian alcohol". Totally funny. I didn't know any other embassy doing that before.
22nd May 2012

It's so nice to see that you're travelling all over the place! What an exciting adventure, first LA and now China... I have to say I'm a little jealous. Have a fabulous time and keep blogging :)
18th May 2012

It was nice to hear your first news from China. Looks like you are settling in nicely. It is also nice that you have some friends. The buildings all like modern! To-day Meggie is coming to do some cleaning so I have to tidy up a bit to make it easy for her. Well, keep esnding your news, Love, Baba
16th May 2012
Arts and Crafts at the Seoul airport

Awesomee! I want to make one too! I wonder if they'd check my passport.. hahaa
10th December 2007

that ball of jeans is a histone! confused? look it up!
24th October 2007

Daf, sounds like you had a wonderful time in Canberra with the whole political adventures you took. Too bad about the debate hahaha but hey you got to fix it here in Melbs with the nerd crew at Monash :) And whhhhhy would you let Danae book the bus, you should know better LOL.
26th August 2007

Yes, I know I'm late in reading this. In my defense I just got off-stream. And how on EARTH have you never heard that drinking class quote before?
22nd June 2007

Errrrrrrr, I let you go for a year and this is what happens ?!??! Gloria *shakes fist*shifts eyes* I'm watching you two - beware!!! (p.s. she does seem nice - no replacing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
22nd June 2007

lol just love the random doodle and notes left behind :) I feel like im in grade 2 all over again :)
18th May 2007

What a hike! I doubt the photos do justice to the sights. I love that quote too.
18th May 2007

Gorgeous (pun intended) photos, as always.
18th May 2007

Go stalagmites go!
Hey Daf! Havent read your journal in .... a while. Seems like ur still upto embracing adventures at every turn. The msg you received is creepy, I agree.... Love the photo of the Yanchep and eggplants. It's always cool to see what the plant looks like as a whole, before the fruit is removed. Oh, and I got ur shutter speed - tripod references. =)
21st April 2007

great photos!
great photos and humorous captions
4th April 2007

Hey Daf! Thanks for the answer. As always I got a few laughs out of your weekly update. Haha the intermission for the Bollywood movie; I imagine it was amusing. About the TIFF, I was considering volunteering last year but got too busy around that time (early Sept, right?). Was is a great experience? Perhaps I should do it this year... The Bird Pond is beautiful. Is that a giant and old Palm tree on the right? huuuge
22nd March 2007

fun. i just read the whole thing 'cause i was procrastinating. i REALLY need to travel. sheesh. sounds like a cool place.
22nd March 2007

hey look, i started reading your blog.
you just randomly joined a synchro team? that's hilarious.
22nd March 2007

Yeah! Congrats on the certification. What are those other birds called - black and white, on the shore with the pelican? By the way, who took the photo of u strolling? A little on the tilted side... keep having a blast!
19th March 2007

Penguin Island
Dafne- This just may be Heaven- It is so beautiful! Hugs
18th March 2007

grate game!
lol u totally pwned them rofl nice pic of quenda hur hur
18th March 2007

Great game!
Congratulations on a great game! Great photos, too!
12th March 2007

As always, your photos are wonderful! In my backyard, I have lots of wildlife - many types of birds, raccoon families that come out every evening, squirrels all day long and even skunks. And this is in the middle of Toronto. After seeing your shots of Australian mammals, I was wondering whether there is wildlife in the urban environment. Would there be koalas living freely near an urban environment? Great stories and photos!
10th March 2007

Actually... theres a drive-thru liquor store in Hamilton. Apparently the first one in southern Ontario.
4th March 2007

MEMO TO Dafne:
We have loved seeing your beautiful pictures and reading your comments about this fabulous trip of yours! We are all- Douglas, Kyle et al - terribly envious of you. This afternoon we went to Mathew's championship basketball game at which his team won a silver medal. Last week his other nana and I went to fear him play the French horn in a band festival. Will be looking forward to your next blog.
28th February 2007

surfs up!
Dude! (or dudette...) I felt it necessary to say that since your surfing down under. I feel warmer just from looking at the beach. Such clear and blue water. The koalas look so cute, like plush toys so soft and pet-able. Ive an idea - you could smuggle one on the plane for me hahaha.
27th February 2007

Hey Dafne Fern. What an approapriate middle name, I think. I loved the photos with u in them showing the scale of the entwined trees and ferns. And indeed! Some of those picturesque shots looks a lot like Algonquin.

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