Dafne's Guestbook

7th August 2012

Loved the Waterfall photo!
As always, wonderful photos - thanks so much for posting them!
6th August 2012

how could I forget?!
I MISS HOT GUYS!! USC has so many of them. China...does not. It makes me sad. (Remind me again why I didn't go back to Australia or something?!)
4th August 2012

I wonder what you will miss about China, when you get home. :)
6th August 2012

lol my guess is cheap stuff...though I've already started calculating my salary back in LA in Chinese RMB to make myself feel like I'll be making a lot of money when I get back!!!
3rd August 2012
Rock piles

rock piles
Why do the families have rock piles? what does it symbolize/represent?
6th August 2012
Rock piles

I wiiiish I could remember what the tour guide said!!! Something to do with luck/prayer...
3rd August 2012
Dafne gets suited up

awesome outfit, doesn't look something you could twirl or do high kicks in
6th August 2012
Dafne gets suited up

Tibetan Rockettes = not to be...
2nd August 2012
View from the middle of the gorge 3

Did you see any rafters? Is it even allowed?
3rd August 2012
View from the middle of the gorge 3

Don't think rafting is common, but not sure
2nd August 2012
A clever way to keep drinks cool

how clean is that water? Is it safe to drink from the bottle after its been submerged?
3rd August 2012
A clever way to keep drinks cool

Well the bottles are sealed so it should be fine
2nd August 2012
The crowds

This photo is amazing! it really shows how big the Buddha is
2nd August 2012
Nap time

haha all that dancing tired them out :D
31st July 2012

Nice blog! :)
Speaking of people touching and getting too close to the pandas: There was a major news story here in Germany a few years ago, about a women who climbed the barricade, and crossed the section of water to hug a polar bear, in a zoo. She was almost killed before, the others spectators managed to drag her out, witout getting themselves mauled too by the bear, in the process. What is it with bears, that so many won't believe that you can only cuddle the teddy bears, but not the real bears. ;)
30th July 2012

Right On
We lived in China for 2.5 years and traveled there for a week 2 years before we ever moved there. I couldn't have said these rules better.
31st July 2012

One of the highest compliments I've been paid for my blog - thank you!!
30th July 2012

gah missed one!!
I can't BELIEVE I didn't include people squatting!! They squat everywhere!! Apparently the Chinese have evolved to find it a comfortable position so they'll just squat while they wait or while hanging around. They squat while they eat. Squatting all the time!!! I personally find squatting really uncomfortable but they love it!!
29th July 2012

Great to see all your photos - thanks for posting!
Fascinating towns and sites outside the main cities.
25th July 2012
The whole group

Screen behind you
What was playing on the screen? It looks interesting
26th July 2012
The whole group

Can't quite remember, likely a Chinese TV show lol
25th July 2012
Memories of USC: too many bikes!

the row of bikes is awesome
18th July 2012
Fernanda, Dafne and Jeff with famous Chinese poems

not poems
but from Great Learning (one of the Four Books). The Four Books and Five Classics (simplified Chinese: 四书五经; traditional Chinese: 四書五經; pinyin: Sìshū Wŭjīng) are the authoritative books of Confucianism in China written before 300 BC.

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