Courtney Jo's Guestbook

7th February 2011

So glad you made it there safely and are enjoying things already. Love reading your posts! I know you'll do great with the kids. Evie and Eli are 4 and 2 years old, so if I think of anything or you have any questions, hopefully I can help. Enjoy your time there. It will go by quickly! Love, Jaime
7th February 2011

I cannot WAIT to see pictures! This place and your host family sounds fantastic. You know you've got the wheels turning in my head, I would not be surprised at all if you hear next year that I've copied you exactly and I'm assisting a class in fiji! I'm going to ask mark's mom (25 yrs of exp. teaching kindergarten) for tips for you. p.s. maybe earplugs to avoid mr. rooster? hillarious
7th February 2011

So cool!
I'm glad you're safe and sound and having fun, Court! I can't wait to read more. Bring back some recipes from your host family! As for some games for the kiddos, the kids we volunteered with in South Africa liked Duck Duck Goose, Simon Says and Red Light Green Light-- you just have to explain how to play. Good luck with the rooster!! Love you!
7th February 2011

So glad to see you made it and are adjusting well! Miss you! Green Bay won the Super Bowl. One Q - any chance a :) will occur with son/son friends??? Stay safe! Mamie
7th February 2011

I'll look in my book from Activities class for some fun games! Say hi to the family for me!
7th February 2011

Old McDonald Had a Farm would be a good one for a song
7th February 2011

Whaaaat up! Holly are truly a rebel! Good for you to do what you are doing...I am very impressed! This is great, now I get to read two blogs, yours and my lil sis's who is studying aboard in Italy. I wish you well and I look forward to reading more...Nick
8th March 2010

wonderful adventures
It's so thoughtful of you to go into such detail so that I can imagine your experience. What a wonderful trip to share with your Mom!
22nd February 2010

Feels like we're there with you!
You give such amazing details......I've always loved how you tell stories or recount memories because you make it so fun! This entry is no exception! I LOVE that you got to hang with more monkeys AND the zip lining recount in hilarious! I can picture all of it! So glad you and your Mom had such a great time!! can't wait to hear about your next adventures :)
15th February 2010

My kind of day!
Such an awesome, horses, sloths, fresh food...... AWESOME! :)
From Blog: The Education
9th February 2010

clean natural beauty
Courtney, Your lodge looks really cozy! I can't believe you had monkies on your roof, and the birds look so colorful. I hope you come across a puma...wouldn't that top off your adventure! Jen
9th February 2010

I can't believe you didn't touch the monkeys ;) Sounds like a wonderful day!! So glad you and Mom had fun :)
9th February 2010

Crazy winds for sure!
I was in San Jose the first week in January and can attest to the crazy winds. We took a bus tour for the day stopping off at different places - coffee plantation, waterfalls, volcano, boat tour, feed hummingbirds, etc. We stopped at a little store - power was out, drove over a downed power line, navigated around downed trees, was stuck in a traffic jam on a two lane road for over an hour (staring a truck full of chickens in front of us the entire time) while they pulled a car out of a ditch, couldn't see the volcano because there was a giant cloud in it, (my first visit to a volcano too), had my thinner than a garbage bag poncho ripped off my body by the winds, and saw a semi in a ditch. It was a 12 hour adventure that was awesome! Never knew what was around the corner. And, the only reason we were able to go was because our plane out of San Jose had technical issues and was grounded forcing everyone to find alternate flights (we had been vacationing near Manual Antonio and just flew in San Jose that day). We had to fly out 2 days later (oh darn, stuck in Costa Rica....and I got first class!). Plus it was just me and my Dad on the tour because Mom was in the hotel with a stomach virus. Glad she stayed in because she would have been miserable. Sounds like a horrible situation but I found it very entertaining. So, yes, the winds are nutty in early January.
8th February 2010

LOVE it!
So glad you made it safe and sound and your run in with the cops wasn't too bad :) Can't wait to read about the rest of your adventures!
7th February 2010

It's just like...
the TV commercial...which one is the mom? and which one is the daughter? I recall they have a wonderful Rain Forest Canopy tour. Best, Fred
31st October 2009

The injury...all dressed as Beer Garden Girl outfit too. Hilarious! And this is not the first time she's had a drunken injury in the form of a cut. The last time it was me saying "girl, you need stitches" and forcing her to go to the hospital. It was 10 or so stitches. Yea. Love that little klutz.
12th October 2009

Back door bar entrance...swinger's style
I am laughing so hard I think I'm going to pee!!!!! I should have known that any day strating at 10am with the swinger's style entrance had to end up in drama!!!! Serioulsy, I am glad to hear everyone accoutned for, healthy, and aside from some emotional tarauma, A-OK. Even with all of the drama I wish I could have been there with you! Sounds like a great experience. Can't wait for the next installment. Take Care, Rach
6th October 2009

I went to the top of the ski jump in Lake Placid... um... your view is a bit better. You look adorable! I'm sure that's what you were going for.
6th October 2009

LOVE it!!!
I have the same "No Feet" pics!!! Love it!! Can't wait to read about Munich and Oktoberfest!
4th October 2009

Aww, Courtney, you're so cute!! That looks like an amazing place to visit! Haha-you look like you're onset for The Sound of Music!! You just need a dozen kids in green curtain play clothes sitting at your feet while you play your guitar! :D
3rd October 2009

finally catching up on your blog, saw your reading dan browns new book, isn't it awesome! I'm about half way through.
From Blog: hello innsbruck
3rd October 2009

didn't realize you went paragliding again, sounds so awesome. that is definitely something i want to do in the future.
1st October 2009

Annie are you okay?!
Please tell me there were some Alien Ant Farm moves as well on the light-up floor...
From Blog: Crystals as art
1st October 2009

Hi there....I've enjoyed getting these updates...looks like a great trip! Brett
From Blog: Crystals as art
28th September 2009

So Jealous
Hey CJ!!! This is amazing.. I wish I could be there with you guys.. Enjoy and bring pictures!!!
From Blog: hello innsbruck

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