Phnom Penh

September 6th 2014
Published: September 6th 2014
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At the minute were sat on the Mekong express bus to Siemens reap....were the only 2 English on the bus but it's mint. On here for 6 hours already had free pastrys...doughnut n something else, god Nahs what it was but it tasted like a sausage roll!!! Phnom Penh was brilliant we've actually been quite sober & done the sights. First night after the power cut & bat crap we had a mint kip in homeland guesthouse......until the next power cut the next mornin when rach was in the middle of washin her hair haha. Stuck with gippin hair all day!!!! Looked like a Thai straw hat!! We googled some bars and found the tavern pub.....tidy little spot that!!!! Ian who took us in his TUk Tuk told us he'd take us anywhere we wanted all day for 15 dollars.....ok Ian but ya goin on a wild goose chase around Cambodia. he waited outside when we had a scran n a can in the pubbbbbbb beers mint here tastes like Stella. Rach couldn't decide what she wanted to or a English breakfast so she got a full English breakfast pizza haha propper british in their, pies the lot!!!!! Next we went to the killing fields......where hundreds got captured aNd killed in only the seventys god wasn't even long agan. Neone then even knew it was happening probs coz facey n snapchat wasn't about. Their was still remains of clothing, murder tools, teeth, bones n loads a skulls we got selfies with the skulls. Was dead sad but still not a tear from any of us #noemotions. when we came out the tuk tuk was their but no bloody Ian?! just chilled by the tuk tuk in the sun havin a tab time. A little Cambodian girl came over pointing at Rachel's drink sayin we gave her the pop she was buzzin probs only usually drinks pond water! Think she'd pissed herself aswell. Oh Ian appeared "sorry sorry" he'd been for a scran!! Next was the Russian markets went round for 3 minutes was shite....just loads a shite clothes then got stuck with loads of tappers. Propper begging for our dollars!!! We gave them a few quid then we were ready to go....get back to the tuk tuk bloody Ian's gone again.....scranin again!!!! Ian it's not ok to sit n have urself a 3 course meal when were in a random backstreet getin attacked by massive trampy pests!!!! Plus you know you don't have time because every activity takes us the average of 10 minutes because we've got the concentration span of a gold fish. Next was the prison....think this was supposed to be serious but we had a right laugh dossin in the cells taking photos pretending we were "wictoms" to be honest we thought the jail was canny.....we've stayed in worse places in Thailand before haha. guesse what we came out the jail & no bloooody Ian or tuk tuk....the men outside pointed up the road n said he go up their coffee shop....aye that'll be right the bloody porker!!! Last night went for a lush scran on the river side....few cheeky mojitos cheap here the cocktails are only 2 dollars 50!!!! got pestered by tapping bracelet kids the whole time we were in the restaurant though......bought of the first then the second then the third....the fourth was takin the piss!!! "No fair you buy of them" turned into a barney with a five year old "ayeeee welllife's not fair son" haha. We've been up since 6am today for this bus. on the plus side only got about 3 hours to go after writing this bloody blog,it's hard when ya on a bumpy dirt track and your tryin to type with fat fingers on a iPad ha. Oh we've just passed a Cambodian with only a shirt on walkin along the dirt track.... Full on arse & bits out!!! Haha. Not even cuppin ya bits man!! Can't wait to get to Siemens reap & get amongst pub street. We've had a sensible 2 nights so tonight will be a Shan!!!!


16th September 2014

skull selfish what a frisk
Skull selfies but nee arse and bits... Howeh man lass ur slipping ;) xx

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