Bangersssssss 2014

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September 4th 2014
Published: September 4th 2014
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From hitting Newcastle airport at 10:30 am Monday we haven't really sobered up until now & it's Thursday. Had a mint time though Bangkok never fails to please!!!! We changed flights at Dubai & were their 3 didn't see owt of Dubai but we had a right good time in the airport haha. Airports so big we had to get the train to our terminal. because we hadn't had enough to drink already in the executive lounge at Newcastle & free drink on the plane we went searching for a bar. As if it's acceptable for 2 birds to be that mortal in an Arab state!! The Heineken bar was brill....met loads a dodgy buggers who were travelling "on business" hmeeeee. Met one bloke hawk propper pain. Got rid of one tit n got stuck with another tit....from South Africa!!!! needless to say were mates on Facebook n lets face it we'll probably gan see him haha. The flight from Dubai to Bangkok was awfullll....geet turbulent, was like being on the Pepsi max for 8 hours solid. Aswell as being sat by some right snotty Spanish divs.....who asked rachel to be quiet for the majority of the 8 hours!!! Especially when she got greatest hits 92 on and loudly sang along to mr blobby & baby cakes. Another idiot on the other side of us (in corduroys) tutted n twined at us all the way?! It's free drink people enjoy ya holidays man!! First night we went to our fave Indian just off Kao San ..... Propper blokes, curry n a beer please?!!! Then we walked bk to Kao San stopping for a spy wine from the seven eleven in the way mmmmm missed them beasts!!!! After that we hit the buckets and it all becomes a bit of a blur!!! met a Thai & a Cambodian bloke who we got mortal with on the buckets. Propper divvy so wonder why we run out of money so fast but doesn't help when we go lashing the samba as to all the random Thais we meet!!! weve been like foreigners for days.....sleep till 3/4 then out all night we need to chill in the next place!!!! Second day we had a bit of a whitey because we didn't have our booking ref number or owt for the Cambodia flights coz rachs emails had been we had to sit on a live chat to air Asia for 30 minutes trying to sort them out. Michelle were not good without you organising us haha. Second night was sky bar, the one from the hangover film. Oh it was lush but full of propper toffs!!! Like pollo players n that ya could just tell!!!!. got took to a lush table inside that obverlooked the whole of Bangkok but all we could do was search for the cheapest peeve on the menu!!!! Singha it was......350 baht......waaaaat you could get 7 doon the road!! Was lush though, lisa set her menu on fire aswell.....not used to candle lit poshness. Went outside in the roof top bar was so lush.....treat ourselfs to a (tinyyyy) cocktail....rippppp!!! Then after that we got a taxi to Hard Rock Cafe in the city. Their was a live band on we were actually lovin it....back on the sammy a with Charlie from Aberdeen!!! Our Thai & Cambodian mates were messaging us at this point tellin us to go meet them so Kao San road so we went back....bloody hell this was supposed to be a sophisticated night. Lis got changed in the bogs mid night out to be a tramp again n rach was bouncing round with her bra oot!!! Bonnnny!!! Ya know you were massively mortal the night before when a Ping pong show seller says haaaaaa I remember you last night and imitates your steaming stumble up the road!! been such a long day today......cut a long story short flew to Cambodia.....took 2 hours to get to guest house in the floods....went out looking for scran walkin down a random street n theirs a power top it off we got ripped off for a 8 dollar pack of fags when u can get them for 1.30 & Lisa's been shat on by a bat!!!! Were loving itttttttt!!!!! Killing fields Tomorra and probably another night out.....can't do 2 nights in in a row!!!!!!!


5th September 2014

so jealous
YESSA... This is the stuff dreams are made of, 8 hours on the Pepsi max... Eee me grandma would have a hearty haha... Wey ur really not missing much here although we have had some naughty weather for a September it's been 23 degrees clear skies and toons been heaving.... But u don't care about that right :D... Can't believe all the kill Joys and divs u's are coming across... Where are the party people haha... Keep up the good work... The pics and the taking care of one's selves haha SO SO JEL :D Much love santino x
6th September 2014

Awwww cheers luv :) you'd bloody love it over here...... Speak soon hope you're ok xxx
5th September 2014

so jealous
YESSA... This is the stuff dreams are made of, 8 hours on the Pepsi max... Eee me grandma would have a hearty haha... Wey ur really not missing much here although we have had some naughty weather for a September it's been 23 degrees clear skies and toons been heaving.... But u don't care about that right :D... Can't believe all the kill Joys and divs u's are coming across... Where are the party people haha... Keep up the good work... The pics and the taking care of one's selves haha SO SO JEL :D Much love santino x

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