Blogs from Lam Dong, Central Highlands, Vietnam, Asia - page 3


Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat August 3rd 2013

From the coast at Nha Trang to the central highlands town of Dalat runs a new road - apparently! Quite what the old road was like we dread to think. With a demonic driver who knew the sinuous curves like the back of his hand we made it in three and a half hours. Those curves made it feel more like a roller coaster and by the time we got there, every child on board had been sick, and no doubt a few of the adults too. It would appear that we are made of sterner stuff!! When we got to Dalat there was a fine drizzle in the air. After checking in to the Blue Moon hotel we set out for a quick walk around the lake. It is 7km to go all the way ... read more
Dalat Flower Garden
Going round the lake

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat July 21st 2013

Bereits auf dem Weg nach Dalat machte unser Gepäckträger wieder schlapp - er brach einfach auseinander. Das heisst wir mussten das Gepäck inkl. Gepäckträger irgendwie festbinden. Ausserdem regnete es ziemlich stark und die Strasse war zum Teil mit RIESEN Löchern bedeckt, aber wir schafften es dann doch noch nach Dalat. Dalat stand auch weiterhin im Zeichen von Regen, es regnete eigentlich die ganze Zeit. Trotzdem liessen wir es uns nicht nehmen Dalat und seine Sehenswürdigkeiten anzuschauen. Bereits auf dem Weg nach Dalat, sind wir an 2 super schönen Wasserfällen vorbei gekommen. Beim einen haben uns ein paar Picknicker sogar eingeladen mit ihnen Schnaps zu trinken. Wir mussten aber leider weiter, um noch vor Anbruch der Nacht in Dalat zu sein. Weil wir spät in Dalat ankamen, nahmen wir den erstbeste Hotel, welches wir fanden, damit wir ... read more
der Pongour Wasserfall
Pongour von vorne
unsere Route nach Dalat

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat May 30th 2013

The sleeping bus ride to Dalat was not particularly enjoyable. The bus was laid out with reclining seats and triangular foot holds that are quite hard and restrictive on the inside. Nevertheless, we both had a better night's sleep than we had on the train and the ride was much cheaper. We had an hour and a half stop to change buses at Nah Trang where we had pancakes and coffee at a café run by a rather high and completely mad man who wanted to take us diving. I could not imagine a man I would less like to be underwater with. Having reviewed the Hostels on Hostelbookers I had booked us into Pink Villa House which although slightly out of town had fantastic reviews partially based on the “Secret Tour” run by its owner ... read more
Grasshopper Eating
Down the market
Mr Rot showing us the gifts for the dead

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat April 9th 2013

Dalat was a brief, one-night stopover on our way to Saigon from Nha Trang, reached after a four hour bus ride up an incredibly twisty road. The main objective was to see a little bit of the apparently quirky town, and sample some of the local mountain biking trails. And quirky it was. Dalat was probably the most unusual place we visited, I can only describe it as an odd cross between a run-down alpine resort and a counterfeit Disneyland. Grand, French-built houses were dotted about in the surrounds of the large, man made lake just outside of Dalat's centre, a TV aerial made to look like the Eiffel Tower looms in the distance, and kitschy touches like the 'Valley of Love' - a romance orientated theme park - are in abundance. It's also much cooler ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat March 19th 2013

13 to 16 March 2013 – I didn’t plan to visit Đà Lạt city. I was happy in Nha Trang beach city for a week, but then I lost my money at a market because of my carelessness. This made me sad, so I decided to do something that could make me feel better. I booked a bus ticket and moved on to Đà Lạt city. It is 15 years since my last (and also the first) visit to this city, so I wanted to see how the city has changed. Within two weeks, I traveled from the Central Highlands to the South Central Coast, then I came back to the Central Highlands again! Anyway, I had no fixed plan, so I could do whatever I wanted. Also, it's good to try different routes and get ... read more
Xuân Hương lake
Statue & French words "Valley of Love"
At a local restaurant in the city

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong February 8th 2013

We said a reluctant goodbye to Nha Trang, its wide boulevards, sparkling sea and white sand beaches and the Hotel Michelia which we thought superb. Driving south we passed the outskirts of the city with life going on as normal, busy traffic, trees being carried on the backs of bikes we even saw a larder fridge not tied on but held on the back of a motor bike whilst the driver steered with one hand. Granddad was cycling his grandchildren to school and we almost collided but we have a very skilful driver. Soon there was real countryside with fields of rice and other crops. The fields gave way to hills and we were climbing the mountain road. We stopped at a village typical of this area. There were lots of children there who came out ... read more
Morning at Na Trang beach
Hill village
Shaving coconut palm trunck

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat December 17th 2012

We were heading for Dalat next, about 650km south of Hoi An in the mountains. We planned a three day trip mostly along the Ho Chi Minh Road first stopping in Kon Tum which was a 286km drive. We knew this was going to be a long day but it turned out to be extremely slow because we were riding through some pretty steep mountains and twisting roads – which was lovely scenery but ended up having to ride in the dark for two hours which is pretty scary in Vietnam. Half an hour into riding in the dark we had a break down – the electrics had been dodgy in the bike from the first day and this was the first time we had to use the lights. We managed to get going again but ... read more
Photo 13
Photo 14
Photo 2

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat December 8th 2012

The weather in Da Lat was much cooler than on the coast and soon after arriving in shorts and t-shirts we were digging out the few warmer clothes that we had from the bottom of our backpacks to keep us warm for the couple of days we had planned to stay there. After seeing some pretty basic places we eventually found a really nice guesthouse to stay in and set about arranging our activity for the next day - a motorbike tour through the countryside with some Easy Riders. Easy Riders were a group of motorbike riders formed in Da Lat in the 80's who began to take tourists off the beaten path on bike trips, either for one day or for a few days, but not long ago split and went their seperate ways. As ... read more
Amazing surroundings
Scott in front of veg farm
Vic in the flower farm

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat November 28th 2012

The drive up the winding roads to Dalat is quite surreal – the landscape changes, the light is different, the air is crisp and fresh and it is like crossing the border into the middle class. We had heard the Vietnamese refer to it as the Paris of Vietnam, where they come from all over the country on romantic getaways to the city of eternal spring, and that it was filled with kitsch and tacky touches, in true Vietnames style. But our experience was quite the opposite. By a fluke, the last room available at Dreams Hotel was the best, and 25 dollars bought us a balcony on the top floor with a huge tub, complete with jet streams, as well as the best breakfast we've had in Vietnam so far, and the friendliest guy in ... read more
a sna(c)k(e) for the road
Fish for sale

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat November 22nd 2012

We wanted to travel to Dalat to get away from the coast a bit and see a different side of Vietnam. The medium sized city of 200,000 is located in the Central Highlands of Vietnam at around 1500m altitude. The climate is much different from the coast with most days not going above 25 celcius and the evenings getting as low as 10 celcius. Dalat is the honeymoon capital of Vietnam so it is usually full of local tourists. It has also been referred to as Le Petit Paris due to its French Colonial influence that is evident in the abundance of French Colonial architecture and streets of French villas. Our early departure from rainy Nha Trang meant we would get to Dalat in the early afternoon and still have plenty of time to explore before ... read more
Hilly streets of Dalat
Xuan Huong Lake
Train Station

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