Blogs from Lam Dong, Central Highlands, Vietnam, Asia - page 2


Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong July 13th 2015

Warning ecology rant follows: The drive to Dalat was fantastic, we started on the coastal plain moving into the lower fertility foothills where nut trees (?), cassava and timber plantations (including eucalypts) grow. The foothill forests are dry with a some resemblance to Australian bush - there's a couple of eucalypt species and an acacia (reverse your weeds)! Then moving up slope we drove through wetter forest with a version of macaranga, giant typha and sawsedge. As we hit the steeper slopes small pockets of rainforest clung between rock scarps and mist hung between them. Then up into the rainforest and the rain. Something about the hiss of wet tires on a windy road lulled the children off to a long sleep as we climbed higher through misty pine forests, coffee plantations and flower gardens. The ... read more
It's raining
Sleepy head
There were loads of shacks made of pine

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong June 28th 2015

Nick: Having taken a few long bus journeys in South America, the prospect of our 6-7 hour overnight trip from HCMC to Da Lat wasn't especially daunting. At around 22:30 we left our hostel, showered and refreshed for our impending journey and walked the short distance to the bus station. As it turned out, there were plenty of buses going to Da Lat from this station, perhaps every twenty minutes or so; however, given that they were all unsigned and arriving/departing at assorted degrees of lateness from their scheduled time, it was no mean feat working out which of the buses we were meant to be on. This wasn't exactly helped by the two individuals working for the bus company who - completely independently, mind - took a look at our preferred tickets and waved us ... read more
It all proved just too crazy for Sarah!
Walking the perilous Crazy House walkways
High up in the Crazy House

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong April 3rd 2015

Далат – очень красивый цветочный городок, построенный на холмах, поэтому улицы изящно изгибаются вместе с интересными цветными двух и трех этажными домами и множеством кафе с вьетнамским кофе. Город строили французы во время их правления во Вьетнаме, поэтому здесь даже есть местная Эйфелева башня. Целый день мы гуляли по городу, покупали яркие вязаные одежды для деток и катались на катамаранах-Лебедях. А потом нашли нужного агента и договорились на завтра ехать в окрестности – смотреть жизнь. Обычно эти туры делаются на байках, мы начала так и хотели, но Кристэл спит днем долго и на байке ей будет не удобно, хотя этот вид передвижения по Вьетнаму – самый крутой. Мы же взяли машину и поехали утром сначала в красивый темпл, куда приезжают со всей области монахи и просто люди молиться, а потом деревню Chin Kho Darahoa, Деревня Курицы, ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong February 18th 2015

Da Lat is a charming little town in the middle of the southern moutains in Vietnam and is dotted with elegant French colonial houses. Da Lat is known for being the biggest city in Vietnam exporting flowers, it is no wonder you can find flowers all over the city. The reason Da Lat can produce that many flowers is due to the very impressive weather changes in one day. Instead of having four seasons in one year, Da Lat has these seasons in one day. Starting in the morning with the spring, followed by the summer during the day, autumn in the afternoon and at last, once the sun is down it gets so cold we have the winter. The surrounding countryside of this town is blessed by little native villages, waterfalls, pagoda's, lakes, coffee farms ... read more
Crazy House
Crazy House
Crazy House

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong December 14th 2014

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat April 5th 2014

da lat von oben. um den höchsten gipfel der umgebung, den lang biang auf 2.176m, zu besteigen, verlassen wir früh das hotel und fahren mit mountain bikes nördlich aus da lat, über duong lam hamlet in den khu du lich nationalpark. auf dem weg begegnen uns zahlreiche bauern auf ihren mopeds, mit gummistiefel, sichel und spritzkansister ausgestattet vervollständigen sie das bild der flourierenden landwirtschaft. da lat ist keine touristen metropole und obwohl der lang biang in allen reiseführern angepriesen wird, sehen wir uns lediglich in einer horde asiatischer touristen, die alle mit eigenen jeeps den berg hinauf gefahren werden. wir, whities, gehen relativ uncharmant die serpentinenstraße entlang und wundern uns, warum es keinen schöneren, ausgeschilderten weg gibt. schmunzelnd höre ich meinen lieben schwager “wenn man fahren kann, wozu gehen?!”. das denken sich wohl ... read more
da lat view
lang biang

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat April 4th 2014

viet nam von einer ganz anderen seite. nach einem frühen frühstück in nha trang besteigen wir wieder einmal einen open bus mit dem ziel da lat. langsam lichtet sich verkehr und häuseranzahl, wir lassen nha trang und seine touristen ströme hinter uns und nähern uns allmählich gemäßigteren klimazonen. die umgebung wird zunehmend hügeliger bis sich unser völlig untermotorisierter bus den hang im ersten gang hinauf quält. mit zunehmender höhe passieren wir serpentinen mit reich bewachsenen straßenrändern. bananenstauden, schilf und buttrig gelb blühende sträucher säumen den asphalt. dahinter ragen saftig grün bewachsene berge, ähnlich den blue mountains in jamaica, mit dem berühmten undurchdringlichem regenwald, in den himmel. vom morgentau noch schwere wolken bleiben in den bergspitzen hängen und mischen sich mit dem rauch der rodungen. mit zunehmenden höhenmetern verän... read more
crazy house
fish market da lat

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat March 1st 2014

Just 5 days in Saigon and we were moving on knowing that we would swing back through the city on our return. We booked seats on a bus to Da Lat in the Central Highlands. We had been here before and that was half the reason we were going back. Saigon and Da Lat are as different as night and day. While Saigon his noisy and frenetic; Da Lat is a lazy, quiet place famed for its food markets and the surrounding farms. Terraced fields and green houses of extraordinary size fill every available square foot of arable land. Coffee is a major product so coffee bushes proliferate up to the edges of the roads. We were riding on an overnight bus which had started out in the Mekong Delta. Overnight buses do not have normal ... read more
Da Lat Lake
The Chinese Temple
Cable Car

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat August 29th 2013

...I'd hope to find a place in Da Lat, for although Tara and I had spent only four or five days in the refuge of the old French colonial administrators, fleeing the heat of the valleys in the city of a thousand pines, there was something that drew me to the place, made me feel like I could hang my hat, so to speak. 'There isn't much to do there,' 'it's ok for a couple of days,' 'the valley of love looks like it's from a cheesy romance flick,' are among the descriptions I heard about Da Lat which sounded just fine to me since when traveling it often seems you need to make an excuse to just do nothing and here is this unassuming mountain town making the excuses for me. On the way up, ... read more
Da Lat Streets
Crazy House 1
Inside the Pagoda

Asia » Vietnam » Central Highlands » Lam Dong » Da Lat August 9th 2013

Feeling better from my all day hangover, Poppy and I woke up early to go Canyoning. Oh my gosh, this day was so exhilarating. A group of 6 of us got taught to abseil and jump down a small wall. Our first proper abseil was down a 16m wall face next to a waterfall, building us up for the big one in which we went down a roaring waterfall 25m high. The big one, I slipped and hung for a few seconds halfway down. I figured to push myself back up while the force of the waterfall gushed on me. I've got to admit, I was shitting it, but I was ok. I then had to fall from 4 metres down into the water. We also did some cliff jumping, one from 4m and the second ... read more

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