Floating Karaoke Bars...Oh Dear...

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Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Kanchanaburi
May 11th 2006
Published: May 11th 2006
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My chair
Someone help me!!! I made it to Kanchanabury this afternoon. It was a 2 hr bus ride from bangkok. It's an interesting place to say the least. It has some history and all, like the Kwai River Bridge where thousands dies building it. Some nice day trips to do which is a relief from the tourist areas. Teh budget areas are on the riverside where they have floating cabins, which I'm staying in. It's nice and calm until the floating karaoke bars start thundering by my room... Oh dear goodness, what happened to my quiet time by the waters?! this place is known to be a place for Thai tourist and Japanese to come and do exactly that.. karaoke on water.. LOL Sounds like a great time... I guess I can't really say anything as I was warned about this place. But I was still curious to find out what it was all about. I'm not sure how long I'll stay here, but we'll see.
I only have a few days left before leaving for China, which brings me to another subject. Today I bought the Lonely Planet China, and after thumbing through it, I realised that, really, I'm not sure

Kanchanabury, river view and my bungalow.
if I'll be able to afford this one. I'm still gonna go and visit Tits adn see from there. If I do decide to travel through China, it'll be the end of this trip as I woon't have any funds left. SO maybe I'll just do Xi'an and Beijing, then leave to either travel more of South East Asia, or head straight to Australia to get more funds to continue my travels ro maybe just go home. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.. What's the problem Steph? It's pretty much the only decisions you have to make these days.. where do I go next?
Anyone wanna send some funds my way? Maybe some kind of fundraiser? LOL I don't wanna work anymore !!! LOL
Ok, ok, enough, I'm just kidding. So I've tried again to upload some more recent pics of Malaysia, but unfortunately I'm unable to because either the cds that were burnt for me are useless or ... I don't know.
I'll try and get some new copies burnt and see if those will work.
I'm having a little spat of boredom, well not really, just was used to having some people to talk to anytime I wanted to, but rigth

Lotus picking
now I don't feel like going through the :"Hey, where are you from? Where you been?" Blah blah blah, conversation... Maybe I'm just tired, maybe I should go get some rest.. LOL Alright, a la prochaine les amis!

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The views from guesthouse.

13th May 2006

Hey :)
I've send you some pics. By the way, how Kanchanaburi going? Have you join the karaoke? Kiss. Maria :)
13th May 2006

Oh yeah...
Sorry . No, no Karaoke for me... those floats are so annoying!!!

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