Last day at Kanchanaburi

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April 14th 2006
Published: April 15th 2006
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Last day in our lovely floatel - dont really want to leave it, its so nice! got picked up by a boat, and AManda split her tousers!!! hahhahahahah, typical manda! Floated to the place where we were meant to go elephant riding, but Amanda chickened out, for many reasons - fear of life, rabies, and sunstroke - it was mega hot (agaian!) Chris went on though, and got a sun burn really bad. It was about an hour and it ended with the elephants dunking themselves into the river which was refreshing. Lots of amusing sights and sounds out of the rear of the elephant!!!

Then went back on the little boat to get on a bamboo raft to go rafting back to the kitti raft base. Got on and it didnt sink - so cool - floating logs. Floated back and got off on the wrong side of the river - had to cross the river by a rickety bridge - similar to the scary one off indiana jones, but with loads more boards missing and loads more rotten! We were with some people from Israel and even they were scared!!!

We had lunch which was rice with bits in it, and then it was time to head off on our long long journey to Koh Samui. We set off in the mini van and we were dropped off at Nakah Pathom train station, we got there at 4pm, and our train wasnt until 8.40pm, and this train station is so small, wiht hole toilets - ahhhh. it was a very long wait, there were drunken people smashing bottles on the line, but apart from that, not tooo bad. We had some crisps for tea and then then train came. WE boarded and thank the lord it was air conditioned. We got into our little beds which were both top bunks and bedded down for the night. 10 hours later we arrived in Surat Thani, where we got a bus to the peir to get the ferry to Koh Samui.

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