Fried Grasshoppers anyone??

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Phuket
October 23rd 2005
Published: April 1st 2006
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Well we were up early this morning ready to catch the bus down to Bangkok as we were making our way to Phuket today! The bus only took a couple of hours and as we had about 5 hours to kill til we had to catch our train to Surat Thani, we decided to catch the sky train into the centre and look around the shops!

The train journey down to surat thani actually went really smoothly which was such a relief and we even managed to sleep on there-this time we were in the middle of the carriage completely clear of automatic doors!
Once at Surat Thani we had to get a 4 hr bus into Phuket then a taxi into Patong Beach which we shared with the most arrogant isralies was a very long day!
Our resort in Patong was lovely..The Tony Resort..and didn't seem too affected by the Tsunami.

Over the few days in Patong we've walked around so many shops and stalls and everything is sooo cheap. We walked along the main sea front which was hit pretty bad by the Tsunami, most of it had been re-built but there was still alot of
Dave, Jackie, Thai girl and MeDave, Jackie, Thai girl and MeDave, Jackie, Thai girl and Me

Attempting to beat the thai's at Jenga!
work going on.

At night we found the lively street of Patong which was very seedy but so funny!! There were 'Chickboys' everywhere...most with better bodies than the girls.
Sean fancied one, and convinced 'SHE' was a proper 'SHE' started having a good look until she caught him and came over-she spoke in the deepest male voice-he he that'll teach him!

We also met a lovely couple called Jackie & Dave who live in Perth but are actually Scottish. Spent most nights drinking and chatting with them which was really nice...and sean trying to keep up with the drinking ended up with one of his notorious hangovers and spent most the days in bed! On one of his drunken nights, Dave managed to convince Sean to eat fried Grasshoppers and Cockroaches..yuk...which he totally regretted the morning after when he was still pulling their legs out of his teeth!!!!!!

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Me, Sean, Dave & JackieMe, Sean, Dave & Jackie
Me, Sean, Dave & Jackie

Enjoying are 45 baht vodka/redbulls
Sean & DaveSean & Dave
Sean & Dave

now attempting the bigger bugs!
Dave & SeanDave & Sean
Dave & Sean

Still eating more bugs!!!!!

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