Hot Spring Waterfalls and Emerald Pool

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November 10th 2012
Published: November 10th 2012
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I had a short tour of The Emerald Pool located at Klong Thom district. This pool is named by it's own condition, huge pool with green crystal clear fresh water looking like emerald. This pool covers 100 square meters which you can see clear trough the bottom of the pool. The Emerald pool originates from a warm stream in the middle of Khao Nor Juji forest.

The hot spring waterfall, also located at Klong Thom district near to the Emerald is about 50-60 degrees celcius and also originates from the middle of Khao Nor Juji forest. A long running hot water channel drops down a few meters to another cool pool at the bottom. People believe this small pool can cure many diseases?

It was a nice few hours.

I've made a call to book in at Ang Yess Art Cafe for tomorrow in Satun for a few days before crossing the border to Langkawi, Malaysia.

Love to all xxx

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