My beach tour

Published: May 31st 2008
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Just got back from my beach tour an hour or so ago and it was great...

We went snorkelling, there was fish literally everywhere, I could see more fish than water at some points. When you threw some bread in the water they went nuts, just everywhere. We also went to the beach where they filmed "The Beach" it was cool to see where they filmed it, since it is one of my favorite movies, but I saw more Speedo's than anyone should ever see. I got some really good pictures of everything so I will throw those on here in a few days.

I'm thinking of catching the night bus tommorow to Bangkok, load up on Malaria pills and bug spray then head into Cambodia. I've been in Thailand for about 2 weeks now, still lots more to see but I'm planning on going through Cambodia, up Vietnam, down Laos and to the North of Thailand and down. But that's a rough plan so we'll see what happens.

Oh... and for all of you that are wondering... I've given up on the Vegeterian thing, I'll try it when I get home but here I just keep getting meat even when I don't order it...oh well!

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The beachThe beach
The beach

where they filmed the beach.... a little touristy though

3rd June 2008

Really enjoy your adventures Love
3rd June 2008

lol, so funny about the meat. Cambodia...sounds interesting..i have only seen parts of it in Apocolypse its better theses days. Stay safe world traveller, we love fruit!!!...Love.Aunt Sandra,Chris and Camille xxxxx

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