Phi Phi and awaaayyyy!! (pronounced Pee pee!)

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don
February 28th 2008
Published: March 11th 2008
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Got picked up for our boat over to Koh Phi Phi and headed to the harbour/pier whatever you want to call it! Another sticker was given! they love em! Everyone was out on the top deck sunbathing and sleeping which was quite funny - it was a right free for all, needless to say we dived in!! As we were coming into Phi Phi we could see this dark cloud hanging over Ton sai bay where we were heading to and then the heavens opened and my did it rain!!! we all ran for cover on the boat but soon it was time to get off so we had no choice!! As there's only one pier at phi phi, the system of getting off the boat is an obstacle course as your boat attaches itself next to the next boat and you have to climb off your bopat to the next one, then the next one, we had to climb up and down stairs of 4 different boats in the peeing rain before we actually got to the pier - so funny!! we ran for cover along with everyone else and waited....and waited.... and waited!! After half hour it was still raining but it had calmed down a bit so I left Lou with the bags to go in search of accom! it's bloody expensive here!! we found one through one of the agencies for 800B which was the cheapest so we went for that even though its a bit out of the centre!! We soon realised thought that being out of the centre in phi phi means you are a 10 minute walk away rather than a 2 min walk which is really not so bad at all!!! As we were walking by a bar we saw Vicki and Kiri from samui who we we meeting up with again here so we arranged to meet them later!

Our guesthouse was a cute little place, basic but clean and quite rickety! the steps were so funny getting up there though, really steep and random!! We weren't amazingly keen on the place but for a night it would do and then we decided to look in the morning for a new place!

we headed down to meet the girlsbut they had gone so got talking to Larry and James aka Jim the Americans who they had been talking to earlier! we stayed and had some drinks with thema nd then met the girls later!! becky came out as well but she's heading back to Bangkok tomorrow which is a shame! Wasn't much to do as it was still raining most of the day so we just chilled really, played some cards and had some drinks! Ton Sai is a really cool little place, it has small and narrow streets and its very backpackery place! phi has no cars or motor vehicles on the island, they get about by bike and boat! it's nice not to hear - Tuk Tuk, taxi every 2 minutes at least, you just get the thai people on their bikes saying 'Peep Peep' when they want to get past as they don't have a bell or horn!!

we went into this one place which is a bar but has a boxing ring in it and if you fight your friend you can win a free bucket!! mmmmm ok! not! I'd be too nice!! there were 2 girls though that we think weren't friends and they were really going for it!!! one punched the referee in the goolies and he had to go off!! vicious or
Vicki, Lou, Jim, Kiri, me and LarryVicki, Lou, Jim, Kiri, me and LarryVicki, Lou, Jim, Kiri, me and Larry

From the left and round!
what??! I don't think she did it on purpose!! it was quite an amusing place though!! they had thai professional boxing on after that which was good to see as well. Anything goes in their boxing, kicking, punching etc etc!!!

So a good night all round and met lots of new people!!!

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