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October 31st 2006
Published: October 31st 2006
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We left Surat Thani which was a bit of a battle. Never no when i'm being ripped off or people are being nice. eventually we got on a bus and we were on our way. We were both really excited about the trekking and stuff. We got off the bus and got a minivan to our digs we stayed at Nung House, really nice bungalow 300 b a night with hot water yippee. So nice to have a hot shower. We spent some time going over the trekking options and plumped for a 2 day 1 night trek to the lake, view point, night safari, swimmimg, kayaking, ,morning mist boat ride and finally the big cave trek. The guy at Nung said it wasnt to hard, some swimmimg and some reasonably flat walking. There were 5 of us and the guide Quon. The rest of the group consisted of Helen a yorkshire girl who had spent some time in London who was great had some great chats with her, and the two dutch lads jonus and martie who were great to.

The scenary to our overnight accomodation on a raft house was amazing we went from nearly one end of the dam to the other. It was so beautiful i just wonder how beautiful it was before they flooded it. We went to the veiw point as our fist trek the walk was quite hard going in places especially towards the end as there was some rock scrambling to do maybe called "crabbing" but well worth the trip cus the veiw was amazing, stunning, jaw dropping even. We went back to the raft house and had a good swim in the lake which was so good. Food was great and after was the night safari, we cus the water was high we couldn't do, so instead we got in the boat and followed the waters edge with a big torch looking for wild life a bit shit really...until she switched the light off and the engine and we just floated looking at the stars and the moon, must learn the constellations. Next morning we went out on the boat again which was ok had breakfast and prepared for the cave swim/hike. We were all abit sore from the previous day but ready to go. When we got off the boat we headed straight into the jungle toward the rocks and it was really hard going it toook us about 30 minutes to cover less than 1km. It was getting a bit much and the guide said it would get harder? So much for an easy walk. We decided that if it was going to get harder to call it a day. So she took four of us back. Frustratingly when we arrived back at the rest house there were other people there waiting to go and they asked us all about it. We told them we had turned back because of difficulty and the other guides laughed because no one else goes that way everyone else was going swimming up the river and then a flat walk to the cave. I was really pissed off. We got back to our bungalow and i was stewing over what had happened when the guy asked us how it was we let rip with our frustration and he to couldn't understand why she had taken us the way she did. never mind another lesson learnt. we left khao sok the following day for Krabbi.


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