South Thailand

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May 9th 2008
Published: May 9th 2008
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Hello from the Jungle!!

We have arrived in Khao Sok, which is a national park in south thailand. It rains quite a bit here, prob cos its a rainforest! So we got a chance to use the internet for a bit.

Since our last blog entry we have met our group who we will be touring with for the next 10 days, and they are all lovely! Mainly from Australia, New Zealand and England. And out tour Leader is from Cornwall!
On the first night we went out in Khoa San Road which is the famous street in thailand full of bars and stalls and we had some cocktails. THen the next day we did a bit of sight seeing, saw some temples and got a thai massage (lush!) and then left bangkok to get the overnight train down to khao Sok.

The over night train was so much fun, we spent the whole night partying in the restaurant cart with a group from canada, i didn't sleep much at all and then had to get up at 5.30 to get off the train, it was a bit mental but loads of fun!

Then when we arrived here we went and did a trip down the river on tubes (like big rubber tyre rings) and then saw some monkeys! Our accommodation is huts in the jungle which is great and so random, but we have mosquito nets and its fairly cool in your rooms, not too hot becaus it rains so much. Last night we sat in the reastaurant and there were fire flying all around us and lizards and frogs! And this morning we went on a elephant ride through the jungle, our elephant was called Bela. she was absolutely beautiful!

Apologies for the rushed writing today, but dont have mch time on the computers. But tomorrow we travel down to Krabi which is where we relax on the beach for a few days so will add more then.

Big LOve!

Emily (and Ruth who is back at the hut) x x

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