Fingers in the Pai.

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July 24th 2010
Published: July 24th 2010
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This is our third day in Pai and we're having a blast!
Pai is very much like a Margaret River without the beach. It is much cooler here (guessing about 26-29 degrees), and there are loads of mozzies but that is all I have to complain about. Otherwise, it is cheap, small enough to walk in 20 minutes, artsy and... has good food!

I decided to make the most of all this wonderful town has to offer and signed up for a yoga course. Lisa and I spent yesterday with our body in knots and as a result yes, today the muscles are a little tight. It was a great day and we are now pros at breathing- who knew we were doing it wrong! We are now certified yoga do-ers and have made a vow to attempt sun salutations whenever space permits.

Today I went to a foot massage course where I learnt all about the reflexology pressure points and now have a general idea of where to put my hands- if i so choose to do so! My battered traveller's feet are willing but even I don't want to touch them.

We have spent the last few nights amongst the other travellers here. This town is so small you see the same people all day and all night. Both nights we have ended up at a place called 'Edible Jazz' listening to some local artists, talking to people from across the globe. It just doesn't get much better than that. As I feel my Asia trip coming to a close it's nights like those I am desperately trying to record in my brain.

Tomorrow we have an early start. We are off on a white water rafting trip. Tomorrow night we sleep in a bush camp and bathe in the river. I am so excited about it.

That's the news for now. There will definately be a w.w. rafting update after we return. Hope the first week of school was a good one for everyone.

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Tut tutTut tut
Tut tut

Lisa sips beer from a coffee mug. It was illegal to drink alcohol on Buddha's birthday but the folks at ting tong's made an exception.

25th July 2010

Fingers in the Pai!
Hi Chloe, aren't you the witty one! Great title! I loved your last two entries. It is so lovely to get all your news. Loved Lisa's messages with her eyes re the guest house... I can just see her in my mind's eye. I am wondering how the ww rafting went. I hope it was exciting but safe at the same time. Is that possible? Dad took Veg and Trailer to the beach this morning, with Mia, and then left him at her place. he said he looked sad, as though he wanted to stay with dad and the ute. Ah!!! Love you. Mum.
26th July 2010

Have fun white water rafting. Best fun i have ever had in my life! Kirsty.

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