Photos for Luang Prabang & Chang Mai

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
May 18th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Here are all the photos that belong to the lastest blog!

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Photos: 55, Displayed: 22


Phet the tigerPhet the tiger
Phet the tiger

This is a photo of 'Phet' the tiger who was rescued from poachers. He is now looked after here and is very healthy
Night MarketNight Market
Night Market

This was right outside our guesthouse

16th May 2007

good to hear you are all ok from your tsunami experience, you sure it wasnt just gav jumping in the pool(that is what happens after too much beer). Looking forward to your asian meals you will be cooking for us when you get home
21st May 2007

WOW, I am soooo Jealous. My mum (Glenda) sent me the link to your website and I have finally had a chance to sit down and read parts of it. I struggle to comprehend how you manage to travel for so long.. but then again I have only travelled to North America and Europe.. One day Christine and I will get to Thailand etc.. I guess it may be a while until you venture out again but I'd love to travel with you guys (with Christine of course).. just to see how others travel. Christine is currently in England for 10 days. She found a return flight from Toronto for $350CAD return so she couldn't turn it down... unfortunately I can not leave the country while my work permit application is being processed. Hopefully it will go through within 4-5 months so that I can return home in Feb. 08 for Kate's Wedding. How long do you have left of your journey? I can't imagine what Mia has thought of all this!!! I am definitely jealous... Talk to you soon.. Drop us a line if time allows.

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