Endless Shopping

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January 22nd 2019
Published: January 22nd 2019
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Today was our last day in the Nakornping Hospital. We arrived on our neuro unit and we were pleasantly surprised that we would be spending our morning in the traditional medicine area. We thought we were getting massages, but we ended up mostly learning about acupuncture and only getting a 5-minute massage. First, we observed postpartum mothers receiving breast massages to help the flow of their breast milk. Then, the doctor taught us about acupuncture and walked us through meditation. He found our pressure points on our arms and hands by having us stick out our tongue. I am still not quite sure what he was doing, but he had us each stick out our tongues individually and then he pressed on different pressure points. After our 10-minute meditation we each got a mini massage.

In the afternoon, we had a meeting with the managers of each unit, and Imogen and I presented on the healthcare similarities and differences between Thailand and the US. Some of the differences were sterile technique (gloves vs. forceps), documentation (paper vs. electronic), and assessment (full body vs. focused). After we presented we talked to the managers about our time on the unit and any areas where they thought they could improve their units.

This evening we went shopping. Yes, shopping again. As you can tell we really enjoy shopping, especially in Thailand where things are a lot cheaper than in the US. We did our shopping at the market at Chiang Mai University.


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