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June 21st 2006
Published: July 31st 2006
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Going into Wat Phra KaewGoing into Wat Phra KaewGoing into Wat Phra Kaew

Get ready for gold and shiny thingies overdose
Bangkok was the last stop for me on my travels and I had little intention of really doing much as my thoughts were all on going home now. I'd had a great few days partying in Pah-Ngan and was looking forward to perhaps meeting friends (Rach Sampson) from England and Emma who I met in Borneo. I missed Rach but Emma turned up the next day which was great. She's a great girl, good company and of course given the nature of our relationship I got to enjoy myself for a few days.

This was a result as it wasn't long ago that I'd just met Hayley at the full moon party. That is until Hayley gets in touch to tell me that she is also in Bangkok at the same time as me! Shit. I'd have really like to see Hayley too but had commitments with Emma by that time so couldn't see her again unfortunately. I feel guilty in a funny kinda way about the whole thing. Not because I feel like I did something wrong because there was no commitment made in either situation but because they would both have been upset if they found out.
A bugs lifeA bugs lifeA bugs life

I ate most of the contents of this bag in one revolting go. Not something I will be repeating.

I don't have much to say about Bangkok mostly because I've now run out of energy keeping this thing up to date and partly because I didn't do much apart from shopping and visiting the Grand Palace etc. Still, I have the glory of a broadband connection now and some of the photos are quite nice so I'll put them up.

Just for the record the bugs they sell around town aren't mostly that bad but trust me when you eat a whole assorted bag in one huge mouthful you're asking for trouble. I have video evidence to prove it.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Moral supportMoral support
Moral support

Two heads are better than one as they say. Do you think it's wrong to look so happy that we have a fried grass hopper in our mouths?

me looking a little worn out
Give a little supportGive a little support
Give a little support

I'm sure everybody gets this pic but I still like it
Grand palaceGrand palace
Grand palace

What can I say it does what it says on the tin.
Same old same oldSame old same old
Same old same old

The Reclining Buddha. Why everybody takes a pic looking up from it's feet normally I don't know
Serious businessSerious business
Serious business

They might be overrun with tourists but most places, like here (What Po), are still active places of worship.

22nd June 2006

all good things & all that...
Well mate it looks like you've had a wicked time, I've enjoyed reading your blogs. I hope all goes well with your masters and if you do ever become bored just remember me stuck here on this crappy island! ;) Speak soon... Nathan
22nd June 2006

all good things & all that...
Well it looks like you've had a wicked time. I've enjoyed reading your blogs... Good luck with your masters and if you ever get bored just remember me stuck on this crappy island! ;)
1st July 2006

Hey, Glad you enjoyed it. I'd say the blogs were pretty mediocre especially towards the end when I got lazy but thanks anyway. Bali. Well it's great yeah and very different to Thailand. Kuta is tourist central but great fun for clubbing, surfing etc anyway. It all depends on what you like to do. Indonesia has masses to offer but if you have no plans to be honest a lot will just depend on who you meet etc. If you want to see/do something really adventurous make an effort to get away from thailands beaches and explore places like sumatra in Indonesia or Borneo - I can seriously seriously recomend Barion in Sarawak close to the border with Kalimantan if you like the outdoors
5th August 2006

hello ther ole chum!!
my dearest ryan, appaulled by your promiscious ways, we thought you, a man of virtue and integrity would never behave in such a commmon manner, what would ma ma say, you besmerched the names of both emma and hayley who fell for your charming ways, but all aong we see you wer but a dirty little hoe!!!! yours in disgust, patsy and ide
5th August 2006


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