Second day in Bangkok

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May 2nd 2011
Published: May 2nd 2011
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Second day in Bangkok
Cath really enjoys this shopping crap, as far as I am concerned, I never want to see another shop again. Saying that when out to Chatuchak weekend markets, note the 'weekend' part, it wasn't open. We took the train, StateRail could learn a lot from the Thai rail system. Very efficient, Very fast and a little Nazi security guard on every station, as i found out from getting to close to the end of the platform. Like to shove that whistle up his ass. But one thing about the Thai people, they make me feel really tall. Although the markets weren't open there is JJ's a shopping complex similar to your paddy markets, only bigger, with much more stuff, I haven't seen so many live fish, frogs, and heaps of insects. I presume they feed the insects to the fish?
Good day in all, walked all day in the heat and then went to buy beers, only to find the Thai's have a health regulation, prohibiting the sale of alcohol between the hours of 2pm and 5pm. So all I can say is come on 5pm. Already stole all the beers from the minibar and need to replace them before I forget and I get slugged. Beer at the supermarket is 38 baht which equates to $1.16
Just spent some time on Skype, only 40 minutes to the end of curfew and just learn't Osama Bin Larden. Suprise, Suprise........

Hello everyone
mmmmm well Chris did very well considering he hates shopping.
I think his ego is very inflated as he feels sooooooooooooo tall.
We have shopped and had a lovely lunch and now just chilling in the room with a cool drink as it is soooooooooooooo hot.
Chris really enjoyed the "weekend" markets that were not open all but the animal sectioned but that kept him very happy.
To my delight the train police man gave Chris a work out with his whistle when he got to close to the yellow line. Hehe another boo boo from Mr Perfect.
Think we might celebrate the news we have just heard about Bin Laden tonight if I can stand listening to Chris' conspiracy theory that this is just all propaganda to save Obama's BUTT>

Love to all talk soon Cath and Chris

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