Bangkok Impressions

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March 6th 2005
Published: March 6th 2005
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Two important things about Bangkok: nothing ever stops moving (seriously, see below) and you can get food on the street for nothing(almost).

The traffic here is... impressive. First of all for us it is difficult because they drive on the other side of the road here, so in order to not get run over I have to do something I have not done since I was a child - concentrate on crossing the road. Then there are ever moving vehicles: cars, buses, trucks, tuk tuks (3 wheeled bicycles with a seat where up to 7! people fit.), motorbikes, and dont forget the people. The buses and boats pick up and let off passengers while still moving and if you are not quick you have to wait until the next stop, or swim.

Our lucky day - Buddhist Holiday - all temples closed to foreigners (and all buses and ships that take people to those places also). Just our luck that Chinatown was not closed. If anyone has seen the chinatown in New York, just like that but more crowded, way more. There you can find a separate store for every single little thing: stuffed toys, dried mushrooms, Dr. Best(!) toothbrushes, whatever your little heart desires. My little heart desired everything, but the wallet was also small (5 euros) and so was the backpack. Seeing as I bought earrings, a chinese style shirt, and blue agat beads for my mom I decided to give it a break.

Food is unbelievably cheap. Just now we had dinner for 50B (1 euro) pro person with main dish, drink (a fruit shake from fresh fruit) and a dessert. That was a bit on the cheap side but in general you can get a good sit down dinner with 2 euros pro person. And there is all kinds of food starting with american breakfast, ending with indian food. Meat is grilled right in front of you on little grill carts.

More to come tomorrow.

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9th March 2005

So awesome
Dear sis, I am so proud (and yes, a bit jealous) of your adventures. I would love to be there with you right now but alas I am in snowy Ithaca, where the temperature is -12C (feels like -22C) aka fricken cold!!! I love you lots and want pics and presents when you get back. - Caxa
5th September 2008

please take more pictures home!! you make such a great trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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