Its been a long week

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok
August 27th 2008
Published: August 27th 2008
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Hello As you can see its been longer this time since I wrote a blog, so this will probably be a long one. I went into Bangkok with Lorna and we managed to get the mini bus to Chatuchuck market (a big market in Bangkok). It was soo hot and the market was really busy so we didn’t spend long there as either of us wanted to buy anything. We then got the subway, which was good as it was all air-cond... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 32, Displayed: 21


Naz Romjon 037Naz Romjon 037
Naz Romjon 037

They took my camera
Naz Romjon 053Naz Romjon 053
Naz Romjon 053

He is enjoying his physio honest lol!!
Naz Romjon 036Naz Romjon 036
Naz Romjon 036

Fie pretending she couldn't walk but can
Naz Romjon 035Naz Romjon 035
Naz Romjon 035

Dancing with Fie

27th August 2008

Naz - I can't see the pics? Can you get a recipe for Thai chips please. Love Sal x x
28th August 2008

NAZ!!! looks like you're having a brill time, im so jealous!! pics look awesome!! cant wait till you're back to tell us all bout it!! take care of yourself x x
29th August 2008

hey dude!!!! the pics look awesum!! the bike looks like a lot of effort dude!!! bless the kids must love having you there. Take care and i cant wait to hear your stories!!! xh
2nd September 2008

Hi Naz it all looks fantastic, and sound like you having a fab time. Keep up with the blog i love reading and looking at the pics xxxxxx
7th September 2008

Hiya mate Hope it's all going well, sounds very interesting. Can you post up the address of where people can send parcels to. I'd like to send one and i'm sure others may want to as well. Missing you back here but enjoying reading about your adventures, take care!X
15th September 2008

sending gifts
Hi Shaz hope you and Paul are well? I'm just replying to your message about sending gifts I have put the address on one of my latest blogs and it only takes about 1 week. Love Naz xxxxx

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