Arrivee a Bangkok / Arrival in Bangkok...

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April 5th 2008
Published: April 6th 2008
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Bon matin!

Quelle aventure en elle-meme que la ville de Bangkok! Si je ne vous ai pas ecrits hier, c'est que ce n'etait pas la joie! Apres un 48h aussi intense ou tout s'est deroule mille fois mieux que ce que j'esperais, l'arrivee a Bangkok a ete... disons mouvementee!

L'aeroport est immense, bonde surtout, et il y a une foule de gens qui te crient toutes sortes de trucs... Depaysant... C'etait AVANT d'en sortir, vous vous imaginez apres!

Apres une recherche approfondie pour un taxi 'avec meter', je prends place. Le chauffeur ne parle pas tres bien anglais, ce qui rend nos communications plutot difficiles. Comme je n'ai aucune idee d'ou je m'en vais, ca n'aide pas ma confiance a prendre le dessus.

Lorsque je me rends compte qu'il a arrete le meter, la 'chicane pogne'. Je vous epargnerai les details, mais disons que je me suis retrouvee sur le coin d'une rue, a avoir paye ce que je considere comme un prix trop eleve (mais au fond, qu'est-ce que j'en sais, vraiment?) et a ne pas savoir par ou aller. Genial.

J'ajoute a cela que je porte tous mes avoirs sur mon dos, que je suis 'trempee a lavette', et je n'exagere meme pas un peu. Bangkok, c'est une image eclectique... C'est une mer de gens qui crient, de vendeurs qui harcelent, l'humidite est insoutenable et la langue m'est tout a fait etrangere, y'a pas a dire. La voila, ma premiere image de Bangkok.

Je finis par trouver le Guest House que mes amies Ann-Marie et Nicole (qui sont presentement au Vietnam) m'ont recommande. J'essaie de me faire comprendre, j'ai l'impression qu'elles sont betes avec moi... Plus de chambres disponibles, seulement une simple, avec salle de bains et lavabos communs sur l'etage, pas d'air climatise. 5$ la nuit. Je ne chigne pas, je me parle et me repete que tout va bien. Je me rends au 4e etage...

Je decouvre 'ma cellule', l'electricite et la fan ne fonctionnent meme pas. Et je retiens mes larmes. Oh, que je ravale! Je vais remplir les papiers pour mon visa, et remonte. N'en pouvant plus, j'eclate en sanglots... je m'etends... et m'endors en pleurant...

Je suis reveillee vers 17h par un tintamarre destabilisant, qui se revele etre une fanfare. Je suis tombee en plein festival, celui de la nouvelle annee Thai a la mi-avril. C'est la que je rencontre celle qui sauvera ma premiere journee, une Francaise incroyablement rafraichissante! Elle me montre comment fonctionnent l'electricite et la fan (oups... my bad!) et nous passons la soiree ensemble; je decouvre Khao San Road, LA rue des touristes; elle me fait essayer des plats divers (mangues servies avec du riz, delicieux, et des crepes avec des bananes et de la p'tite poudre sucree). La bouffe est preparee dans la rue, c'est assourdissant mais hallucinant en meme temps.

Apres une bonne nuit de sommeil (je me suis reveillee aux deux heures... ), je suis prete a decouvrir Bangkok, mais pas trop en profondeur, tout de meme. Je vais beaucoup mieux, mais j'ai tout de meme hate de sortir de Bangkok.
Je decouvre le marche Chukachat, o combien ce fut une experience en soi... La section des animaux, que j'aurais evitee si j'avais su, m'a completement aneantie. Ils sont la, devant toi, sous cette chaleur presque humainement insupportable, et certains sont en train de crever, la, devant toi... Et je ne m'etends meme pas sur les especes en voie d'extinction que j'ai apercues...

Sur une note plus gaie (je vais essayer de vous remonter le moral, tout de meme!), quand on a decouvert les kiosques de bouffe, j'ai goute a TOUT! Ne me demandez pas ce que je mangeais, mais la plupart des bouchees etaient excellentes! Une fois, des Thais ne cessaient de me repeter: 'Banane, banane'. Une fois le petit morceau englouti, ils se sont tous esclaffes de rire... Je peux aussi vous dire que juste le gout etait suffisant comme indication: y'avait absolument pas la moindre trace de banane la-dedans... Apres une journee de marche ou mes yeux n'etaient pas assez grands pour tout voir, j'ai passe une premiere vraie bonne nuit de sommeil. Allez savoir pourquoi, je me reveille de moi-meme a 6h... J'imagine que ca ne durera pas!

Je me promets un p'tit dimanche tranquille sous la grisaille et la pluie.

Merci de m'encourager! C'est un reel bonheur que de me reveiller et de decouvrir vos petits mots d'amour!

Les photos, je sais que je me repete, mais ca s'en vient... Disons que c'est plus facile d'ecrire que de transferer des fichiers avec ces machines... J'espere que ca vous emmerde pas trop!

A bientot!

Good morning everyone!

Bangkok... What an adventure in itself! What else to say, really... If I didn't update anything yesterday, it wasn't because I didn't have any time, or any Internet access... No... I just wasn't in a good mood, at all! After 48h straight travelling, and an amazing one with everything going a thousand times better then what I expected, my first hours in Bangkok were a little more... bustling!

The airport is big, but mostly crowded: sooooooo many people yelling in a language I have really don't understand. Pretty exotic! That was before I got out, can you imagine after!?!

I carefully looked for a metered taxi. My driver barely spoke English, so communication was an issue, and I didn't know where I was going. I must say I didn't feel confident at all.

When I realized he had stopped the meter somewhere down the road, well, we started to fight. I won't go in any details, but I ended up by myself somewhere around a corner, feeling like I just gotten robbed (but how much do I know about taxi prices, really?), and I had no idea where to go. Great.

I had all my belongings on my back, was sweating like a pig, and I mean it. Bangkok... it's colourful in a different way... it's an eclectic picture. A crowd that yells, harasses you, tries to sell you something, always after your money; it's so humid you just have to breathe and you're all wet, and I can't understand a word of the language. Now, you have it: my first impression of Bangkok.

I finally found my way to the Guest House Ann-Marie and Nicole (my friends who are actually in Vietnam) recommended. The 2 girls were so rude, there was nothing left... We argued for a couple of minutes; I ended up with the last room, single, with common bathrooms, for 5$ a night. I got upstairs, talking to myself all the way up there, trying not to let those tears that were fighting in my throat out.

When I discovered my 'cell', that's how I felt at the time, the fan and electricity weren't working. I so wanna cry. I went to the travel agency, instead, to get my visa for Vietnam ASAP. Got back to my room... Then, couldn't hold it anymore. I just burst into tears... layed down on the bed... and cried myself to sleep...

Around 5pm, an astonishing noise woke me up... A parade! Here, they are celebrating their New Year next Monday, so they're having special events everywhere. I stood on the balcony, looking down... and met my savior for the day! She is French, from France, and is amazingly refreshing. She showed me how to make the electricity and the fan work (oups... my bad!) and we spent the evening together. I discovered Khao San Roa, popular backpack tourists' guest houses area. She made me try some pancakes and mangoes with rice, delicious! They prepare the food in the street, right there, in front of you.
It's loud, it's too much, but it's just incredible to see... Hard to explain, really...

After a good night sleep (I woke up every 2 hours), I'm ready to discover Bangkok, but not too deeply... I feel much better, but still can't wait to get out of Bangkok.
Chukachat Market, an impressive outdoor market that only takes place on week-ends, is the goal today. Wow! What an experience... The pet section just killed me, I'm serious. If I would have known, I would have avoided it. You just look at the, they're right in front of you, in that humid weather that I could barely stand myself. Some are dying, right there, in front of you... and I'm not even talking about the endangered species that I saw...

On a more joyful note (I'll try to cheer you up!), when we ended up in the Food Section, I tried EVERYTHING that they would give me. Don't ask me what I was trying, but most of it was good, pretty tasty. One time, Thais were telling me 'Bananas, bananas'... Once it got in my mouth, they killed themselves laughing. I can tell you, the taste was also a good indication that there's wasn't any banana in it...
My eyes were wide open all day, but still not wide enough to see it all! I got an awsome sleep, but, don't ask me why, keep waking up at 6 in the morning... Guess you it won't last!!

Sunday... Got big plans: nothing! It's my lazy day, it's raining anyway!

Thank you so much for your messages! You don't even know how much it gives me a boost when I find them in the morning! Thanks for encouraging and supporting me!

I know, the pictures. Computers are not THAT easy here, but I should get some help tomorrow. Sorry, you only have stories for now. Hopefully, it's not toooooo boring!

Talk to you soon!

Additional photos below
Photos: 21, Displayed: 21


6th April 2008

Hi Sweetie,
Hi my brave sweet step-daughter! I can totally relate to your frustrations and confusions. Asia is not an easy place to visit. When I was there with my sister I was totally dependent on her since she is used to flying there with her job and knows how to get around the airport, get to the hotels, knew what to eat, etc. I was so afraid of losing her in the huge crowds of people that were everywhere, I literally had to hold her hand... When we got to Hong Kong, we only wanted to have our pictures taken in one of those things...I forget what they are called. You know the guys that run you around in a one person woodend seat thing...gees I can't remember the word now. Well anyway, I sit in it and my sister takes a picture of me and he takes off running around the street with me sitting in and then wants me to give him $25.00!!! I said no's $5.00 for the picture and took off. They are ruthless!!!! Then when we would ask people for directions they would always give us the wrong directions and we were walking everywhere on foot. My feet were sooooo sore at night I had to put bandages on every toe. It was awful... They are very rude people and their language to me just sounds like awful noise! The other frustrating thing was not being able to read ANYTHING... At least in Europe you can pretty much figure things out easier. However, you wanted an adventure and you certainly sound like you're getting on! Thank goodness you found a French friend! Oh, and the banana story made me laugh. Once when my sister and I were shopping in Korea, some guys handed us a drink telling us it was to thank us for the money we spent in their store. Oh my was the strongest thing in the world. When we nearly passed out they were laughing so hard I thought they were going to pee in their pants! I talked to Josiane last night and she can't wait to get online to visit your blog. I will get her the computer this week for sure. She misses you very much and was happy to get your message. She is working a lot and is frustrated that they can't seem to keep a chef making it more work for Josiane. She sounded sooooo tired last night. Anyway, your dad needs me to chop vegetables for dinner tonight so I better get upstairs. I still haven't had a chance to explain to him who to visit your blog but will after my "chores" ;o) So I kiss you and thank you for your interesting stories, You are such a "colorful" writer. Have fun...stay safe. Kiss kiss, Tina
7th April 2008

Wow bravo ma belle !
Émilie, je suis toute contente de suivre ton épopée. Chanceuse, moi qui rêve d'aller en Thaïlande... Avoir su que tu partais , je t'aurais suivi. Je vais te suivre avec ton blogue alors :) J'imagine quel choc culturel tu as eu. Lâche pas, profite de chaque coup d'oeil, de chaque odeur et de chaque goût de trucs inconnus que tu dégustes. Gros bec de Montréal Amélie xxx
7th April 2008

Profite z'en bien beautée.
8th April 2008

Bisous de Bangkok!
Hey! Pitoune! Quelle surprise de te lire! Ca fait chaud au coeur! Ecoute, c'aurait ete incroyable que tu viennes ici avec moi! Pour etre honnete, ca s'est passe bien bien vite, tout ca. Je suis bien adaptee, je crois, chaque journee est une surprise en soi, et je suis toujours epuisee mais heureuse quand j'arrive a ma chambre le soir. Je devrais bouger demain ou jeudi, alors j'espere que tu te deplaceras avec moi! Gros bisous ma belle! Merci d'etre la!
8th April 2008

Quel plaisir!
Salut toi! He oui, un autre de mes fameux coups de tete! Je suis bien heureuse, par contre! Je profite de chaque seconde, de chaque flanage, meme de chaque coup de chaleur! ;) A bientot! Je t'embrasse!
8th April 2008

Salut ,Que DE BELLLES IMAGES...comme si j,y etais avec toi...quel changements de vie...cette richesse de decouvertes vas rester avec toi toute ta,tu seras plus jamais la meme par la suite,je prends gout a ton aventure en te lisant ,un papa inquiet mais heureux pour toi ,grosse caresse,ah oui ton coco de Paques est encore ne sais pour combien de temps....torture....torture....Jean
9th April 2008

Papa... ca me fait du bien de te lire; j'ai besoin de ta grosse caresse... ca me fait pleurer, mais ca me fait du bien. Je te comprends d'etre inquiet, mais je te promets que tout va bien et que je suis prudente. Oui, tout un changement de vie, et qui ne fait que commencer puisqu'on part pour le Cambodge dans les prochains jours, pour ensuite remonter le Vietnam. Ca va te rassurer de savoir que mon ami Patrick est avec moi a present, jusqu'au mois de mai. Je suis mieux tous les jours, plus a l'aise. Les rencontres que je fais sont intenses, inoubliables. J'ai d'autres photos de notre aventure d'hier, j'attendrai a ce soir pour regrouper tout ca. Hahahaha... Mon coco... ca donne presque envie de revenir tout de suite! ;) Effectivement, quelle torture... Essaie de te dire que j'aurai bien besoin de chocolat Andre quand je reviendrai...! Je t'aime, Papa, vous m'accompagnez continuellement dans mes pensees. Ta grande fille, xxxxxxxx
9th April 2008

Oh EM !
Emilie !!!! Im so sorry to say, that I did sit here and chuckle to my self while I read this entry ! I dont know if its cause I could perfectly picture you say " really " in certain places, or what ! I cant imagine going over there and going thru all of that ! I dont know where there was less stress for you ... DV or Bangkok ! haha ! Play safe now dear ! Miss you Love you !
9th April 2008

c'est bon...
que c'est bon de te lire... même trop vite. je vais prendre mon temps et te relire... je t'embrasse fort fort fort et t'envoie tout plein d'Amour. luv ya. sofia
10th April 2008

Glad you are well
It is in English! Glad to hear that the day went a little better! Hope all goes well....
10th April 2008

still miss ya!!!
Hey Em, I sent an email to the private ones just to do with some mail you recieved so check on it if you can. I hope I got everthing the way you want!!!!! Julie
11th April 2008

Hello from Birgit and the Four-Paws Family
Hi Emily, What can I say, I have been reading your entrys, and looking at your pictures, and finally have figured out how a Blog works...You certainly are living an adventure of a lifetime. People only dream about doing a trip like yours, and do not have the guts to get out of their comfort zone, and just explore the universe......... Thank you for including me in your adventures.... it brings me back to my travelling Bombay I nearly ended up in careful...I am sure you have already seen their code of ethics, which are so different than ours. Enjoy, explore, yet come back to us to share all those details you are experiencing. Big kiss from me and my puppies, as I have been living in the barn for the last 5 weeks. xoxo Birgit
13th April 2008

Glad to hear from you!
Sam! So great to see you here! I'm totally happy if I make you laugh. It's actually a compliment to read that you can HEAR me when you READ my stories. To be honest with you, I think Alberta was a piece of cake... hahaha! More pictures are coming... Cambodia is just amazing! Thanks for being there with me! xxxxx
13th April 2008

Plein d'amour a toi aussi!
Ma sorciere bien-aimee! Je pense a toi, Sofia, tout plein tout plein! S'ils avaient ca des pompiers ici, je crois que je m'en taperais quelques-uns a ta sante... ;) Luv Ya!
13th April 2008

Thank you!
So much for taking care of my sh.t, you are an angel. It's fine the way you wanna do it; if you have problems, let me know. I miss you too, poor Molly, I should have made a doll of myself or something... it's not fair for her, I have your family picture with me! Such a great gift, Jules, cause it helps when I feel lonely! xxxxxxxx
13th April 2008

What a surprise!
Birgit, so nice to get your message! I actually am unserstanding a little more every day... their way of living, the religion... It is an experience I will never forget, and that will change me as a person forever. And I am so grateful to get this chance; I'm grateful I took the chance and left my fears behind. I can't wait to share all my stories when I come back, but you'll have to let me know about you in Bombay... I keep trying to picture it, and starts laughing every time... Big kisses to you AND the puppies, but don't sleep in the barn all the time... I'm sure it's too hard on your back ;) Thank YOU for following me, I appreciate it so much. xx
14th April 2008

Hey Hey
Hey Em, sounds like everything is going great!! i am sooo happy for you, i really wish i was there. your post card arrived from Vancouver today, and it hit me how much i miss ya girl!! you made me tear up... agian!!lol well stay safe keep writing cuz it is awsome to follw your travels so well, can't wait for your next update! We miss ya tons!!! love ya Julie Justin and Molly!!
15th April 2008

Little Sunshine from Sihanoukville
Sweetie, I'm on the beach, thinking of you. So nice here, but, shitty deal, internet sooooo slow I can't downlaod pictures....... I can't wait for my next update either; Cambodia is...... don't know how to describe it. I love it! Travelling by myself again, met some good people. Don't know where I'm going next, and when... One day at the time! Happy you got the card... but it's so long, though... I'm thinking my cards from Cambodia might get to you next year, if they ever get to you... ;) That's what they told me at the post office! I miss you too, you know. I feel like I have wings, but my mind is often somewhere else... Strange feeling! I love you, big kisses. Hopefully some new pictures very soon, Em xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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