31st March - Pattaya to Bangkok

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April 1st 2008
Published: April 3rd 2008
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Went to see Wut's baby. There was a large celebration in progress. As they are muslim there was no alcohol, but lots of watermelon, other fruit, water and juices. The celebration starts first thing in the morning, and continues all day. When we arrived there were no adult men present, but lots of women sitting around talking and watching the baby.
Sounds like an Aussie BBQ doesn't it!!

Christine and I decide to have a pedicure before she went to the airport. I enjoyed mine, but Christine winced the way through hers.

After she left I decided to revisit Pantip Plaza, the mega electronics store. Went by TukTuk, but you guessed it, the driver wanted me to visit one of his bloody sponsors!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought what the hell, it knocked 30 baht off the trip, and would only take 10 minutes. I obviously have not learned my lesson.

I bought a very small thing, but as I left the shop with my bag, the driver begged a family emergency and said I would have to get another Tuk Tuk. He had got his voucher which is obviously worth a fair bit so I was dumped. I argued that he had promised, and therefore should finish the journey. He talked another driver into completing ther journey for him, and then the cost of travel argument had to start all over again. Those coupons are very important obviously, as in the end the original driver paid 50 baht from his own pocket to the new driver, and the trip only cost me 10 baht.

A hint - NEVER GO TO THEIR SPONSORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will follow up with photos as I am having trouble with my card reader.


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