1st April - Bangkok to Singapore

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Asia » Singapore
April 1st 2008
Published: April 3rd 2008
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I left Thailand with yet another dodgy driver. I had negotiated with him to pay 300baht and the highway tolls to get to the airport. They do not like to use their meters believe me. He also tried to get me to go to a sponsor on the way. GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The taxi driver appeared to be enamoured with me (or at least my money) and told me I was very beautiful, and perhaps we could go to Phuket together next time I was in Thailand.

He was obviously angling for a larger fare, and he certainly wasn't going to get one. He hugged me like a long lost relative when he dropped me at the airport. Somehow I still came away paying 50baht more than the agreed price, as he had not given me my change from my 500baht I had to give him at the toll. Some of the change had miraculously disappeared from the console where he had put it. I figured it was too much trouble to argue, and hot footed it out of there with what change I could get.

My first glimpses of Singapore made me sigh with relief. It's clean, lots of vegetation, and very orderly.

I dumped my gear at the hotel and made my way to Orchard Road. Found out later that this was the most expensive place in Singapore, but you have to start somewhere!!!

Actually I think the Copthorne Hotel I am staying at is the most expensive place to get anything.
I asked about wireless and was told it would cost me $11.70 per hour. That's with my own computer! Breakfast cost $33 in the dining room, and yet only $16.50 for room service. Go figure!
Discovered that you can get internet access in the cafes in the city centre for $4.50 and hour, or free wireless at McDonalds or Starbucks. Coffee it was then!!


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