Day 2 & 3

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October 21st 2007
Published: October 21st 2007
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Ok so we woke up, not really deciding to do much as we had had such a mad one the night before, all deciding we would have a quiet night, maybe watch a film in a bar and just generally chillax.

We went to the MBA mall by Tuk Tuk, which took AGES, and the fumes around Bangkok made us decided that we would leave tomorrow for Ko Tao, which is HUGE, about 8 floors altogether, but theres so much to look at we ended up just walking round looking at everything completly gobsmacked. When we got up to the very top floor, we found so many awsome things, cinema, bowling alley, oh, and KFC, Mc Donalds, and Pizza Hut!! YES!! Me and steve both wanted a pizza hut, but rob wanted a McDonalds, so he went and got a take out, and then yes, ate it in Pizza Hut with us.... rather embaressing... but meh!!

So after lunch, we thought we'd go bowling, but i was only wearing sandles, so we thought we would go get some socks from some floor....

Found a lovely pair, some women wanted 100bar for them tho? Which i was willing to pay, even tho it was well well well to much, but we couldnt be assed to look for socks any more.. so anyway i ended up coming away with 2 pairs of socks for 50bar???? Dont quite know how that worked but meh....

Meanwhile Steve was tryign to buy some tshirts, he picked 2 very nice ones, but when the women put them in the bag, she put one different one in, but the money we were paying, it wasnt worth the hassle, and he accepted it....

So back we went to bowling... its full, so there was absoloutly no point in buying a pair, let alone 2 pairs of socks!! ha!!

So we left the mall, got this craziest Tuk Tuk driver, which was funny as fuck, we must of hit about 50mph in it!! MADNESSS!! lol!!

So when we got home, we went and sat at the local hostel bar, had a quiet drink, and then decided to go to Khao San Road, probably nt the most idle place for a quiet night buy hay... a drinks a drink... and as youd probably imagine, our quiet night chillaxin didnt really go to plan.

Dont really remember alot of what happened, although we did end up in McDonalds 4 30am, and some guy spilling super size coke all down rob, which as you can imagine, we were not best pleased...and all this geezer says is,


Unbeleavable!!! So after a little scuffle, we settled down with our burgers and fries, and then Steve started to complain that the ketchup tasted sweet, (he also says the bottled water tastes sweet) which made me and rob piss ourselves of how worked up he got!! So he stormed off and me and rob finished our meals.

Steve didnt turn back up, so we assuemd he went home so off we went. Got back to the hostel, Steve no where to be found... 30 mins later he turns up... aparently he knew a shortcut.... ??? Never mind! He also said hes gonig to be swimming 30 mins a day to keep up his fitness, we shall see!!!

So we eventually went to sleep around 6am... some early night ay....


Now day 3 started way to early for my liking, but check out was at 12, and we still had to resort out our bags, so 11am start it was... kinda thinking tho i may of packed to much, but we'll see...

Luckily we hadnt got anything planned for today, and we just sat aroudn the hostel reading books and playing cards.

We also found a Subway, which i was very impressed with the hygene there!! Not at all what youd expect to find in Bangkok!! And right by that we found an amazin CD shop, sells everything!! i mean everything!! and Steves bought a couple fo DVDs, blatent knock offs but well good quality!!

Also had a Thai Vegatable Fried Rice, which was awsome!!!

So our coach trip was at 8pm, and was 12 hours long, so decided to go to chemist to find some sleeping tablets, turns out Valium is 100%!l(MISSING)egal here, so they gave me a 2 capsules of that, and told me to take them on the coach.. which i did, and it was the best nights sleep EVER, and i highly recommned them for long journeys and if you have trouble sleeping!!

So after our coach trip, we arravid at Chumporn THungmah Hamnor Pier, where we will be getting the boat from to go to Ko Tao by boat!

So thats how everything has started so far, ill upload pics when i can, and figure out how to for that matter!! But today is actually day 4, but ill tell you guys all about that anohter day, but just so you dont feel to bad, its pissing it donw!! REALLLY badly, which is why i have the time to be typing all this!!

Take care guys, speak soon!!


21st October 2007

lucky bastards!
hey guys! sounds like u r having a real experience! Chris, im assuming that chris is the one who is doing the writting??? well good job! sounds like classic Drunken Steve behaviour! ha! Oh Rob im watchin the F1 right now! thinlin of u, guess u will b watchin it somewhere?? be safe x x x x x

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