Leaving Bangkok

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September 13th 2005
Published: September 17th 2005
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Tattoo ParlourTattoo ParlourTattoo Parlour

I wonder how sanitary it is to get a tattoo from a thai hippy in a volkswagon van?
I am now with my two friends, Carl and Jay from Vancouver. We have spent the past 4 nights on Koh Sahn road, which is the backpacker hub for Thailand. The street is covered in booths with CHEAP items for sale, mobile food stands where you have dinner for 75 cents, makeshift bars on the street where you buy buckets of thai whiskey/red bull, and hundreds of pesky Thai's trying to sell you tuk tuk rides, hookers, fried cockroaches/scorpians, and jewelery.

On saturday we took a ride on a longboat through all the canals in Bangkok. The canals are man-made, with rickety old shacks on either side. It is amazing to see some of the conditions that the locals live in. They are all very friendly though, always waving to us as we travel by. at the end of our boat trip, an old lady paddled over and sold us all Singha beer right out of her canoe!

Bangkok is covered in 7-11's (much like starbucks in vancouver). We tend to buy most of our beer from there, as it is only $1 for a double size bottle of super strong thai beer. Anyone can take beer anywhere they

A view of the main river flowing through Bangkok
go in Bangkok, even into a police station!

Yesterday we wanted to go to a tropical beach before we head up north to do the jungle treks. We heard there was a nice beach south from Bangkok calld Pataya. After a 2 hour bus ride down there, and a 2 hour trek to the beach, we immediatley turned around and went back to Bangkok. It was the most disgusting/sad place we have ever seen.

The first road that we walked down by the beach was full of brothels. All the scantily clad thai girls ran out of the buildings desperatley screaming for us to come in. We then noticed that all of the tourists in Pataya were older, fat, perverted white men either by themselves, or with a beautiful young Thai girl. We decided to go back home, but still tried to make the best of it. On our 3 hour trek back to the bus station, we took pictures of every pervert we saw - it was a blast. They all have the same look: balding hair, ugly moustaches, tattoos on both forearms, big bellys, jeans, gold chains, and a gangly un-coordinated walk. It will make a
On the longtail boatOn the longtail boatOn the longtail boat

This is the boat that we used to get around the local canals
great photo album!

We later found out that Pataya is solely a place for pervets to congregate and live their life long dream - not for us.

When we arrived back in Bangkok, we jumped in a tuk tuk to get back to Koh Sahn roade. The ride was absolutley nuts. Tuk Tuk's are basically a 3 wheeled motorcycle with a small carridge on the back. We had to go through downtown Bangkok in rush hour, driving up to 90 km/hr at times. The smog was horrible as we didnt have an ecnlosed space to sit in. We used socks to cover our noses, and at the end of the ride the socks were brown (look at the pic below)and our eyes were stinging. It took us 1.5 hrs to get through the traffic jam.

We have all gone for massages in the past few days. They only cost $3 for a half hour Thai massage with tiger balm! We all lay down in the same room and can chat while we are massaged...we are living like kings!

We can no longer handle Bangkok - it is so chaotic!Tonight we are taking a 12 hour night

The housing alongside the river
bus up to Chaing Mai in northern Thailand. We will be starting off by going on a 3 day jungle trek with elephants and rafts. I will keep you all posted!

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16



Local kids showing off to us by doing back flips

a Buddah being built alongside the river

A typical temple in Bangkok
Tuk TukTuk Tuk
Tuk Tuk

Our view from inside a Tuk Tuk

Carl eating squid on a stick. It cost about 20 cents.

Carl and myself trekking through a small town.
Pervert # 1Pervert # 1
Pervert # 1

This is all you see in Pataya
Pervert # 2Pervert # 2
Pervert # 2

Im sure she really loves him for his belly- not his money.
The 3 of us meet upThe 3 of us meet up
The 3 of us meet up

These are my 2 friends that I will be spending the next couple months with.

I'm being harassed by 6 "frog ladies" who are making frog noises at me trying to sell stuff.
On the Tuk TukOn the Tuk Tuk
On the Tuk Tuk

Covering my mouth from downtown Bangkok smog during rush hour.
I would have prefered a gas mask...I would have prefered a gas mask...
I would have prefered a gas mask...

but this smog covered sock did the trick.

19th September 2005

19th September 2005

Love the pervert photos...hahaa

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