Change of Scenery

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August 23rd 2005
Published: September 29th 2005
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Lumphini ParkLumphini ParkLumphini Park

Green grass in the middle of Bangkok!
I have had enough. I couldn't take it any longer..the noise, the heat, and the stink of Khao San. Of the 3 nights I stayed there I only slept a handful of winks. People were constantly banging around, slamming doors, cursing loudly in the concrete hallways at 4 am. I was tired of the whole environment. My room was stuffy with bad lighting and I was getting fed up with the way people seemed to consciously ignore one another in the lounges and bathrooms.
So, I woke up early, re-packed my bag and walked about half a mile out of the whole area. Things weren't looking too promising on the road I was on until I got to a faded old sign saying 'Villa Guesthouse' leading to a long alleyway. I walked up to the door and rang the bell. Sweat was pouring from every inch of my body and my pack was heavy. Someone was shuffling to the door and it was taking ages. When he finally opened it I inquired about a room and was led through a cute little garden up to an old teak wood house. Just what I was looking for! The whole house is straight
Turtles on a logTurtles on a logTurtles on a log

Lumphini Park
out of an old movie. Everything in all the rooms is antique, including the fans. There is a kitchen for guests to use and a small library in the foyer. I have been sleeping on a real wooden framed bed and have a small witting table so I can catch up on correspondence. I'm in heaven!
I have been here three nights now and have booked a fourth. And I have been sleeping like a log every night. I can hardly believe I am just blocks away from one of the busiest streets in Bangkok.
I met a wonderful British girl, Emma in the lounge the other day. She was an English teacher in China and we spent many hours comparing and contrasting our jobs and the countries. We are plannng a day out shopping together before I have to leave.
While finishing up the paper work in conjunction with my Cambodian Visa and the Japanese documents for the title change of my car I have had the opportunity to see a very unique side of the city. What tourist, for example, has seen the inside of a notary public office in Bangkok?
Walking between offices, subway stops and internet
Last Night Out!Last Night Out!Last Night Out!

Me and Emma
cafes I made a delightful discovery. There is a beautiful patch of green in the middle of Bangkok called Lumphini Park. It's a perfect place for a little snooze on some green grass (something I haven't partaken in in years), people watching on a bench or monitor lizard sightings! Yes! The little waterways and ponds in Lumphini house some massive, crocodile sized lizards. I also witnessed a pretty disturbing bicycle crash involving a small child which I would like to erase completely from my mind. Lesson learned: always watch where you are going while riding a bike, especially if you have a child on the back...and above all WEAR A HELMET!!


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