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March 30th 2007
Published: August 9th 2007
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One, two, three.. lift!!One, two, three.. lift!!One, two, three.. lift!!

helping out at the grand palace
Bangkok is just as we imagined it would be...crazy!! We have only had one day here, but I think we spent it well. I managed to get Max up at a fairly reasonable hour so we could get to the Grand Palace early before it got too hot and busy. This plan was nearly scuppered when one of the Skytrain lines was suspended. Just like home! However we waited patiently and eventually one came along. We then boarded a tourist ferry that took us to the river stopping at all the piers along the way, until we arrived at No.9. A few minutes later we arrived at the Grand Palace, but had to go through the rigmarole of covering up our legs, changing our shoes and covering our arms. Unfortunately this meant I had to wear my cardigan in what must have been 40 degree heat, but it was worth it. The Palace was beautiful, all glittering and gold, more than I imagined it was going to be. Despite the sweat dripping off us, we walked around not being sure where to look next, it was all so stunning. Max reckons that they would make a killing if they sold hats
Staying hydrated...Staying hydrated...Staying hydrated...

its only forty degrees!
with fans in to cool you off!

We then jumped on another boat and went one pier down to Wat Po, which is the temple of the Reclining Bhudda. After the Grand Palace I wasn't expecting much but it was amazing. It must have been 100m long and all gold.

Sooner or later we will add our photo's on, we haven't got around to it just yet!

Hope you are well. We are off to Beijing tomorrow and the lovely cool air. Thailand has been wonderful. We only hope China is as good.

Love Clare (and Max)


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Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


"ninety nine, one hundred!""ninety nine, one hundred!"
"ninety nine, one hundred!"

"coming ready or not!" hide and seek at the grand palace.
Reclining BuddhaReclining Buddha
Reclining Buddha

just along the river at wat po
Monks on the River BoatMonks on the River Boat
Monks on the River Boat

they were standing under a sign saying 'space for monks'..we kid you not!

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