Culture Shock

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November 5th 2006
Published: November 5th 2006
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Hey everyone we made it here at last. The place is crazy. First of all the flight went grand. 11 hours was very long but there was loads of films and that so we were fine. Got no sleep so we are still a bit jet lagged. We are sleeping during the day and out all night ha ha (maybe its not jetlag !!!!) Were staying near the Khao San Road and the place is mental. Everywhere you look there are street vendors selling food and god only knows what else. All the Thai people seem to do is eat.

We would love to tell ya all about the temples we've visited and everything else we have done ............... but we did nothing so we cant. Really though we were meant to go to the Grande Palace Temple today but we slept through so we will try and get it done in the morning.

Danny is delighted cos they are showing most the premiership matches. Its kinda weird watching them at 12.00 at night though over the time difference !!

Looking forward to tomorro because we are heading to Phuket to relax for a few days. This place is way too chaotic, there are people everywhere, the traffic never stops and the weird smells are unreal.

Will blog again as soon as we actually do something and we will upload some photos too.

P.S. Tiger Beer rocks !!!!!!


6th November 2006

so happy for you! :-P
well tiz great to hear from ye.... im so glad that ye're getting all the sightseeing done lol - trust ye to stay out all nyt and in bed during the day ha,ha! ah sure ye've plenty of time for sight-seeing I suppose. miss ye loads already and ye're not even gone a week :( anyway tlk t'ya again soon. p.s its freezing over here - 3degrees in the car on the way to work....and the fog was thicker than anything ive ever seen b4 - hope ye're jealous lol xx
9th November 2006

Culture Shock
Yold you it was mad..........enjoy Phuket. Danny, mind the ladyboys!

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