Singapore Sling and Stereo

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Asia » Singapore
April 26th 2008
Published: April 26th 2008
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Hi Everyone!
Ok, so I ended up getting the bloomin' bus again! But it was only a fiver :o) And now I'm in Singapore! It's beautiful. Very clean, very westernised (no more squat toilets and peeing on my feet). I know you'll all boo and hiss (except for a select few - hi guys) but I've just picked up my Stereophonics ticket for Monday night - YES! I'm here with a girl I met in Kuala Lumpur so that's cool, although she leaves Monday. In KL we went up the KL tower which had fantastic views! Huge city and lots of green hills. At the bottom of the tower you can do a mini jungle trek. There were monkeys everywhere! A big Oz guy fended them off with a stick for us. Phew!
I shall keep you updated on the last few days of my Asian adventure.
Hope you're all well in England and the weather is starting to brighten. Keep your lovely news and messages coming. I love it!
Love Bex

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