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Asia » Singapore
December 5th 2006
Published: December 5th 2006
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Well eventually we got to singapore... It took us over 7 hours... We're in a room with people who left an hour later than us and arrived an hour sooner... but, we're here and all is good. Also had some little kids in front of me who wanted to put the seat back... They weren't my height... of close so, i wasn't having that.. so slouched... and put me knees agains the seat (this bus had leg room by the way... only 26 seats on the bus!! Turns out that either the kids were stupid or the seat was busted.. i'm not sure which.. its hard to tell with kids sometimes.. But they kept trying.. even got her mate to help... And it bashed in to my knee and i pushed it back up he came and had a look and i pointed to my knee.. which was up against the seat.. Think i won that one... Stupid kids. Any who We got here... went to sleep so, hey not too bad. We just went round the main shopping street today.. I was looking for my PSP and the new brand new album but, turns out Cd shops aren't anywhere near as popular as camera shops... Found PSP tho... and its cheap... some guy offered About 80 quid... the sony place had it for 100 which to be fair did look like a better option... but, they don't seem to have football manager for it here... tho to be fair i'm still waiting to find many shope like that either... they have 2 HMV's and thats it... so, i appear to be having to wait til sydney until i listen to brand news new album. But oh well.

Yer so, Trying to find these things meant we got to wonder for ages... think i out lasted Jen... I was on a hunt.,.. could have gone on for hours... to be fair i had to cos you've never seen so many shops... KL had a lot but, this is crazy... i mean.. And only 2HMV's how do these guys survive.. sorry... But really where a virgin megastore when you need one... Sorry about singapore. Its got heaps of shops... It just seems like a nice place The MRT is great... Its a lot like the tube.. but its not very old So not like the tube.. its all shiney... and.. its wider than the tube so, you can cram more people in.. or as is actually the case.. you have more room when your in there.

Im realising that i'm turning in to Nath... With reading biographies (tho not of dead people) but i wanna go to fort singapore... I don't think its that sad cos it was way important in WW2 ... well in the event of it actually it wasn't but... you get the idea... But i figure if your travelling somewhere you go and see the inportant stuff but, Jen just thinks i'm sad. I recon its just she doesn't appreciate history (proper history that is not naths books and essays and all that junk). yer thats it.. She's thick.. Man she'll have a go at me for this when she reads it... but hey what you gonna do. It'll learn her for thinking i'm sad... Rich 1 Jen 0!! Muhaha

Yer so, we're not sure what we're doing tomorrow... We've realised our flight out leaves the day after it first did so, our accom and airport transfer in bali wont happen so, hopefully STa will sort it out.. If not i'm not sure whats gonna happen.. Sure it'll be fine tho.. there are plenty of other places on bali.. tho we did pay for 1 night here.

Yer so singapore is nice.. The nicest place we've been so far i'd say.. hostel is ok tho doesn't seem anyone around who knows where they are. Maybe they don't exist.. we'll find out.




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