Our Last Day in Singapore

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October 10th 2006
Published: October 10th 2006
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Me at Raffles!Me at Raffles!Me at Raffles!

They wouldn't let me go in! (rif raf aren't allowed!)
We had a nce easy morning on our last day- all the sight seeing is pretty tiring! Went to Raffles hotel to have the famous Singapore Sling cocktail which was very nice- very cherryish! We also snacked on the tubs of monkey nuts that were on the tables! After that we got a taxi to the Harbour Front. We caught a cable car over to Sentosa Island. I was absolutely petrified- I hate cable cars! Hanging in the air on a wire does not seem safe to me!! (Kate took it all in her stride- very brave girl!)

When we got there we caught the bus to the Underwater world. We saw all sorts of tropical fish and coral. We loved the angel fish- they're absolutely tiny and have wings like angels which they flap to get around- so cute! We also loved the jellyfish, crabs, sharks and sting rays. After that we walked down to Siloso beach. It was really pretty with pale gold sand, palm trees and clear water- beautiful.

We decided to go back to the mainland for dinner and (very naughtily) ended up going back to the same American style diner we went to on
Only joking- me in Raffles!Only joking- me in Raffles!Only joking- me in Raffles!

Me and my singapore sling- yum!
our second night- NYDC. It made us feel at home and the food was great. We had a little look round the shops afterwards- they were open really late. Then got the free shuttle bus back to the hotel. There we got packed up ready to leave early for the airport in the morning. Singapore was amazing and we have some great memories now already.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Me petrified on the cable car...Me petrified on the cable car...
Me petrified on the cable car...

...of course completely unaware Kate was capturing the moment!
A picture for Laura...A picture for Laura...
A picture for Laura...

here's the smiley face I promised you!!

10th October 2006

Hi Bec! I think i just added a blank comment by mistake! oops! Glad u had a great time in singapore and i am very proud of you for eating squid and getting in a cable car! Hope your journey to Sydney was ok and looking forward to your next update and pics. Lots of Love, keep on having a fantastic time! xxx Laura xxx
10th October 2006

Hi Beccy, it's great hearing what you have been up to. You seem to have done loads already and you've just left us. The photos are really good, keep them coming. Love Nicki x
10th October 2006

Cable car
Beccy, I can't believe you went on the cable car! I did warn you about it. Love being able to read what you are both up to it means I can live vicariously (had to look that word up in the dictionary!) through you. Hope Australia is just as good.
11th October 2006

Hay- I'm proud of you that you managed to do the roughing it travelling thing. I laughed when I read that you moved rooms because of a cockroach - you'd never have survived where I've been!!! Good to see you hair straighteners have been put aside in favour of plaits!! Will I get to see you in Aus? It'll be really good if I can but don't worry if the flight is too expencive. xx Tamsin
11th October 2006

Roughing it!
Hey! Good to hear from you, I hope your travels are still going well. I have got my hair straighteners- it was just too hot to use them in Singapore! I am definitely still up for coming to Sydney New Year- maybe Christmas too- I've heard Xmas on Bondi Beach is fantastic. It's good you let me know before I really get into my travelling- I'll check out flight costs and if they're not too much put money aside. Take care x x x
11th October 2006

I was soooo scared Lins! I'm so proud that I managed it though. Nearly your birthday, hope you're looking forward to it. Couldn't get what I wanted in Singapore but I will find you something here instead. Lots of love x x x
11th October 2006

Yeah we're having an amazing time, think we're going to print up some of the pics today- there are so many nice ones- it's always hard to choose which ones to put on. Anyway, love to you both x x x
11th October 2006

Hey Loop, yeah we got to Sydney fine and are going to do our first day of sight seeing today which I'll write up about tonight. We're 9 hours ahead of you now which just seems crazy. Missing you lots, love u x x x
16th October 2006

Staying safe!
Hi Liz and Paul, it's ok; I'm following everyones advice and being very careful and applying lots of sun cream. Building up a nice slow tan rather than going for a lobster style burn! Look forward to hearing from you soon, love Beccy
20th October 2006

HI Beccy
Hi there You sound like you are having a really exciting time. Happy for you. You must be really getting into the experience now and got over the jet lag. Here we are in Autumnal England. We will soon be tucking into stew and dumplings and you will be eating all that exciting, aussie food. I am going to see your mum next week for a drink so looking forward to seeing her. Lots of love to you and keep enjoying your wonderful experience. Jan
21st October 2006

Awh- caserole and dumplings!!
You've made me miss my winter grub!! Especially mum's cooking! Food on the tour is good though. Eating lots of salad and some fruit too!! Having a wonderful time- great to hear from you. Hope you and mum have a good catch up next week, take care x x x

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