Bitter Sweet

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September 1st 2013
Published: September 2nd 2013
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Just shy of two years ago I packed my bags and headed out on the most wonderful adventure......and right now I’m heading back to the country and people that stole my heart !! A very short trip this time though...but no less anticipated.

I always knew that my 2011 trip would be a life-changing experience and I can say without reservation that it certainly was. I experienced so much during that trip and learnt a lot about myself, as well as feeling a great sense of achievement with the knowledge that I had in fact made a positive impact on the lives a quite a few people....not everyone gets that opportunity in their lifetime. Now my life is segregated into “pre-Cambodia”; “when I was in Cambodia” and “since I got back from Cambodia”....there’s not a day goes by that I don’t think of the country and wonderful people that I encountered during my 3 months there....and I guess the neck injury is also an interesting souvenir that is with me every moment of every day, but let’s not dwell on that.

I’ve titled my blog Bitter Sweet because quite simply, that’s what this trip will be...actually it will be Sweet with a hint of bitterness – a bit like durian!!! To explain – I made many, many wonderful friends on my last trip, both through volunteering, people I met along the way, and some locals and expats. Since leaving I’ve kept in touch with many people and my life is richer for knowing these people. As with anything, some people come along that really get under your skin and there’s is a closeness that just “is” can know them 1 day and feel like you will always be friends. That’s how it was with Luc, one of the other volunteers. I liked him the day I met him. He was quiet but there was a depth of character that you don’t see every day – he had such a kind, kind heart. He made people’s lives richer by being around......sadly he didn’t realise it and I found out recently that he chose to end his life. The world is a poorer place for not having him around, but gosh, I’m SO blessed to have known him. Then there was Tim, an expat, and a friend of a friend....again, someone that enriched the world with the work he did in Asia, and we had many great dinners and social times when I was there, but tragically he passed away after a fall, and again, the world has lost a great man. I will miss you both, especially when I’m in PP, but will celebrate the good times, and try not to dwell on the sadness – I’m so lucky that I had the privilege of meeting you both and spending time with you, for that I am grateful, xx

Now to the “sweet”.......and where do I begin??

I am so excited that very soon I will be back at school and spending time with “my” students... They will have grown so much, some will have moved on, some will be new students, but it will be wonderful to spend time around these amazingly happy, fun, intelligent and loving kids... I have missed them SOOOO much and can’t wait to see what’s been happening with them. Then there are the teachers, Lida, Lalin, and Kahna – they are great girls and I’m really looking forward to seeing “my sisters”. Then there are the Projects Abroad staff – Seang, Sophan, Chammy and everyone else in the office and apartments – it will be wonderful to see them and spend time with them. Just thinking about them has turned my tears from the above paragraph, to a big smile on my face (am sure the people sitting near me at Changi Airport think I’m nuts)..

I have to tell you about the kindness that I encountered this morning... I was checking out of my hotel in Singapore and the young guy was asking me where I was heading to and I told him about my volunteering 2 years ago and that I was heading back to see my students and friends. He commented about how they obviously held my heart ... I also joked about the fact that I will make history by returning after a trip with a much lighter suitcase than when I left (my bag is full of stuff for the kids and gifts for friends)... I then asked if I could have a hotel pen as I didn’t have a black ink one for filling out travel docs (got a bit of telling off at Bris airport for using purple ink)... He came back with an envelope full of pens for my students – awwww, how kind... Typical me, I got a bit teary at the kindness, and then he excused himself and came back with a gift voucher for a free overnight stay at one of their hotels, because he respected the kindness of my heart.... Now, that really made me cry amazingly kind !!! What a great way to start this trip...

Right, I’m off to board the plane......Cambodia here I come.


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