Blogs from Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia, Asia - page 15


Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur May 28th 2015

When I told people I was going to Kuala Lumpur, there was one place where they say that the ultimate hostel was and that was Reggae Mansions and thats where I went even though they had an age limit of 50 years old due to it being a ‘party hostel’. Well after the lack of alcohol, thats what I needed and I got. The hostel itself was massive and just round the corner from where the long distance bus journey dropped me off. Again I tried to work out in my head how long I was going to stay as the journey around the world was slowing down and I knew that I had so many places still to go. I had shared the bus journey with 4 British girls and they were staying in the ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur May 4th 2015

Although we are still living a pretty lavish life style with a roof top swimming pool, rain head shower 28 story's up and a TV, we feel as though we spent the day becoming pretty cultured. Started the day fresh with a family session of skipping and TRX (which the pro made look easy) got our sweat on which never ceased the entire day. Our first activity was to catch a train (careful not to put josh on the ladies only carriage) to the Batu Caves were we learnt our first lesson 'to research what your going to look at' we have since read up to find that it is place of prayer and sacrifice for the Indian and Hindu religion of Malaysia. 272 stairs and a pretty sweet looking sarong later we found our selfs ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur April 9th 2015

Thank goodness I hadn't booked myself onto an early bus to Kuala Lumpur, as I was still shaky and not well when I boarded at 10.00am the next morning. Sitting in the bus terminal under Komtar, breathing in fumes and the lingering smell of cooked food from the eateries, certainly didn't help. The coach had big, reclining, armchair style seats, three per row, and I fell into mine with a sigh of relief. I took off my shoes, pulled my small pillow from my backpack and dozed the next seven hours away. The bus pulled into Puduraya Terminal in central KL around 5.00pm, and I was greeted by a huge clap of thunder and a few spots of rain as I left the terminal, in search of a taxi. I knew my accomodation was within walking ... read more
Batu Cave Monkey
I Love KL
Queen Victoria Fountain

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur March 24th 2015

Leaving the perhentian islands was a somber occasion. We could have easily stayed longer here to snorkel and enjoy the private beach we found on the final day. However after catching our boat across to the Kuala Besuit jetty and walking to the bus station, our moods instantly picked up when we discovered we had booked a night bus that was not only spacious with reclining seats, but it also had wifi!!. Bonus. This was luxury for us and we were overjoyed. Needless to say after uploading a Myanmar blog and finding out we got voted blogger of the week (thanks RENanDREW) we slept very well, all snug and overly stretched. The journey took 8 hours and cost 57ringgit but would have cost 45r if we booked it when we arrived at Kular Besuit jetty and ... read more
Looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders
Masjid Jamek mosque in KL
2 Malay women out shopping

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur March 19th 2015

I had one day in KL to see as much as humanly possible. It was hard to choose what was most important. I knew I'd be back eventually, but playing tourist was key for this trip. And it was so hot I didn't really want to spend any more time outside than necessary. I did a fairly good job. I managed to visit the National Mosque, Merdeka Square ("Freedom Square"), see lots of old buildings, do some shopping, and end with a trip up the KL Tower for sunset. At the tower I met some lovely Moroccan women and a German guy. We all decided to get something to drink before dinner. Then I met up a group of guys from my hostel and all of us went to dinner before finding live street music until ... read more
National Mosque
Near the National Mosque
Old Rail Station

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur March 18th 2015

KUALA LUMPER It has to be said that Kuala Lumper is the most chilled out city we have visited. The place has it all but the relaxed atmosphere is surreal. Make your way from the airport with ease using the smooth and quick rail service then continue the experience of relaxed times in a city that feels like a small town. Check out the China Town and the twin towers for some sites and truly enjoy this Country. It has many cultures wrapped into one nation and you can eat your way around the world with food from all the corners of the globe. Prices are more expensive than Thailand and Laos but the city really took me by surprise and I love it. If you can check out the Wakeboarding in the man made lakes ... read more

15 - 16 mars L'aéroport de Chengdu était muet, silencieux parce que le peu de chinois se dispersaient dans les nombreux terminaux inoccupés. Mais alors que je prend place dans mon banc d'Air Asia, je réalise qu'ils étaient tous là pour le même vol que moi, en direction de la Malaisie. Heureusement, personne ne semble cracher partout dans l'avion. Ça ré-avale pour l'occasion. Mais l'indiscipline règne en classe économique. Une garderie. D'abord parce qu'un mouflet pleure à gros sanglots (il ne s'arrêtera qu'une heure sur les quatre heures de vol au total)... mais surtout parce que les passagers semblent se lever quand bon leur semble dans la cabine, au grand malheur des hôtesses malaises malaisées qui n'arrivent pas à parler un seul mot en chinois (enfin du monde comme moi). Hop! Le monsieur hagard du fond ... read more
Tours Petronas, Kuala Lumpur
Coeur des affaires en Malaisie
Auberge située juste là, à côté du McDo

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur February 27th 2015

So 1st full day in Cameron highlands ( named after William Cameron an English surveyor who worked for the government who stumbled upon this "fine plateau shut in by lofty mountains" during an expedition of the area to make maps in 1885.) I had a walk along the one and only main road and popped into a tour operators to pick up a map of the area - hearing from the nice lady at the hotel to get one as it highlights the main walks which are all numbered. The town is small and has a selection of restaurants - Chinese, indian, Malaysian and western as well as other convenience stores. I headed off in search of walk 10 which ended with a nice view - bit of a job to find the start but seeming ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur February 24th 2015

Before starting this blog about being back in kL I just wanted to mention a few more things about Singapore ( will she ever stop going on about it!!!) The city is exceptionally clean, tidy, modern and well maintained. I did see a few notices regarding the fining such as moving a workman's bollard would set you back 500 dollars - about £250! And sitting, loitering or smoking in certain areas would also cost you about £30! How exactly they would endorse these fines is anyone's guess as I hardly saw any police. Lastly, the city can be a bit ott with health and safety issues such as - no one crosses a clear road until the green man tell them to - and signs telling you to mind a 2 inch high step!! Right, I'm ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur February 24th 2015

So, braving it for the 2nd day running on the rail system I made it to the bus station - with a couple of hiccups on the way but otherwise unscathed! For a couple of days ive been thinking about heading north to the Cameron highlands and so here I was. Booked my seat on a bus leaving at 11.30 so it gave me enough time to get a few snacks together. A nice straight forward journey that became that more interesting when we hit the highlands. Twisting and hairpin bend turning our way up the mountains passing waterfalls and rickety shacks selling anything made out of rattan with whole generations of families gathered round. After a good hour we made it to the top and to Jahan Rata which was going to be my home ... read more

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