From hot to BRRRRR!!!!!!

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Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata
February 4th 2007
Published: February 4th 2007
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the tea factorythe tea factorythe tea factory

haha sorry this is kind of a boring picture, but it's the inside of the tea factory
OK, so it's really not that cold - it's anywhere from 17-20 degrees. But after 40 degrees, it sure feels cold! It was raining when we left Pulau Pangkor, and when we got to the Cameron Highlands around 6pm i actually pulled out my fleece. Brrrrrr! Emily and I travelled here with Klaas (who we met on the island) - we sure feel safe walking around with a guy like him!! He's at least 2 heads taller than me 😊 Anyways, it was another long travel day - Tanah Rata is cute and small so we didn't have any trouble finding a hostel - Twin Pines. The owner here is super nice - he's a doctor with his own clinic, and he just comes around every once in a while and chats with the guests. Emily and I both really find that this area doesn't feel much like the other parts of Asia we've been in. There are a lot of travellers here, but it's less tourist-y. And it's definitely a different feeling weather wise. Last night I was FREEZING. And i didn't even have any more layers to put on! Granted, we won't have that as much of a problem
this is the Cameron Highlands!this is the Cameron Highlands!this is the Cameron Highlands!

when we first arrived, the Cameron Highlands seemed very mysterious and foggy and beautiful. It has these gorgeous, green, huge rolling hills everywhere
in other parts of Asia, but a hot shower was definitely in order!

Today we decided to go on the country tour, which included stops at a tea factory, a honey bee farm, a strawberry farm, rose and cactus garden, and a butterfly/scorpion farm (i stayed out of that one!!). The tea factory was probably the most interesting, as in the other places there wasn't much to see! The strawberry farm basically felt like an ice cream stop, and just a market place to buy things. Things are still really cheap here! One of the fun parts of the day was that were lucky enough to be in the Cameron Highlands as the Tour de Langkowi went through. This was stage 3 of a professional cycling tour through Malaysia. It's a really, really huge event, considering the government spent about 28 million dollars to promote this event! It was definitely very exciting lining up along the streets and watching the racers go by. We waited for about an hour before any cyclists went by - but we had pretty good spots about 45 meters from the finish line. Very exciting!

Tomorrow we'll be going on a jungle trek. I guess our guide will determine how long the hike will be based on our fitness levels (or something) should be interesting! I'm looking forward to getting a little milage on these new hikers!

Love Linds 😊

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the cyclists speeding by!the cyclists speeding by!
the cyclists speeding by!

very challenging to take pictures when they are moving this fast!
Klaas and myself...Klaas and myself...
Klaas and myself...

...cheering away with the big blue hand and thundersticks!

4th February 2007

No scorpion farm?>
Do they grow real scorpions there? or do they breed them? Just let them run rampant? Interesting quandries?! Glad you're having fun, You just missed a nice snow storm, much rather be here then a 40C beach;)
4th February 2007

it looks lik you have found some beautiful country over there, its almost as nice as nova scotia,definitely has alberta beat
5th February 2007

I am really enjoying your trip. You write so well and take great pics. Makes me feel like I'm right there with you. Continue to have fun and keep safe. Love and prayers!

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